*10* Mistakes

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Tuesday, 3:27 am
I stepped into the field, wind rushing through my hair. The sun glittered on the grass, and the sky was so blue, the color you picked out of the crayon box to draw it when you were a kid.
I was barefoot, stepping carefully over the wildflowers in the damp ground. It was beautiful there, but one thing was ruining the image.
A single grey cloud was hovering over the centre of the meadow. I walked towards it, determined to somehow get rid of it.
The exact moment I reached the shadow under the cloud, the wind started blowing, and the sun disappeared. Rain started pouring, ruining my perfect world.
I curled up and shut my eyes, freezing cold and dripping wet. What had happened? Why had the sun gone away?
I wanted just to give up, let all of my hope drain away. The rain had come, stolen my sun, and I really didn't want to open my eyes again and see the destruction it had brought.
Just then, a strange light appeared, making me open my eyes, and stare in amazement. A rainbow was breaking its way through the grey clouds, casting a single beam of colorful light onto me. It felt more genuine, more sweet than the sun had ever been.
Then, the clouds covered it, and my world was cast in darkness again.

*          *         *

I woke up in a cold sweat.
Darkness filled my room. Shivering, I got out of my bed, and peeked through the curtains. It was early, still dark, for August. (Ik, big time skip, huh? It's August 2018 btw.) I switched on my phone, and looked at the time.
3:30 am? Ugh, why. Like, what the hell? I have a really weird dream, then wake up at half three in the morning.
Sighing, I went to get a shower. It calmed me down, and helped me put the memory of my dream to the back of my head.
I got dressed and watched some YouTube. About 2 hours later, I remembered my sweaty bedsheets. I went to do laundry, and grabbed some Pop Tarts and put them in the toaster.
For some reason, I wasn't tired. By seven, I was feeling much better, and ready for the day. I wondered if I could go to Parker's. He did say I'm welcome anytime, and I have one of his house keys, so yeah.
I texted him:
-hey, I'm coming over
Quickly checking Instagram, I saw that he was active five minutes ago.

I got the bus over to his place, and knocked at the door. No answer.
His car was there, so I assumed he was in. I waited a couple of minutes, and knocked again. Still no answer.
Letting myself in, I called, "Parker?"
What? He wasn't in? That can't be. I knew he was awake, he was active on Instagram!
Cautiously, I crept up to his room. The door was shut. I opened it a crack, and peeked through.
What I saw nearly made me scream.
He was standing there, kissing nobody other than, Sharon. And they were in their underwear.

"WHAT THE F***?" I screamed.
"Shelby!" Parker yelled, shocked. "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? What is she doing here? I'm your girlfriend aren't I?"
Sharon was bright red. "Um, Shelby, I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? You've just had sex with my boyfriend, you're standing here kissing him, and you're sorry?" I laughed sarcastically, anger filling my chest.
Parker tried to reassure me. "Shelby, you don't understand-"
"No, what I don't understand is how you think it's okay to f*** your girlfriend's best friend and not have the honesty to admit it."
"Excuse me, how is that your business?" Sharon asked indignantly.
"IT'S MY BUSINESS BECAUSE HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" I took a deep breath. "Or was my boyfriend. I'm not having anything to do with you now."
"Shelby wait-" Parker pleaded, but I was already gone, unable to hold back the huge flow of tears that filled my eyes.
I stumbled home. It was a long way, but I didn't notice it.

When I got home, I went on Twitter, and tweeted:
-Guys, Parker and I have broken up. It's for better, and please don't make a big deal of it.

Even though I knew they would.

I cried, cried, cried and cried.
I wouldn't be able to stay in L.A. anymore. I had to get out of town for a bit.
I started packing, numbly thinking about who I should stay with.
I didn't want my parents to see me in this state.
I would have to phone a friend. But who?
The idea came to me in a flash.

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