*17* Daydreamin'

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A/N: I made a mistake in the last chapter. It says 'Saturday, 12:40 am; but it's meant to say Sunday. So just keep in mind that the start of this chapter happens on the same day as last chapter. (12:40 am is forty minutes after midnight).

Sunday, 4:36 pm

I woke up in bed, with my head on Zach's chest, a feeling between my legs that hurt in a weird way, but not painful. It was more like, pleasant. I reached for my phone but after realising it wasn't there, I suddenly remembered what happened last night. The party. The splitting headache. The burning passion and recklessness I felt, and what we did.
Everything came flooding back. But what time was it? I gently moved Zach's arm off me, and crept out of bed.
"Ew." I muttered, seeing the mess we'd made. I went to where my phone was, in my purse, and tried to switch it on.
Glancing over to where he slept peacefully, I grabbed my charger and plugged it into my phone. I had to wait for it to be charged a tiny bit until I could turn it on, so I went to quickly collect up the clothes from the floor. Then I turned my phone on.
Quarter to five? In the afternoon? How the heck did I sleep that long? Even though I went to sleep really late, that's still about thirteen, fourteen hours of sleep. I shook my head, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Good evening, sleepyhead." I said.
"Evening?" He stared at me, like he was trying to process what I said.
"It's almost 6pm. That's evening, right?"
"Wow." He kissed my head. "I guess I should shower too."
I smiled. "See ya."

We had to leave the hotel at half six, and that was a pretty good time to start getting back to L.A. too.
We were about halfway through the journey, talking about random stuff, when Zach asked me something.
"Hey, Shelbs?"
"Yeah?" I said absently.
"Do you know why Parker cheated on you?"
I stared at him. We had silently agreed not to talk about him, and Sharon. It wasn't easy, seeing them around the city almost everyday, and Sharon's café being a constant reminder of the pain. But I'm completely over him. He wasn't genuine. I don't even think he actually ever liked me.
"Um, no. Can we put the radio on?"
He went pink, and punched the button. The song that played was familiar, sung by a girl I vaguely recognised. It reminded me of Zach and me, and happiness.
I shut my eyes and started to daydream.

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