Chapter 3

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"Well. That was definitely different." Chance says as he and Tim share a look.

Tim smiles and hangs his head.

"Wow, look at that. He does smile." Chance comments. "A very pretty smile at that."

Tim shakes his head quickly. Taking Chance by the arm, he continues to lead him down the hall.

He leads him up to a door. Pointing at the number on the door and then to himself. The room number was 111.

"Room 111? That should be easy to remember." Chance says with a smile and a playful wink. "Do you share the room with anyone?'

Tim shakes his head 'no' as he pushes the door open. 

"Wowww." Chance says as he walks in.

Pictures, that Tim had taken, hung all over the walls. Photo albums were stacked on his dresser.

"Saying that you like photography is an understatement." Chance chuckles as he walks up to the wall to look at some of the pictures. 

There were pictures of sunsets, sunrises, rainbows, storm clouds, animals of the garden such as squirrels, rabbits and birds. Pictures of some of the patients such as Adam and Austin and a few more that Chance has not had the chance to meet yet. There were pictures of Tina, a couple of very pretty nurses, one blond and one brunette, and a guy with a big smile giving Tim a thumbs up.

"Tim, these are amazing. You definitely have an eye for catching the right shot." Chance says, still observing the pictures. "Like this one."

He points to a picture of a sunset that Tim had taken. The colors were reflecting off of the small fish pond in the garden.

"That is absolutely beautiful the way the colors are reflecting off the water." Chance says. "I can't believe these were taken by that instant Polaroid. They're so crisp and clear."

Chance suddenly got the feeling that he was being watched. Or was it more of a 'being checked out' feeling.

He turns his head toward Tim to see him quickly shift his eyes to the photographs on the wall.

"If you can take pictures like this with an instant camera, I can only imagine what you could take with a digital camera." Chance smiles at Tim's shrug.

Chance took a minute to check out the room. The room was quite larger than he expected. A single bed lined one of the walls with a nightstand beside it. A full size dresser, a good-sized closet and a small bathroom. A small desk with chair and a flat screen t.v. completed the room.

Tina definitely wanted the patients to feel like they were at home and not a hospital. There was nothing about the room that said 'hospital'.

"This is really nice, Tim." Chance smiles.

"Oh, hey." A guys says as he looks into the room. "I saw the door open and I thought someone might have wondered in Tim's room."

"No, Tim was showing me some of his photography." Chance smiles. He recognizes it to be the guy giving the thumbs-up in Tim's picture. "I'm Chance."

"Nate." Nate smiles shaking Chance's hand. "You're the new guy, right?"

"Yeah, well, I haven't exactly started yet. Tina's going to give me time to get moved in first before I start." Chance replies.

"Oh, so you're going to be living upstairs?" Nate smiles. 

"Yeah. Those are some really nice apartments." Chance says.

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