Chapter 12

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Chance awakens about thirty minutes before his alarm was set to go off. He smiles lovingly at the brunette that was snuggled to his side.

Turning his head, he kisses Tim softly on the nose. Smiling when Tim wrinkles his nose from being tickled by his beard.

He waits until Tim gets still before kissing him again. But this time he is met with a smack to the face as Tim swats his hand at what he thinks is a fly.

"Oww." Chance laughs as he grabs his nose.

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry." Tim says as he places his hand on Chance's cheek and kisses him on the nose. "I was swatting at a fly that kept laying on my nose."

"That wasn't a fly." Chance chuckles. "It was me."

"Please don't be mad. I didn't mean to hit you." Tim says as he leaves kisses on Chance's face.

As Tim kisses near Chance's lips, Chance grabs his lips into a heated kiss. 

Chance rolls Tim over on his back (laying on Chance's arm) as the kiss becomes even more heated and passionate. Tim moans into the kiss as he wraps his arms around the bearded man's neck.

As hard as Chance tries to control his passion, he was quickly losing the battle. His hand roamed down Tim's side to his hip. Nothing but the thin fabric of Tim's boxers stood between him and pure pleasure.

He slides his leg between Tim's legs and carefully rubs his knee against the patient's crotch. Tim groans as he buries his face into Chance's neck.

But Chance's hand wasn't through yet. It slides into the back of Tim's boxers and gently squeezes his ass.

Tim squirms under his touch. His guard was quickly being torn down by the simple touch from this man. He wanted to give in, but, what if.......

The sound of the alarm clock startles them both causing them to jump away from each other.

"D*mn, that scared me." Chance chuckles, laying his hand on his chest.

"I guess I need to go." Tim says, quickly sitting up and acting suddenly nervous and embarrassed. 

"Uh, yeah." Chance replies as he notices the sudden change. "The patients will be getting up soon."

"Chance? Can I ask you something? And please, don't get mad at me." Tim says as he slowly slips on his jeans. His head down. He couldn't bring himself to look at him.

"Sure. Honey, you know you can talk to me about anything." Chance says as he raises up from the bed and softly rubs Tim on the back.

"When Matt was here, I made the mistake of telling him that I had fallen in love with him. I never noticed that he never said it back. We begin sleeping together but only cuddling. But he wanted more." Tim says.

"He wanted sex?" Chance asks.

"Yeah." Tim nods. "He eventually told me that if I really loved him that I would love him with my body too. So I did. I gave him what he wanted. He was released. He walked out and never looked back. Never once did he tell me that he loved me. Chance, he didn't even tell me bye."

"And you're afraid that I'm going to do the same thing?" Chance asks.

Tim bites his lip as he stares at the floor in front of him. He slowly nods.

"Timothy? Sweetie, turn around and look at me." Chance says in a soft voice.

"I'm so sorry if I made you mad." Tim says as he turns around but still refusing to look at Chance.

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