Chapter 9

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"Is everyone alright?" Tina asks as she shines her flashlight around. Everyone that was within her view nods. She couldn't help but smile as her light reaches Chance and Tim.

Chance was sitting on the floor with his head resting against the wall with his eyes closed. He had apparently fallen asleep. His arm was wrapped around Tim. His hand covering Tim's ear to help drown out the noise of the storm. Tim's head was laying on Chance's chest and he, too, had gone to sleep.

The storm outside was beginning to die down. 

"Nate? You come with me to see how much damage was done." Tina says as she begins to make her way to the stairs. "Jenika, y'all stay with the patients. We'll be right back."

"Okay, you guys be careful." Jenika replies.

Other than a few broken windows in the recreation room, the building looked fine. The hospital was spared from a direct hit from the tornado.

"So. What do you think is going on between Chance and Timmy?" Tina asks as they continue to check the damages.

"What do you mean?" Nate says, turning his face away from his boss. He had noticed the attraction the two seem to have for one another but didn't want to say anything for fear of Chance losing his job.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean." Tina says with a slight smirk on her face. "It's obvious that they're attracted to each other."

"You're not going to fire him, are you?" Nate asks as he turns his attention to Tina.

"Of course not. Truthfully, I think Chance is exactly what Tim needs." Tina smiles.

"Really?" Nate asks with a confused look on his face.

"Tim is not a mental case. Yeah, he does have his problems but I've seen a change in him since Chance has been here." Tina says. "He seems to be smiling more. Maybe Chance can help him get better. Normally, I wouldn't approve of an employee being in a romantic relationship with a patient. UNLESS it is for the good of the patient. They are my main concern."

"You know when Tim was in a relationship with Matt, I know we never heard him but we all kinda thought maybe Tim was talking to Matt." Nate says.

"Exactly." Tina says with a nod. "And you saw how quickly Tim became withdrawn after Matt was released."

"But just how far can this relationship go? I mean, Tim's room is like Grand Central Station." Nate says. "With Avi, Adam and Austin running in and out."

"Chance has an apartment here. I know there are rules forbidding patients going upstairs. But if I don't see it then the rules aren't broken. Right?" Tina says with a wink.

"Really?" Nate chuckles.

"It's not like he'll be unsupervised just roaming the halls. He'll have an employee with him." She smirks and gives a slight shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I think it's safe to bring everyone out of the basement. We'll just close the doors to the recreation room and lock them until we can get the windows fixed. It's a lot brighter out here too. You go get the others and I'll make some phone calls about repairs and the power."


"When are they coming back? You don't think something got them, do you?" Avi asks.

"What could have possibly got them, Avi?" Chance asks. He had woken up and was gently running his fingers through Tim's hair in an effort to keep him calm in the dark basement.

"Remember that one town with the sharks coming out of the tornado?" Avi asks. 

"I saw on the Weather Channel one time where fish were falling from the sky. They were sucked up by a tornado and then dumped on this town. Couldn't you imagine walking down a street and suddenly having a catfish land on your head?" Adam chuckles. "People would look at you weird wondering why you had a catfish on your head. And you would say, 'Hey, if Davy Crocket could have a raccoon sitting on his head then why can't I have a fish on mine'."

"Hey, guys? It's safe to come out now. Everything is fine except for the recreation room. The windows where broken." Nate says.

"Thank God you weren't eaten by a shark." Avi says as he gives Nate a quick hug before heading for the stairs.

"What?" Nate asks.

"Never mind him. He's crazy." Austin says, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "Come on, Virgil."

"Hey, Nate? Have you ever had a catfish on your head?" Adam asks.

"Uh, no, Adam. I can't say that I have." Nate replies with a confused look.

"Me either." Adam shrugs and heads for the stairs. "Some people have all the luck."

"Okay?" Nate chuckles as he looks around at Chance who was helping Tim up from the floor.

"Don't ask." Chance laughs.

"Hey, uh, listen. Maybe later after my shift is over, you care if I come over? I'll bring the beer. There's just something I need to talk to you about." Nate says.

"Yeah, sure. Is something wrong?" Chance asks.

"Oh, no. nothing is wrong." Nate shakes his head. "Tim? Buddy, you okay? They'll have the lights on soon."

Tim nods even though Nate couldn't see him very well. He hangs tightly to Chance's arm as they begin to go up the stairs.

"Looks pretty normal." Chance comments as they walk out into the hallway.

"Yeah, luckily the tornado missed us." Nate replies. "I'm going to see if Jenika and Olena need help with the other patients."

"Alright. Yell if you need my help." Chance says as Nate gives him a thumbs up as he starts down the hallway.

Chance takes Tim by the hand as they start to walk the other way toward Tim's room.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Chance asks softly, gently squeezing Tim's hand.

"I am now." Tim whispers. "It's not as dark out here."

"Hopefully, they have the power back on soon." Chance says as they walk into Tim's room.

"Thank you for staying with me down in the basement." Tim says quietly as he sits down on his bed.

"Didn't I tell you that I wouldn't leave you? I meant it." Chance says as he leans down and places a soft kiss on Tim's forehead.

"Yeah, but I've been told that before and they didn't stick to their promise." Tim whispers as he stares into Chance's eyes.

"You haven't been told that by me. I stick to my promises." Chance smiles softly, sitting down next to Tim.

"I sure hope so." Tim smiles.

"Trust me." Chance whispers as he leans in once again and kisses the brown-eyed man tenderly on the lips.

The power suddenly comes on startling them both.

"I guess that's a sign that I need to be going." Chance chuckles. 

"Not yet." Tim says as he grabs the front of Chance's shirt and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"Wow." Chance breathes after breaking the kiss to catch his breath.

"Now you can go." Tim smiles at him.


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