*23* Succesful

312 8 0

Sunday, 2:02 pm

"Heeeeeeeeeello, I'm Shubble and welcome to my channel!" I yelled in a high-pitched voice, holding the camera above my head so I was not visible from the camera lens.
Then I popped into view. "Haha, tricked you! You guys totally thought it was Shelby!"
"They're not that dumb, Willy."
I grinned. "And we're joined by the ever so lovely Hbomb94!"
"Yay!" He laughed.
"So guys, you're probably wondering why we're recording a video for Shelby, and why the title and thumbnail imply that there is a surprise coming. That's because there is a surprise, and because of this, Shelby asked us to make a video for her." I told the camera.
"Yeah and in about an hour we're going to show you the surprise!" Liam said sarcastically.
I faked a sigh. "No, H, we're going now."

We walked to the main room of Shelby and Graser's place.


I waved from the couch. "Hey guys, I know this might come as a shock, but this is Zach and I's daughter, Amber."
I gestured towards Emily next to me, who was holding my little girl. "And yes, this is our biological child." I blushed slightly but was saved by Zach, who shuffled closer and wrapped his arms around me.
"Should we cut that part out?" He asked.
I shook my head. "No, I think the subscribers have the right to know the truth."
Emily smiled. "She's so gorgeous too, looks exactly like you both. I think they would realise anyway."
"Good point." Zach smirked. "Anyway, Miss Shelbster's rocky upload schedule had been explained and now she can go back to being successful. Yay!"
"So, thank you for watching this video, don't forget to shubscribe, and I'll see you guys later. BYEEEE!"

Once Will had turned off the recording, Zach stood up.
"So, who wants dinner?" He sang.
"What, are you going to cook?" said Will in mock surprise.
"Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of a couple of takeaway pizzas."
H smiled. "Ooh, brilliant. I am so feeling pizza right now."
Zach frowned at him. "What else do you suggest?"
"I was being serious!"
"Okay, I'll order them," I told them, but Zach stopped me from getting up.
"No, Will can. You need rest."
Will rolled his eyes, and went to grab his phone.

I felt Zach's arms around me and I kissed him.
"I love you, Shelbs."
"I love you too, incredibly annoying robot."
"Thanks," he murmured.
I looked at our sleeping baby, nestled in a bed of blankets on the sofa. I looked at him, and I realised how enormously lucky I was to have someone like him. Those horrible men were all in the past; Parker; the original horror of my pregnancy, but honestly, after all this time there was only one thing that mattered.
We are together.

Together - Grubble (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now