Day 8-Plant Life

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Hello. So let's see. I'm grounded. I wonder if I can go out and explore? Let's find out. Oh and this part will be short.


My eyes flew opened and I jumped out of bed. Then instantly regretted it when my head started hurting and spots filled my vision. I blinked and they went away. I exhaled and went over to my closet and got out jeans, a red long sleeve shirt and boots. I put them on and looked out the window. All of the snow was gone. Wow. I could see the edge of the forest and there was a deer. Then it ran away. A smile was of my face. There was a knock on my door and I frowned. There was another knock on my door and I shuffled my feet over and opened it. I stood face to face with Adam. He was smiling. My arms went across my chest and I glared at him. He frowned and I pushed past him. I stormed downstairs and plopped on the couch. I heard Adam walk down them and make his way into the den. He stood in the doorway and out his hands in his pockets. I noticed he wore a red striped tee shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

"Elaine? You okay?" He asked

"Am allowed to go outside and explore the woods?" I asked

Adam sighed and nodded his head 'yes.' I smiled, jumped up, and attacked him with a hug. He staggered backwards and wrapped his arms around me slowly. I let go of him,went to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of bread. I ate it and then I headed towards the front door but Adam was in front of it. I skidded to a halt. Adam told me that he has to come with me since I'm still grounded. I readjusted my arm in the sling. I sighed heavily and hung my head. Adam out his jacket on and I had mine on. Then we went outside and made our way to the woods. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I ended up running. I neared the woods but slipped and fell in a mud puddle. I went face first and slid a few feet and came to a halt. I lifted my head and looked at myself, mud covered my face and everywhere where else. My head went back down and I didn't want to move. Adam yelled and soon he was shaking me. I looked up and Adam smiled and laughed nervously. He helped me up.

"That was a nasty fall you took. I thought you lost consciousness," Adam said as he picked me up and carried me back to the house.

"No I didn't. But my pants are ripped and my arm hurts."

Adam nodded his head and kissed my forehead. He pulled away and made a disgusted face. He placed me down, wiped his mouth and spit mud out. I chuckled. He looked at me and laughed as well. We walked the rest of the way to the house. As we walked I glanced down. Then my vision spun and I fell to the ground and passed out.


I opened my eyes and saw Adam sitting beside my bed. There was a worried expression plastered on his face. My head hurt and I noticed that I was in my pajamas. My face grew hot and I looked at Adam. He looked at me, tears filled his eyes, and he hugged me. I pushed him off me and saw his face. He still looked worried. I asked him what was the matter.

"Y-you've been out most of the day. It was eight in the morning when we went out. It's midnight now. I though you were never going to wake up," Adam whispered as tears followed down his cheeks.

I couldn't think of anything to say. I held his hand and forced a smile. He sniffled and smiled. I asked him if he changed me and put my pajamas on. His face went bright red and he looked down. He laughed at himself. Adam told me that Breanne came by and out them on me and she cleaned me up. I also asked him if he knows what is wrong with me. Adam shrugged his shoulders and he stood up and stretched. Adam then prayed for me, kissed my forehead, and headed towards the door. He stopped halfway out and told me he loved me. I didn't respond and pulled the covers near me. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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