Part 11: Always the Trickster

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(A/N: The pic will make me XD)

~~~Your POV~~~

"Ok, ok, I'm trying these on now."  I stepped into the fitting room and removed my sundress.  I'd worn a strapless bra for this occasion to make things easier, so I pulled on the first dress...the one Sam had just chosen.  Stepping out the door, I spun slowly.

The girls gave their reactions to each dress, then I tried on the dress I'd picked to try on.

After the dresses had all been tried on, I'd decided to go with (D/c).  It ended up being the best suited for me, for the beach wedding that Josh and I were planning.  (F/n or I) was thrilled to have picked the perfect dress for me.  I'd decided to let the girls choose their own style of dress, as long as it was (F/c).  I wanted my best friends to be as comfortable as possible. 

We chose a pair of silver flip-flops with beads on them for me to wear and picked out matching accessories for my hair and jewelry.  I was getting excited for my wedding, even though it wouldn't be for another six months.  We'd decided to finish school before getting married, so we'd set the date for early June. 

After leaving the bridal shop, we went to lunch, did some more shopping and went our ways.  When I got home, there was a note on the door.

I looked at the note on the front door as I dug my keys out of my purse.

Open the fridge

I opened the door with my key and set my shopping bags down.  Walking to the kitchen, I noticed two glasses on the counter.  Opening the fridge, there was an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and another note taped to it.


I grabbed the bucket and glasses and walked to the back of the house.  Stepping through the screen door, I set the bucket and glasses down on a small table and flipped the lights on.

The pool was strewn with rose petals, illuminated by the fairy lights that had been hung along the fence.  I looked around in awe.  It was beautiful.

I walked up to the edge of the pool and looked down at the clear water, littered with flowers.  I didn't even hear Josh open the door behind me and sneak up close, grabbing my arm.

When I turned around, I screamed and stepped back.  I lost my balance and fell backwards into the cold water.  When I returned to the surface, I heard Josh laughing as he removed his psycho mask.

I stood in the pool, fully dressed and slightly pissed.  "Dammit, Josh!"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n), I couldn't help it, it was just too perfect!"  I splashed at him and he jumped away. 

I climbed up the ladder in my soaked dress and wrapped my arms around his neck.  "It's alright, Josh."  I led him to the side of the pool and grabbed his shoulders.  Before he could react, I pushed him in.

I didn't account for him grabbing my dress on the way down.  I tumbled into the water with him, then came up gasping for air.  Josh grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.  I placed my hands on his wet shirt and looked up at him.  "I really am sorry, (Y/n).  I thought it would be funny.  I mean, you have to admit, it was kind of funny."

I cracked a smile.  "Ok.  It was...kind of funny.  But I swear to God, you pull that kind of shit at our wedding, and I'll saw your ass in half."  I pulled him close for a kiss and he pushed me against the side of the pool.  I groaned with the pressure of his body against the hard concrete.  Pulling away, I smirked.  "So...was skinny dipping part of your elaborate plan after you scared the shit out of me?"

He returned my smile with his own.  "Hmmm...maybe."  He slipped his hands under my dress and pulled it up and over my head. I tugged his shirt over his and resumed kissing him.  He undid my bra and threw it on the edge of the pool with the other clothes.  I wrapped my legs around his waist, trying to ease the ache that was starting to build between them. 

Josh slipped his hand between us, rubbing my throbbing nub through my panties.  I set my feet back on the floor of the pool.  "Josh...pants, off, now."  He stopped and unfastened his jeans, sliding them and his boxers off while I slipped out of my panties and we both put the garments with the others.  I grabbed his shoulders and wrapped my legs around him again, pulling him close to me and feeling his boner against my clit.  He started to grind against me, peppering kisses along my neck.  I held onto him for balance with one arm and moved the other down, guiding him into me.  He thrust in to the hilt and we both moaned loudly.  "Shit.  I should've put some music on or something."

He laughed into my neck as he moved slowly.  "That's ok...let the neighbors hear.  I'm sure this will be the first of many skinny dips, so they may as well get used to it."  He braced his hands on the pool on either side of my head and I wrapped my arms around his neck, moving in rhythm together and causing waves in the pool.  He started to move faster.  My nails were digging into his shoulders a little and I pulled him in for a rough kiss.  He pushed harder and kept hitting the perfect spot.  I couldn't help but moan into his mouth as I felt my release.

"Shit, Josh..." I could feel my muscles clench around him, triggering his orgasm as well.  He kept moving long enough to cause another one for me, then stood there, holding my legs around his waist and planting gentle kisses on my cheeks and nose.

" did dress shopping go?"

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