Chapter 6: Cleaning Up

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(A/N: Ok so this chapter is a smut-fest, cuz hey, why not?  I also wanted to try writing more things from Josh's perspective, because so many x readers only give the reader perspective with the naughty parts and I think it's fun to be kinda different.
Also, I'm at 100 views...which is freaking awesome for me because I honestly don't expect anyone to read what I write.  I mean, I do it for my own enjoyment but I'm glad someone else likes it too :))

~~~Josh's POV~~~

(Y/n) wiped the last dish clean and I decided I'd had just about enough being teased.  I stepped behind her, pinning her to the counter.  My hands gripped her hips tightly and I leaned over to nip the back of her neck.  "(Y/n)..." I whined into her ear, "you're driving me crazy right now."  I snaked my arms around her waist, skimming the bit of exposed flesh at the hem of her shirt.  I could hear her breath catch when I made the small bit of contact.

" really are insatiable, aren't you?"  She turned to face me with a smirk.

"Only with you, beautiful."  I pressed my painfully uncomfortable crotch against her hips, "I let you have your breakfast. Now I'm going to have mine."  I kissed her hard, pressing her hard against the counter.  She wrapped her arm around my neck with one arm and slipped the other down my waist to the band of my sweats.  Shivers ran up my spine and I moaned into the kiss.  Pulling away slightly, I grabbed her shirt and lifted it off of her, exposing her perfect breasts to me.  "Kinda wishing we still had that pancake batter now."

"You're such a weirdo, Josh." She laughed as she slipped a hand into my pants and started rubbing me over my boxers.  I almost wanted to bend her over the counter and fuck her brains out then and there, but since she wanted to tease me, it was only fair I return the favor.

I backed away and tapped my hand on the counter. "But I'm your weirdo.  Hop up, trouble."  (Y/n) looked at me quizzically, but complied, if only out of curiosity.  She pulled me against her and kissed me again, hungrily.  I ran my hands up her sides to her breasts and kneaded them gently.  She moaned into the kiss and yelped a bit when I pinched a nipple.  I planted kisses along her neck and collarbone, sucking on the spots I knew made her extra hot.  I replaced one of my hands with my mouth, nibbling and playing with her nipple as I slipped my free hand down her waist to the band of her shorts.  She wiggled her way out of them and I dropped them to the floor.

"You are fully intent on driving me crazy, aren't you?"  She asked breathily as I slipped a finger along her soft folds.  She was warm and wet and ready, but she was right as well.  I found the tender nub and pressed it with my finger, drawing moans from (Y/n)'s lips.  I knelt on the floor in front of her and replaced my finger with my tongue.  Pancake batter had nothing on her sweetness.  She gasped at the pressure of my tongue on her clit and I decided to make her even more breathless.  As I licked and sucked on her bud, I slipped two fingers into her and thrust them in and out.  "God damn, Joshua.  You're gonna kill me!"  I moved my fingers faster, curling them just the right way to make her clench around me as I continued my focused attentions on her clit.  I felt her hands grab my hair and she started moving her hips toward me to press further into her.  "Shit...right there...I'm gonna..."  Her orgasm left her dripping on my fingers as I lapped up the sweet nectar.  Placing gentle kisses on her thighs, I stood back up.

I gave her a silly grin and pulled down my pants and boxers, parading my swollen cock in front of her.  "Now this is my kind of breakfast."  Pressing against the counter, I grabbed her hips and assaulted her neck with kisses.  Lining myself up, I thrust into her slowly, letting her slick core coat me.  I let out a groan as I started moving in her.  She grabbed my shoulders so hard I knew there would be nail marks later.  I picked up my pace, slamming into her harder. 

" feel so good...don't stop baby..." Her breathless moans were music to my ears and they only brought me closer to the edge.  She wrapped her legs around my waist and used the counter as leverage to lift up, giving me just the right angle to hit her most sensitive spot.  I thought my eyes would roll right out of my head as I felt her climax again, her soft center clenching around my cock like a tight glove.  I couldn't hold back any longer and gave in to my own orgasm, pumping into her a few more times to ride out the high. 

After pulling out and catching my breath, (Y/n) hopped off of the counter unsteadily.  I smirked as I put my clothes back on.  "That's what you get for making me wait, dear." 

She laughed as she dressed herself.  "Well if that's the case, then I'm gonna keep making you wait for breakfast."  Grabbing my neck, she pulled me into a deep kiss before going to get showered and dressed for the day.

~~~Your POV~~~

I looked through my clothes, not quite sure what outfit I wanted to torture Josh with that day.  Finally deciding on a blue cami and black skater skirt, I tossed them on the bed and grabbed my towel to shower.  I turned the water in and stepped through the shower curtain.  What I didn't notice was Josh sneaking in behind me and hopping in as well.

"Jesus, Josh!  You scared the shit out of me!"

He laughed and stuck his tongue out.  "I just thought maybe you'd want to conserve water.  I mean we do live in California.  Lots of droughts and all."

I snickered a bit.  "Right. Conservation was the motivation, huh?"

"Absolutely!  Now hand me your sponge."  I gave him the loofah and he put some of my body wash on it, lathering it up before rubbing it on my shoulders.  "Don't worry, (Y/n).  No ulterior motive here...I just want to wash you up."  I laughed as he ran the sponge along the curves of my breasts and down my waist to wash my hips.  "Turn around."  I faced the wall and he began the process again, washing my back down to my ass, before squatting down and cleaning my legs.  "Open."  I spread my legs a bit so he could clean my sensitive parts.  I could swear his finger slipped, but when I turned to accuse him, he just gave me a cheesy grin like he had no idea what I could have meant. 

He stood back up and put the loofah down.  I grabbed the bar of soap and did the same for him.  I lathered up his arms, shoulders, his chest and belly down to his cock.  I looked at him and motioned him to turn around so I could wash his back and behind.  "Ok, turn back to me."  He faced me and I knelt down, lathering up my hands before rubbing them on the length of him.  Even though we just got busy, he was obviously ready for another trip to the bone zone.  He moaned slightly as I washed him, my hand stroking slowly along the shaft.  I rinsed him off and licked the tip of him before taking the length into my mouth.  He leaned against the wall for support as I moved him in and out of my mouth, massaging what couldn't fit in my mouth with my hand.  He ran his fingers through my hair, pushing himself as far as he could into my throat without making me uncomfortable.  I raked my nails down his thigh, making his hand grip my hair hard. 

"Fuck (Y/n), you're gonna make me cum, don't stop, please," he breathed out between his moans.  I could feel his climax coming close, so I moved faster to encourage him.  With a groan, he came hard, as I continued moving.  I pulled away, swallowing.  "And here I thought I was the one with ulterior motives."  I smirked and reached for my shampoo.  We finished our shower quickly and went to dress to meet Chris and Ashley for lunch.

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