Chapter 1: The Best Laid Plans...

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~~~Your POV~~~

    "Hey, (Y/n)! You coming?" Josh's voice rang over the heavy bass of his Jeep as I tossed my duffel bag in the back.  "Our winter wonderland awaits!"

     I jumped into the front seat next to Josh and turned the radio up even louder.  Letting out a whoop of excitement, I sang along to My Darkest Days' "Porn Star Dancing" as Josh drove to the airport. The flight was pretty uneventful, except you notice Josh was usually quiet. "Hey, you good?"

    I knew it had been a year since the disappearance of his sisters, Hannah and Beth.  I wasn't particularly close to the twins, but I'd been friends with Josh for five years now and had interacted with them here and there.  I hadn't been at the lodge when Josh had lost his sisters.  I'd had another family obligation and couldn't go with them.  But I was there with him when he came home and began his therapy with Dr. Hill.  I was there when he suffered his breakdowns and the PTSD. His suicide attempt a month after his sisters' disappearance.  Sam was there, too...they talked on the phone at least once a week.  But I was with him.  He needed me.  If that wasn't love...

    Josh shook out of his daydreaming and looked at me, putting a hand on mine. "Absolutely, bestie. We're gonna party like fucking pornstars this weekend!" Giving me a devilish grin, he watched the landscape change from the window.  I still felt like something wasn't right...but I shrugged it off.

  ~~~Josh's POV~~~

    (Y/n) was really an amazing woman.  Other than Sam, she'd been the only one there for me when Hannah and Beth went missing.  I really cared for her.  If I knew she felt the same way...maybe tonight would be going a bit differently.  As it was, though, my plan was falling into place and despite the fact that I didn't want (Y/n) involved in it, the others had to understand what I had been through.

    We piled our bags into the shuttle bus and began the ride from the airport to the cabin.  (Y/n) sat next to me, with her headphones in her ears.  I could vaguely hear Muse playing "Madness" through the earbud as she rested her head on my shoulder.  I let her take a little nap as we rode over the mountainous terrain.
    When we got to the bottom of the mountain, I looked around for signs of our friends, but realized that we were the first to arrive.  I'd planned it that way.  I opened the door to the cable car station before stashing the key where I knew Chris would find it.  "Shall we, my dear?"  I held out my hand for (Y/n) to get into the car and we started the journey up Blackwood Mountain.

  ~~~Your POV~~~

    I looked out the window to admire the beautiful scenery.  I couldn't lie...the snow fell so calmly on everything and made it look so peaceful.  Josh's expression, however, didn't look as peaceful.  I moved from one side of the car to the other and put my hand on his thigh.  "Hey...Josh.  It's gonna be fine.  You're gonna get through this fine.  It was your idea, remember?"

    He smiled a little and patted my hand.  "Of course, doll.  It's gonna be great!  I'm just hoping everyone has a good time."  The car rolled to the stop and he pushed the button to open the door. 

  ~~~Later, in the lodge~~~

    "I'm sorry, was your sluttiness too loud?" Emily snarked at Jess as they began to argue.  I seriously couldn't stand confrontation and these two were ridiculous. After a heated argument, Josh settled them and sent Mike and Jess to the guest cabin further up the mountain. Once they were gone, he walked over to me and put an arm around my waist. He could tell I was irritated.

    "Hey, hey, (Y/n), it's all good. We're going for a stress-free weekend here, right?" I looked over at him and my face relaxed.

    "Right. I think I'm gonna go check out my room and maybe take a hot shower." He nudged me a little and grinned. "Well, if you need a hand...or two..." I smacked his arm playfully and started walking away.

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