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*Baby Carolyn POV*

"Daddy where mama go?"

"She isn't coming back sweetie."

*Carolyn POV*

"Beep beep beep beep" My alarm went off. I got up and checked the time. Five am. As usual. I climbed out of bed and changed out of my pajamas into my Overalls white t-shirt and work boots. I threw my hair up and went to go wake up Papa.

"Hey Papa wake up, Time to start the work day" I said lightly shaking him trying to wake him up.

"Okay." Papa said showing me away.

I headed out his bedroom and went into the barn. I grabbed a basket and collected the eggs from the chickens and Fed them some chicken feed.

I went inside and put the eggs in the refrigerator. After that I went outside to care for the horses. I went into the stable to find that Papa had beaten me to it.

I decided to milk the cows. I went in the barn and pulled up a stool to Bessie, The brown cow. "And squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull" I said to myself.

"Hey Carolyn." Dad walked in and said to me.

"Hey Papa how are you." I asked.

"Good, my left arm has been hurting me a bit though."

"Oh I'm sorry."

Papa pulled up a stool to the other cow, Alice.

"Can I skip school today?" I asked

"Honey why would you want to do that?"

"I want to ride the horses this morning"

"No you can't skip school nice try though."

Me and Papa Laughed together as I finished with Bessie.

"Well I will go on to school now." I said grabbing the bucket of milk and heading out the barn.

"Have a good day sweetie." I heard dad say.

I went inside and took a shower. I washed my hair and tried to scrub the smell of cow off of my skin. I hopped out the shower and dried off. I walked over to my small closet and pulled out my brown boots and some dark jeans and a Plaid shirt. I put on my clothes and I grabbed my backpack and went out back in the barn to say bye to Dad again.

"AAHHHHHH" I screamed a blood curtailing scream when I saw him. Papa was lying on the ground eyes open, not breathing.

"Dad! Dad Papa" I continued to call his name begging for a reply.

But there was none he was gone. I dropped my backpack and ran over to him. I shook him trying to wake him up. "Daddy, I can't lose you too." I cried. Tears streaming down my face. I ran inside to call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My dad is here on the ground he won't wake up. I went to get dressed for school then I came back to say bye and I found him there." I choked out on the phone.

"Okay mam calm down. Where are you?"

"Don't tell me to calm down! My Father is dead!" I shouted

"I'm Sorry ma'am where are you."

"16905 Red wolf Rd. Kansas City "

"An ambulance is on his way"

I hung up and slumped down to the floor and cried as I waited for an ambulance

Intro - Jess and Ally.

"Jess we need to leave this place. I can't stay here we need to get out of here." Ally whispered to her sister as she scrubbed the plates in the dirty sink clean.

"Shhh if he hears us we're screwed." Jess scolded her sister.

That was the mistake Jess made. In came her father storming in. He slapped Jess down, making her splash water on his shoes.

"Get up you piece of trash!" he shouted at Jess.

Ally tried to help her up. He pushed ally away making her bang her shoulder on the counter.

"You piece of crap! Look at what you did Jess. You retard look at my shoes. I told you to get up." Jess and ally's father smacked Jess back down to the ground. Her eyes filled with tears.

" Just leave her alone." Ally said pushing Her dad away from her sister.

She grabbed Jess's hand and pulled her off the ground. Her cheek had a read hand print on it.

"Did you just hit me whore?" Jess's hand stopped the blow from Thier father from hitting her sister. She grabbed her by the hand and darted out the door.


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