Day 44- The Airway (Part 2)

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I felt dad grab my hand and we started running.

"Go right!" Ordered dad.

We went right and I saw where we were headed.

"Dad we're going through the 'do not enter' area next to security!" I shouted

"I know! Just keep running!"

Then the police started shooting at us. Mark began to cry and buried his head into Cheyenne's shoulder.


No one answered. We ran through the 'do not enter' area and we stopped running to catch our breath. Mark was still crying, he looked at me and held his arms out. I held him and he rested his head against my shoulder. I rubbed his back and looked behind me. John and the policemen and security were coming after us.

"Get the girl!" John yelled

I smiled at how silly that sounded. Then Mark got down and walked towards John.

"Mark!" Adam, Cheyenne, and I said in unison

Before John could hurt Mark, I rushed over and picked him up. I made eye contact with John.

"Stay away from my family," I said bravely.

Then I walked towards Adam before John could hurt me. Adam clapped me on the back and I looked behind me. I saw John and the police officers and security guards run at us. We started running towards the gate to board the plane. They started shooting again and scared innocent people. Cheyenne took Mark from me and a few seconds later we reached the gate and rushed to board. I followed Cheyenne and we found a row near the back and sat down. I looked around and didn't see Adam.

"Where's Adam?" I asked her

"I'm right here," he replied as he sat beside me.

Well, more like collapsed into the chair. Adam's forehead was coated with sweat and he held his left side of his chest with his right hand which was covered in blood. I tried to look at it, he fought back. We fought for five minutes until I won. I made Adam remove his hand. He did and I pulled back his shirt. I gagged.

"You were shot" I said. Adam scoffed at me. I rolled my eyes and said, "we need to get pressure on the wound."

I pressed my hand against his wound and I heard Adam wince. I apologized then a flight attendant came by and saw what happened. She went away and came back a few minuets later with bandages and cloths and a pair of pliers.

"I'm Sydney. And I'm a nurse," she said.

How could she be a nurse and a flight attendant? I wondered as I moved over and she looked at Adam.

"The bullet is stuck in part of his rib cage and flesh. I need to get it out," Sydney said, "Mr. Young you need to get on the floor. Avery," she said to another flight attendant," get a two sheets and close this area."

Avery nodded her head in understanding and did what she was told. My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked at Cheyenne who was silently crying whilst Mark was obvious to the whole thing while he watched a movie on a tablet with headphones. I looked to my left and saw Adam lying on the sheets and the area was cleared out except for us.

"Elaine come over here please," Avery said.

I went over and felt sick. Blood coated Adam's shirt and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Mr. Young, we don't have anything to numb the pain or to knock you out. I'm sorry but this is going to hurt," Sydney told him, "Now Elaine, I need you to keep him conscious."

"How do I do that?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders and said a short prayer out loud just as the plane took off. Then she grabbed a knife thing and cut away Adam's shirt. I felt Adam squeeze my hand again and I looked at him.

"I'm glad you're here, Elaine," Adam whispered.

"Me too. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Adam smiled then his facial expression when blank and started screaming and crying at the same time. I started yelling at him. This lasted for the whole flight which was torture. I looked at Sydney pulled the bullet out and immediately pressed the cloth against his chest. Then he had stopped screaming and was silent. I looked at him and his eyes were closed.

"Dad?" I asked softly

No answer.

"DAD!" I screamed with tears streaming down my face.

I slapped his face and his eyes flew opened just as the paramedics came. They put dad on the stretcher and Cheyenne and Mark joined me in the walkway. I stood up and looked at myself. My hands and clothes were covered in blood. Cheyenne held Mark and i shouldered my backpack. Before we got off the plane, I thanked Sydney and Avery. They told me they hope he would get better quickly and they also said I should keep preforming with Adam. I smiled and walked off the plane with Cheyenne.

We walked out of the airport At night and was blinded by the bright lights of a police car waiting for us.

"You must be Adam's family. In that case, come with me. I'm taking you to the hospital in Minneapolis," the police officer said.

We didn't question him and we went into the police car. I sighed heavily as I buckled up. We followed the ambulance and I ended up falling asleep on the way to the hospital.

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