Chapter 28

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Tim sat on his bed Indian style and waited. He waited for any news that they had found his camera. He knew that Chance and the others were busy searching the rooms.

Photography had saved his life in so many ways. What if they couldn't find his camera? 

A light tap on the door drew him from his thoughts. Jumping up, he rushes to the door.

"Hey, Sweetie." Olena smiles.

"Did you find it?" Tim asks with a hopeful smile.

"Not yet but we have a lot of rooms to check." Olena says. Her heartbreaking when Tim's smile quickly fades. "But don't worry. We'll find it."

"What are you doing here? Do you have to check my room too?" Tim asks as he goes back to sit on the bed. "It's not like I would steal my own camera."

"Honey, we have to check everyone's room." Olena says as she walks in.

"But Jenika and I already have and my camera is not here." Tim says, looking up at the small brunette.

"Oh, I haven't been able to talk to Jenika. So I guess I can mark your room off the list then." Olena smiles as she leans over and kisses Tim on the forehead. "We'll find it, I promise."


"Why on earth would you think I stole Photograph's camera? He's one of my best friends. I know that camera means everything to him." Adam complains as he follows Chance around his room.

"I don't think you stole it, Adam." Chance smiles as he checks the top of the closet.

"Then why are you going through my stuff. I feel violated." Adam says as Chance turns around and almost runs into him.

"Will you calm down?" Chance chuckles. "We have to check everyone's room whether we know for a fact that they didn't take the stuff or not. We even have to check the rooms of the ones who have had their things taken."

"Really? That don't make any sense. Why in the hell would Photograph steal his own camera? That's stupid. Do you think that Timmy is stupid?" Adam asks, placing his hands on his hips.

"What? No! Tim is a very smart man." Chance says. "But one time my sister thought a friend of hers stole something from her. They had a huge fight about it. Come to find out, she had misplaced it and found it a week later."

"Boy, I bet she felt stupid." Adam says, shaking his head.


"You can look all you want but you're not going to find anything." Avi says as he switches through the channels of his t.v., trying to find some of his friends.

"I know, Sweetheart." Tina says as she gets down to look under the bed. "I really hate doing this to you guys. Are you missing a sock?" She giggles as she pulls a sock from under the bed.

"I was wondering where that sucker went." Avi laughs.

"Avi, honey..." Tina says as she sits down beside the green-eyed man and straightens his beanie. "I know that Tim is the last person that you guys would ever want to hurt. You guys are like brothers. That's why I know that you haven't taken anything from him. I knew I wouldn't find anything BUT to be fair, we have to check everyone's room."

"Oh, I totally understand." Avi nods. "I'm not mad at you, Ms. Tina."

"Good." Tina smiles and kisses the bearded man on the cheek. "Love ya."


"Find anything yet?" Austin asks as he lays across his bed and watches Jenika search his room.

"No." Jenika smiles as she comes out of his bathroom.

"No, and you won't either." Austin smirks. "If I were going to steal something, it definitely wouldn't be from one of my best friends."

"What about Virgil?" Jenika asks with a raised brow as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Austin huffs as he sits up on the bed.

"Virgil DOES NOT steal!!" Austin says with a look of shock on his face. "I can't believe that you would even suggest that he would."

"I was just kidding." Jenika giggles as she reaches over and ruffles Austin's hair. "Calm down, Red."

"How much longer Y'all gonna be checking rooms? I'm getting bored. I wanna go hang out with my friends." Austin says as he flops back on his bed.

"We only have a few more rooms." Jenika says.

"And still nothing?" Austin asks raising his head.

"Unfortunately, no." Jenika answers with a sigh. "See ya later, Sweetie."


"The door is open." Daryl says as he hears a knock.

"Hey, Daryl. I need to check your room." Nate smiles as he walks in.

"Go ahead. I have nothing to hide." Daryl replies, not taking his eyes off the comic book he was reading as he lay in his bed propped up by his pillows.

"I didn't know you were into comics." Nate says as he heads to the comics. "What are you reading?"

"Fear The Dead." Daryl answers as he turns the page.

"I read comics too but mine are all superheroes." Nate smiles as he rummages through the top of the closet.

"Wonderful." Daryl replies in an unamused tone.

"Uh, Daryl?" Nate calls as he walks out of the closet.

Daryl looks up from his comic book to see Nate holding his carton of cigarettes.

"What? I don't smoke in my room. I know the rules." Daryl answers before turning his attention back to his reading.

"What's in this?" Nate asks as he sees a footlocker sitting on the floor in the corner.

"I keep my comic books And my art supplies in there." Daryl answers, glancing up from his comics.

"Mind if I take a look?" Nate asks.

"Go ahead. But don't mess my comics up. I have them stacked in order. Some are collector's issues." Daryl says.

"I'll be careful." Nate says as he opens the footlocker. "Uh, Daryl? You might want to take a look at this. I haven't touched anything."

"What wrong?" The patient asks as he slowly gets up from his bed and walks over to where Nate was kneeling beside the locker. "Son of a B*TCH!"

His comics were not stacked neatly at all but scattered around. He slowly kneels down beside Nate with almost a look of horror on his rugged face.

"I can't believe this sh*t." Daryl growls as he begins to gather up his comics.

Something catches Nate's eye that causes his heart to drop to the pit of his stomach. A small digital camera.

"Daryl, please tell me this is yours." Nate says as he holds up the camera.

"That's not mine." Daryl says as he shakes his head. "I don't even own a camera. Wait. Surely you don't think I stole Tim's camera?"

"Tina? Can you come to room 159, please?" Nate calls over his radio.

"On my way." She answers.

Nate digs under the remaining magazines and finds the other missing items.

"This sh*t can't be happening." Daryl mumbles, holding his comics close to his chest as he watches Nate remove the items from the locker.


So what do you guys think? Is Daryl a Kleptomaniac? Or is he being set-up?

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