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Ha idáig tekerted, akkor most nagyon szeretlek :3 ❤
Csak neked, csak most ezt leírom neked:

¡Warning! Entry only with english!

Jolinsky ff.

-Well... you know what? - Jack J asked angrily. - I'm done. Go with your girlfriend. I thought our friendship is stronger than other's, but I was wrong. You don't care anything if you are with her. Even me. Nothing!
-Don't say that Jack! - warned him Jack G.
-No, Jack! I'm done! And now, I really hate you - Jack J turned around and he ran away.
He was angry, confused and sad. Angry, because Jack G's girlfriend always stands between them and Jack G always chose her. Confused, because he thought that their friendship was stronger than other's. And sad, because it will be their anniversary and Jack G will be with his girlfriend.
Jack J ran to their house and packed some clothes and then he ran to Nash.
-What happened? - Nash asked him, in worried voice, when he opened the door for Jack J.
-Can I come in? - Jack J asked back and after Nash nodded he came in.
-So... what happened? - Nash asked him again.
-Our anniversary will be tomorrow. And Jack will be with his girlfriend. And you know what is she - he said.
-Jack, you need to tell to Jack, the truth - Nash said, while he palmed Jack J's shoulder and sat him down.
-Tell him what? - Jack asked.
-That you like him since 6th grade and his girlfriend is a slut - he said, like he only talk about the weather.
-What?! No, I don't like him on THAT way - he denied it.
-Don't denied it! Jack, I see it. I saw the way that you looks at him - Nash said.
-I... - he started again.
-Okay, okay. Yeah, I like him. And yeah, sometimes this feeling stronger. Just like the love. But...
-Jack. It's okay if you fell in love with him. We always thought you guys will date. I hope you'll succesful with your love confession and you guys will be a couple.
-Thank you Nash - Jack J said gratefully.
-It's okay. And now...
-Can I stay here? - Jack J asked shyly. - Just tonight!
-Of course - Nash nodded.
They went sleep.
The next day Jack J felt, that his stomack is in cramp and he was really nervous.
He left the house early (after he talked with Nash and he said thank you). Jack J walked to his house which he shared with Jack G.
He knew, that Jack G won't be home, so he just threw down his bag and he started run to the park, where Jack G and the slut always spent their time.
-JACK FINNEGAN GILINSKY! - he yelled, when he noticed them.
Jack G looked at him and his eyes wide opened.
-Jack... - he started, but he couldn't continue, because Jack J shoved him to the tree and he held him there.
-You need to know, that she - there Jack J nodded to Madison - is a slut.
-I'm not! - she yelled.
-Oh, yeah? Then... what's this? - Jack J shown them a picture about Madison and another guy kissed.
-It's... - Jack G start.
-It isn't what it looks like! - she started.
-Go away, you bitch. It's over! - Jack G yelled.
-But babe... - she started again.
-I. Said. Go. Away! - Jack G yelled again.
-Well, thanks little gay to ruin everything! - she said.
-How dare you?! - Jack G yelled with her. - If you hurt him again, I will kill you!
-Oh, you don't dare it - she laughed then she walked away.
-How dare this bitch?! - Jack G said angrily.
-Actually... it's true - Jack J said quietly.
-What? - Jack G turned to him.
-Jack... I'm in love with you since 6th grade.
-Jack... I... I don't know what to say...
-Yeah... I'm sorry... - Jack J said and he started run. (/He always run😂/)
Jack J felt, he is broken. He didn't know what he could do. He ran to a bridge. He decided, to kill himself. He knew that he nothing without Jack G. And he knew he lost Jack G.
The bridge was very big, and under that a very deep river.
-I'm sorry Jack... I can't live without you - Jack J wishpered and he started walking to the end of the bridge.
-JACK! - Jack G yelled and catch him before he could jumped. - Why do you do this? Why do you wanted to die? Jack...
-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry - Jack J started crying.
Jack G hugged him thightly and he held him for many time.
-I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry - Jack J kept wishpering.
-Jack... everything will be alright. And don't afraid. I liked you. I always liked you. Just I didn't know you liked me too. We would be a couple if I tell you how I feel. I love you and I would be the happiest, if you will be my boyfriend - he said softly.
Jack J stopped crying and he looked up at him. He saw, Jack G was serious.
-Today was our anniversary - he wishpered.
-Jack, I'm so sorry - Jack G said in sad voice.
-Jack... I love you. I'm seriously in love with you - he continued.
-I love you too, babyboy - Jack G wishpered.
Jack G leaned in and kissed him.

Nem tudom, hogy ti hogy vagytok vele, de én shippelném őket. Mielőtt bárki is beszólna, igen, tudom, hogy valójában nincsenek együtt, de mostanában rengeteg Jolinsky one-shotot/fanfictiont olvastam. Remélem tetszett. Bocsi a helyesírási hibákért :(

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