"Welcome to my home!" Jimin exclaimed, pushing Yoongi inside his wooden place. The house was a hollow in a tree, pretty high up. A spiral 'staircase' of mushrooms (picture above) led to it, which totally exhausted Yoongi as he didn't have any help from wings.
For a place that seemed like it would be cramped, well, it wasn't. Of course, there isn't much you can do to an inside of a tree width-wise. That's why it had a few floors, each one of them stunning. Jimin toured Yoongi through each one of them. First floor was the living room. Cute couches were graced by a tiny redwood coffee table, a window with sky-blue glass provided soft cool lighting. Second was the kitchen. Naturally, there weren't any modern day electronic appliances or fire making tools (Jimin literally lived in a tree) but one thing the kitchen was full of was shelves and racks.
Picked vegetables and fruit crammed in jars all shapes and sizes, almost breaking the shelves under their weight. All unimaginable mushrooms and berries hung dried from the ceiling and along the walls. Basically a profusion of forest goods, that's not even counting the fresh crops, baked goods and honey delicacies.
Not giving Yoongi enough time to suck in the information, he was dragged to the bedroom. Boy was it beautiful. A large (queen-sized? Do fairies have bed sizes?) bed stood in the center of the room under a woven cyan carpet. White silk sheets hugged the fat blankets and pillows, looking like a heavenly cloud Yoongi was tempted to jump into. Once again the soft glow from the baby blue windows illuminated the room, the only dark thing was the overhead that hung over the bed. A beautifully intricate design of the night sky uncovered constellations that you could observe for days on end.
"Woah, this is incredible," Yoongi mouthed in awe, "I wouldn't be surprised if the next room would be like a treasure den."
Jimin laughed, "oh my god, nothing of that! Just my office where I keep the documents and other important stuff. I don't want to show it to you because it's really messy. Like really messy, trust me."
"Okay," the blue haired boy smiled fondly at the fairy, "I wouldn't imagine you being all serious though, documents?"
"I am in charge of the village, I need to keep track of the resources and other things. The zerkulus does it already, but this is just a backup incase the higher ups need them for something," he sighed, "honestly it's such a drag.."
"I can imagine.""Okay so, I'll need to do some stuff in my office, won't take very long. You can look around some more in the mean time." Jimin chirped and disappeared to the floor above.
Yoongi stood in the middle of the room, thinking of how to occupy himself. His gaze was subconsciously falling on the bed, as if it called his name. Should I? He thought. Well, he would just see how it feels, nothing too bad... after a mini internal battle with himself, he thought fuck it. He took a step back and ran forward, diving right onto the bed, enjoying the feeling as it sunk under his weight. It was surely just as soft and bouncy as he imagined. A childish giddiness got to him and he giggled, suffocating a huge pillow behind him.It smelled like Jimin, a little florally and totally addictive. He inhaled the scent like a maniac but who was there to stop him? Soon enough, he was getting sleepy. The scent relaxed him, made him feel safe and secure. Observing the constellation-filled cover, he drifted to sleep.
A little bit of a filler chapter, I apologize. The next one won't be though ;)

Forbidden forest • Yoonmin •
Fanfiction"So, you think I'm gorgeous?" Where Yoongi accidentally flicks a sleeping fairy Jimin Warnings: Contains mature language, mature themes