Chapter 14 - Carolyn

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Pulling up to the ranch, the sun had started to set. I stepped out of the car and mentally added grand theft auto to my list of talents.

If I was in Kansas I would have never needed to do something like that. if I was in Kansas I probably wouldn't be in this situation.

A strong breeze hit me like a semi truck reminding me of my home In Kansas. The grass, the warmth, the small amount of dirt that already started to cling to my shoes. Everything made me feel safe. The little house on top of the slight hill was different from the pool house or the mansion. It didn't look super elaborate or fancy but it still managed to be nice.

It wasn't anything I'd expect from Linda. It's almost as if even though she uses money to attempt to buy my affection, she actually cares.

I started up toward the small house. Most people would think walking this far was a hard workout. in my opinion, this was no harder than tying my shoe. I wish my dad was here to see this. To help me through this.

Tears started to well up in my eyes and I reached the door.

Get yourself together Carolyn, we need to find your horses.

I stood at the burgundy door wondering where I might find a key. I doubt Linda would be dumb enough to leave a random house, miles from town unlocked. She doesn't seem very cautious though, it's gotta be somewhere the average person would think of.

In front of the door sat two potted plants, and a welcome mat.

"It's under the welcome mat right?" I thought out loud. Lifting the Mat I didn't find a key. Leaving the obvious choice, it was under the potted plant.

I lifted the one on the right and found my key.


I went inside the house, feeling like goldilocks from the old fairytale. only difference is goldilock's house was in the woods, mines up north sitting on and empty valley.

Cream walls, wood counters and cabinets and floors. Everything was... A mess. It looked like somebody had lived here. Part of me thought some loser crashes here with no place to go. Another part of me thought Linda was shacking up with a secret lover here on the place she supposedly had gotten me. The thought of Linda's life including more than fancy parties and expensive lunches was starting to sound like a soap opera.

Suddenly the shower clicked on. Quietly I closed the door so whoever was staying didn't know I came to visit. I followed the sound of the shower to the very pretty bathroom with the door wide open.

Nobody was in the shower.

"Um M'am?"

I whipped around to see a tall guy with brown hair and huge muscles and nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He spoke with a country accent. I stood speechless for a second. Slightly frightened and attracted.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered trying not to stare.

"Are you Carolyn?"

"Yes. Now who are you.?" I asked again.

He scooted past me, standing next to the shower.

"Okay Carolyn this all probably looks really odd right now but I'll explain if you could just wait in the den and let me shower, I promise." Without even paying attention I was pushed out of the bathroom.

Ring ring

Of all the times somebody could have called it had to be now. I reaches into my pocket answering the phone as fast as I could.

"Hello?" I answered, ignoring the fact that I sounded like a hillbilly.

"Carolyn, where are you?" Jess and Ally said in unison, making it obvious I was on speaker.

" I'm at a ranch with my horses." I said nonchalantly trying to avoid conflict.

I heard voices arguing I'm the background.

" Can I talk to her?"

"What? no."

"Just gimme the phone."


"Is that a shower running?" Jess asked me as the sound of an argument slowly faded.

"Yeah I figured id take one." I said trying to cover it up.

" oh ok well we were all just worried about you."

"Yeah no I'm fine , totally fine. never better."

"Hold on, Blake wants to talk to you."

I heard the shower turn off and the transferring of one person to another.

"Hello?" Blake's voice sounded really distressed.

"Hey. what'd you need?" I asked

"I just wanted to apologize and stuff for last night."

"Dude it's no big deal we're just friends right?" I said lightheartedly. I'd never want Blake to be upset. he was nice to me in the beginning I can't let him feel like that.

"... Yeah we're just friends."

"Great, I gotta go tell everyone I said hi." I said rushing him off the phone as I saw the brown haired boy emerge from the hallway.

"this time fully clothed. " I thought to myself.

I clicked the phone off and shoved it back into my pocket.

"I guess i'll just reintroduce myself, I'm Todd. Your mother Linda hired me to come over everyday and take care of the horses."

"Why's it look like you live here then?"

He paused. it was a moment if silence like the ones after the pledge of allegiance.

"Are you sure you're related to kinda? you look like her but you don't seem like her." he said avoiding my question and walking to the kitchen.

I followed him. "Yes she's my mom but I lived with my dad in Kansas all my life."

"Oh you lived in Kansas. that explains the accent." he said as he poured himself a glass of water.

"Can you just answer my question."

"Well... I may or may not have been kicked out of my apartment and I needed a place to stay so since this place was so close to work I figured I'd crash here." Todd was like a breath of fresh air. He was like the people back home or at least he seemed like that.

"You need to clean this place up bc I'm obviously going to be coming around a lot more often now that my horses are here."

"You've got some nice ones out there."

"Yeah, could you take me there?" I tried to sound as nice as possible. I hated being alone.

"Sure, no problem."

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