Chapter 13

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This update is going out to my buddy: ObsessedwithTidam. ENJOY!!


"I got a headache." Tim moans quietly as he lays his head on Chance's chest.

"I know, Angel. But it will ease soon when the pain medicine has time to work." Chance says as he gently massages Tim's head. "Do you have these seizures often?"

"No." Tim answers. "Just every now and then. They're not too bad."

"You know, I think Tina is going to dismiss Harry from here?" Chance says as he runs his fingers through Tim's hair.

"Really? Why?" Tim asks, raising his head.

"For hitting you. She's fed up with his bullying." Chance answers.

"He hit me?" Tim asks. "Is that why my cheek is sore? I thought it was from maybe hitting the floor."

"No, Adam said that he slapped you but I think you had already started your seizure." Chance says as he examines Tim's cheek. "It is bruising a little."

"I hope she does kick him out." Tim says as he lays his head back down on Chance's chest. "He's always trying to start something with me."

After laying in peaceful quiet for a while, Tim raises his head and smiles.

"What are you smiling at?" Chance chuckles.

"My headache is gone." Tim says.

"See, I told you." Chance smiles.

"Thank you for last night. It was really nice." Tim says softly.

"You're welcome. And you know that you can come up any time." Chance smiles as he rubs Tim's bruised cheek.

"I'll definitely take you up on your offer." Tim grins.

Chance raises his head to give Tim a sweet kiss just as the door opens.

They jump apart to see curious eyes staring at them.

"I have gay friends." Avi says. "Will and Jack. Will lives with Grace but they're just friends."

Chance and Tim remains silent as they stare in shock at the threesome who had barged into the room and caught them kissing.

"Oh. My. God." Austin smiles as they walk into the room. "Photograph has a boyfriend."

"I knew it. I knew something was going on. Photograph has been all smiles for some reason. Now we know the reason. He's in love. That's so awesome. They're serving ice cream in the cafeteria. You feel better? Ice cream and love go hand in hand. I love ice cream." Adam chatters causing Tim to giggle.

"Uh.... Listen." Chance says as he turns his attention to Tim. "I left a box at the front door that I need to carry to my apartment. I have to finish unpacking so why don't you go have some ice cream with your friends."

Tim nods and smiles as Chance gets up from the bed.

"Guys?" Chance starts as he walks up to the threesome who were standing there with silly grins on their faces. "We need to keep this a secret, okay? Tim and I might get into trouble if anyone finds out that we were kissing."

The three pretends to zip their lips. 

"Really?" Chance chuckles as he raises an eyebrow at Adam. "For some reason, I can't imagine you not talking."

"The action of zipping the lips means that I won't say nothing about you having your tongue down Timmy's throat." Adam says with a smirk. 

"What? I didn't have...." Chance starts but Adam interrupts.

"As long as Timmy is happy, we're happy. Timmy is our bestest friend. You know what makes me happy besides seeing my friends happy? Ice cream. Ice cream makes me very happy. Especially chocolate." Adam says with a smile.

"You tire me out." Chance laughs as he shakes his head at the chatterbox.

Tim chuckles as he slips on his shoes. He puts on a light jacket and sticks his new camera in one pocket and his tablet and pencil in the other.

"I'll see you later, okay." Chance says as he winks at Tim.

"OHHHH!! You guys are just soooo cute." Avi giggles and claps.

Tim rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he grabs Avi by the arm and leads him out of his room.

"Bye, Mr. Chance. We'd save you some ice cream but it would melt and then it wouldn't be ice cream anymore. It would be a milkshake and...." Adam is interrupted by Chance putting his arm around his shoulder and leading him out into the hallway.

"I'm fine, Adam, just go enjoy your ice cream." Chance laughs.

Chance smiles as he watches the foursome walk away down the hall. All special in their own way. 


Tim turns quickly and blows a kiss to Chance before turning and running after his friends.

"GUYS? YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO..." Chance yells but realizes they were already gone. "Run in the hallway." He finishes in a quieter voice.

"Who are you yelling at?" Tina asks from behind him.

"Oh, uh..." Chance says, quickly turning around to face her. "No one."

"Are the Fab Four running to get ice cream again?" She asks with a grin.

"Mayyyybe." Chance says as he shifts his eyes away.

"Those boys know they're not supposed to run in the hall. But I can't bring myself to punish them." Tina says as she and Chance begin to walk up the hall. "I know I'm not supposed to pick my favorites in patients. All are supposed to be treated the same. But I love those four guys so much. I guess I tend to let them get by with a little more. Which is wrong I know."

"Adam wears me out with his non-stop chatter." Chance laughs.

"Tell me about it. I don't know when he takes the time to breathe." Tina laughs. "And Avi makes new t.v. friends every day. He was just telling me the other day about Sheldon Cooper and how smart he was. And don't get me started on Austin always losing Virgil. And Tim? Well, let's just say that I know he's not as innocent as he wants people to think he is. But I guess you already know that." She gives him a knowing smile.

Panic sets in and he comes to a complete stop.

"Huh?" Was all he could get to come out of his mouth.

"Let's lay it all out on the table, Chance." Tina says as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I know you are attracted to Tim and I know that Tim is very much attracted to you. I've seen a big change in him since you've arrived. A good change. I know for a fact that Tim can talk but for some reason, he won't. Now, I'm usually unfavorable about employees and patients in relationships. But if it's for the good of the patient, I'm all for it. Tim has his problems but he's not mentally handicapped. He's totally capable of making his own decisions. Maybe he will open up and start talking to you IF he hasn't already. If he is? I consider that a blessing. I love Timothy. He went through Hell while growing up. He deserves to be happy. And truthfully, you make him happy. That smile on his face whenever you are around, is priceless."

Chance could only stare at her with his mouth agape.

"What I'm trying to say, Chance." She smiles as she reaches up to close his mouth. "You and Photograph have my blessings. Just, please, don't hurt him."


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