*2* Ouch.

757 19 3

Monday, 7:01 pm
I'm at the airport. I've been through security, just bought some gifts, and had a cheeseburger for my dinner, since it's really late. All I brought with me was a small suitcase and my shoulder bag. My phone was in the inside pocket of my jacket, so I don't lose it. I stood in the line at the Starbucks, because I wanted a mocha before I got on the plane; the coffees on the plane cost about three times as much. The line moved slowly, but finally I got my drink. I was just about to take a sip, when the loudspeaker boomed out:
That was my flight! I grabbed my coffee and my case, and ran to gate 13. I joined the line and waited, drinking my mocha. When it was my turn to show my passport, I chucked my empty cup in the trash. I got on the plane.
Leaving the plane, I checked my phone for the exact location. "Okay, now, I need to get a cab." I muttered to myself, stowing my phone back in the inside pocket. I walked out on to the dark street. There were no cabs anywhere.
"Not gonna find a cab anywhere here, pretty." A voice came out of the darkness behind me. I whipped around. A group of about five men, and a huge dog were standing behind me. I gulped.
"Uh, hi?" I said.
"Hello," the only blonde one smirked.
"Um, sorry, but I gotta be going." I murmured, turning my back on them and running away. Unfortunately, I backed into an alleyway, with a forest behind it.
"No honey," the dark haired, tallest man drawled "pretty girls don't get away from us."
He slapped me across the face.
"G-get off m-me!" I screamed "W-what have I d-done to you?"
The leader of the men smiled. "Now, now girly, if you carry on being this loud someone will wonder what the noise is and come to see. We don't want that do we?"
"I-I'll call the co-" he put his hand over my mouth to quieten me. He then grabbed my suit case and handbag.
"N-no, stop! Please, I-I..." I desperately racked my brain for something to say.
One of the other men sniggered. "You what? When we're done with you, you won't be doing anything for the rest of the year."
I struggled against the leaders strong grip. I broke free, but the dog growled. He slashed me across my arm and I tripped over the kerb. I screamed, and ran into the forest. I could hear the men shouting and laughing behind me. I ran, and ran, despite my hurt feet and blood spewing arm. My cheek also burned from when he slapped me.
After what seemed like forever, I found myself on a highway, with a huge farmhouse-type house on the other side. I was tired, hungry, aching and dizzy from losing so much blood. I collapsed...

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