*11* A New Beginning

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Shelby gets invited to stay with Will, Liam, Andrew, Bee and Graser at a house in Sonoma. However, after getting to North California, she almost gets sexually assaulted by some men, and escapes with some major injuries. She survives.
She returns to L.A., to get asked out by Parker and then she starts dating him. Graser is really upset about this; he started to like Shelby.
However, Parker cheats on Shelby with their friend Sharon. Shelby is distraught and calls Graser to ask if she can stay with him.

Tuesday, 12:55 pm

I was just editing my video, when I got a call. I wondered who it was.
My heart beating fast, I pressed green.

"Za-Graser, thank god." She sounded like she'd been crying.
"Hey Shelbs, what's wrong?"
"Have you seen my Twitter?" She asked me.
"Uhh, nope. Why?" I said, confused.
"Me and-" She started crying again. "P-Parker and I..."
My heart stopped. "You broke up?"
"H-he cheated on m-me!" She sobbed.
I felt a rush of anger. How dare he? Is he heartless or something?
"Oh Shelbs, I'm so sorry..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.
Shelby took a deep breath. "B-but that's not what I wanted to say. I have a favor to ask you, please."
"Well," she said, "please can I stay over at yours in Canada for a while, please?"
Before even thinking, I said, "of course."
"Thank you so much! You honestly don't know how much you're helping me, thank you."
"So when are you flying? I'll pick you up from the airport if you want."
"The earliest possible. I'll book my flight now, and text you the details."

-~=+Time skip to Friday+=~-

I unlocked the door. "Do you want to sleep in the guest room?" I asked.
"Sure, I don't mind. If it's easiest for your mom."
"Yeah." I said. Shelby's flight had been an hour delayed, so it was later than expected, 6:00 pm.
We walked upstairs. "Well, I guess I should let you get settled in." I said awkwardly.
"Thank you so much again." She gave me a hug.

As I walked away, I wondered whether she realised I liked her. Honestly, I don't know if I mind anymore. I was just happy to be with her.
After she unpacked, we went to get dinner. She seemed completely at ease, and I wish I could say that I was too. The truth was that I was constantly on edge, making sure I didn't do anything wrong.
But, I thought I was going to enjoy her being here.
If only I knew.

A/N: Guys, Ik this is a bit of a short chapter, but I've been really busy with exams and revision lately. However, you might get two more chapters this week, and my school ends really early on in July, so hopefully you'll get a lot of chapters this summer. Also, thanks for 700 reads, keep it up! Xx love you guys.

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