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Yoongi almost tripped over his own feet as he hurried to their meeting place. Last night he spent a good amount of time searching and asking his grandparents about things to show and do, so he was prepared. Panting, he finally reached the place to find it empty. Jimin must arrive later then, he thought. It shouldn't take too long with wings.

He slumped on the soft grass patch and sighed. He was slightly tired from the running so might as well rest a tad before the fairy would come, before he felt two hands covering his eyes. He flinched, surprised and turned around to the sight of a smiling Jimin, the same size as him.
"Jimin! You grew!" Yoongi exclaimed, excited, "You startled me," He exhaled, smiling back.
"That was the plan!" The younger giggled and the latter's breath hitched. Jimin wore a different outfit that resembled more current fashion. Simple black bottoms, a khaki T-shirt and a light-blue washed denim sleeveless jacket. The blue of the jacket contrasted with Jimin golden locks, and he looked truly irresistible.

"I forgot how attractive you are up close.." he muttered under his breath, but Jimin heard and his ears turned red.
"Anyway, lets go!" Yoongi jumped up abruptly, reaching a hand to help the younger stand up, "I prepared a lot for today, so get your hopes up."
Taking his hand and standing up, the fairy replied, "okay~ I'm excited already!"

Yoongi interlocked their fingers tighter and lead Jimin out of the forest. Mind circling with thoughts, something seemed off.. He couldn't point out what was different about the boy. Then it hit him.
"Jimin! What happened to your wings?"
"Oh. Well you see, humans aren't exactly used to people with giant wings on their back right?" Jimin began, and when he saw the older nod he continued, "So I asked Namjoon for help and he gave me this jacket."

The blue-haired nodded, but did not understand. Jimin saw his confused face and clarified,
"The back of the jacket is infused with a similar potion like the shrinking one, but only targets the nerves in the wings. This way, my wings are still there, but tiny. Meanwhile I am normal sized."
"This is smart."
The blond boy beamed proudly, "Yea, Namjoon is really smart! He's the one who invented like 60% of our realms' gizmos that we use today! He's already the chairman's assistant at the age of only 22! He's impressive, I respect him a lot.."

And while listening to his fairy friend was the best thing in the world, Yoongi just couldn't help but become jealous of this Namjoon guy. Why was Jimin so passionate while talking about him? Growling, he tugged his hand harder.
"By the way," the latter asked, curious, "Where are we heading?"
The boy snapped out of his jealous trance and diverted his attention to the ray of sunshine next to him. Right, this whole thing was for Jimin so he shouldn't get distracted.
"Before heading to one special place, I want to stack up on snacks. We're going to a convenience store. It's not too far away."

Jimin's eyes widened, "You mean, the one in Romazev?"
"Yup," Yoongi replied with a smug smile.
"Oh my god! I've always wanted to go inside but it is forbidden for us fairies!" The younger was freaking out and it was adorable.
"Just wait and see," he said mysteriously.

The store was small, given the small population of the village. But even so there was enough space for them. Inside, Jimin was behaving like a little child. Right as they walked in, he scrambled into the first aisle that he saw, which contained detergents and soaps. Laughing, Yoongi lead him by the elbow to the foods aisle. Seeing as the latter was fascinated by everything and was always getting getting distracted, he decided to take that matter upon himself.
He put some flavored cider in his basket, along with a fruit juice. The older proceeded to walk to the meat section and was about to reach for his favorite brand of salami (that was surprisingly there), but stopped in his tracks. Did fairies eat meat?

He looked at the blond who was holding a jar of pickles and shook it to see if they moved. Adorable.
"Hey Jimin," the blue-haired called.
"Do you eat meat?"
Jimin looked over at him in horror.
"No! Animals are our friends! Why would you eat friends?!"

Never mind then.

"What about animal produce? Like milk and honey?" He asked, hopeful of not eating a bland vegan meal. (Cue all the triggered vegans.. jk, love you, it's just for the story)
"Hm? Those are fine," Jimin chirped and diverted his attention to a can of tuna.
Sighing a breath of relief, Yoongi picked the ready made tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwiches, as well as some chips and candy from the other aisles.
Jimin behaved rather well during checkout, and even offered to carry one of the bags.

On their way out, he was asking the older about all of the products that he managed to get his hands on. Amused, Yoongi explained them all in detail nevertheless. Jimin was already having plenty of fun, and couldn't wait to try real human food.

Meanwhile, the blue haired boy was frantically searching for the right trail. It was supposed to be a hidden path that lead to a place that should be cool. He hoped his grandma wouldn't disappoint. Finding the seemingly right intersection, they turned left, in the direction of the fields. Jimin followed him obediently, in anticipation of more great things.

Double update my duudes :D

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