*8* Honesty?

433 11 4

Thursday, 10:57 pm
Honestly, I don't know what's got into me.
I can't remember the last time I cried. I can barely even remember the last time I was sad. Especially over a girl.
I decided to leave the house. I didn't want to face anyone, since they probably heard me crying. As I left my room, Marley jumped on to the end table at the top of the stairs.
I stroked her. "Man, I wish I was a cat." I took a deep breath. "Well no I don't, because cats have no, uhhh, something. But they don't have drama, and jealousy, and girls."
I walked across the street. I didn't even notice that it was pouring with rain. "Maybe I need therapy." I muttered to myself. "Or pizza."
But even my favorite four-cheese chicken (idk) didn't cheer me up.

In fact, weeks went by. I recorded videos, and tried to keep up with my happy self, for Harmony Hollow, and for my friends, and for Shelby.
I wondered when they were going to announce it to the fans. I hoped when Harmony Hollow was over, so I wouldn't get comments saying 'oh Graser you have to break up with Shelby now on HH because she's dating Parker'. That would have just set me off.
Summer came, and I got to go to L.A. for VidCon. The jealousy had worn off by now, and I could enjoy myself normally, but my feelings for Shelby hadn't. It was nice being with her IRL though. Even if Parker was there too.
Harmony Hollow ended, and I still recorded with Shelby, H, and everyone.

"Maybe I can get rid of my feelings for her." I said to myself one day in October, but then frowned. "I'd probably have to tell her though."
I opened WhatsApp. Clicking on Shelby's contact, I typed:
-Shelbs, I have to talk to you.
"No, too depressing."
-Hey Shelby?
"Ugh, no. Weird."
-How r u?
"Definitely no."
Sighing, I opened Safari. It had Google loaded up. "Am I really going to do this?" I asked myself.
Apparently, yes. Yes, I was.
'How to start a conversation'
I clicked on the first link, and copied the first sentence on the page.
I pasted it.
-Hi, how's you're day been?
Aloud, I said, "uhhh, nope." I reached my finger out to delete the message, but just then, Shadow leaped onto my desk, and knocked my hand, so it landed on the 'send' button.
Oh no.
I cussed so loud, Shadow even hissed and backed away. "Ahhh, f**k it."

Almost immediately, I got a reply:
-oh, great. You?
"Umm..." I muttered while typing,
-actually, I wanted to tell you something
She replied:
-go ahead
"How do I phrase this?" I fumbled with the keyboard, and managed to type:
-well, for a while I had a crush on you
G-um yeah
G-I'll go now bye
S-no Graser
G-why? I'm embarrassed and f**ked up. Why shouldn't I go?
S-because you're one of the best friends, I've ever had, and I don't want to lose you.

I shut off my phone.
I didn't want to hear anymore.
I basically just got friendzoned by the girl I like, and she expects me to stick around?
And to help matters, I still have a really bad feeling about this.
I can't explain anything.
At least I was honest.

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