Chapter 5: Sweet Distractions

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(A/N: I'd intended to post the new chapter when I hit 69 views...because I'm juvenile at heart...but I was even more excited to see it pass before I had the chance!  Please, vote/comment/share!  I'm just happy anyone likes it ;))

~~~Josh's POV~~~

I finished putting the last few beer bottles in the small fridge I kept in my game room.  Game night sounded like a great idea, since (Y/n) had bought me that card game for Valentine's Day.  I'd also bought Cards Against Humanity and I planned for a few other, slightly more interesting games. 

I heard the door open and saw Jess, Mike and (Y/n) walk in, carrying a few cases of soda and bags of chips.  Once they put their quarry on the table, I grabbed (Y/n) by the arm and pulled her close for a quick kiss.  "Hey, trouble."  She grinned and kissed my nose before pulling away to put the chips into bowls and put the soda to chill. 

Once everyone arrived, we sat around the card table I'd set up to play Cards Against Humanity and took turns coming up with the craziest responses.

After a few rounds of the game, several beers and many laughs, we moved to the den to relax on the couches.  It was time for the next game.

"Ok, ladies and germs...time for some Truth or Dare."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes.  "Geez, Josh, could we be a bit more juvenile?"

"Hey, I didn't say Spin the Bottle at least, right?"

Emily shrugged her shoulders and sighed.  "Hey, at least it wasn't Seven Minutes in Heaven...cuz you know that wouldn't have been awkward at all."

Mike shook his head.  "Don't go giving Josh ideas, Em."

~~~Your POV~~~

I laughed.  "Yeah, Em, let's not."  I adjusted my position on the floor, sitting between Josh's legs where he sat on the couch.  "Ok, Mr. Party Host, who's first then?"

Josh covered his eyes and held his hand out, pointing around the circle.  When his arm stopped, it was aimed at Jessica.  He took his hand off of his face and grinned.  "Jess...ok, truth or dare?"

Jess turned pink and looked at the floor.  "I don't know...why don't we start slow and go for truth?"

Josh got an evil grin on his face.  "Ok, Jess...truth..." He rubbed his chin. As he thought of a good question.  "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

Jess laughed.  "Yeah, sure.  Here I thought you were gonna give me a difficult question."

Josh winked.  "The night is still young."  He took a sip of his beer.  "Ok, Jess, your turn, pick someone."  Jess repeated the motions Josh used to pick and her finger landed on Chris.

Chris had an arm around Ashley.  "Dare."

Jess smirked.  "Ooooh, a brave one...hmm...ok, I dare you to give Josh a lap dance."

Everyone laughed as Chris stood up and walked over to Josh.  I moved out of the way and changed the song on the stereo to "I'm Too Sexy" just to make it that much more amusing.  Chris started shaking his ass and lip syncing the words, then turned and wiggled himself onto Josh's lap.  He started twerking and I lost it, laying on the floor laughing.  After a few minutes of grinding on my boyfriend, Chris got up and sat back down with Ashley.  "No one better have recorded that.  I'll break phones over that shit."

I laughed again as I took my spot in front of Josh.  "I think we were all too amused to record anything.  Ok, Chris, you're up."

Chris looked at me intently.  "I'm not doing that random point the finger crap.  Since you had to add that song, you get to choose, (Y/n).  Truth or dare?"

I thought for a moment before giving my response.  "Truth."

Chris tapped his chin pensively and chose his question.  "Ok, (Y/n).  If you could pick any one of us to have a threesome with you and Josh, who would you pick?"  He winked, most likely assuming I'd pick him because he was Josh's best friend.

"I'm definitely gonna have to say Sam."  Sam looked up at me with a wink as she swigged her drink.  "Sorry, Chris, she's prettier than you."

Chris gave an exaggerated sigh.  "Darn.  Ok, Sam, who do you pick?"

Sam thought for a moment.  " haven't been picked yet.  Truth or dare?"

Josh leaned forward, rubbing my shoulder gently as he thought.  "I'll go dare."

Sam didn't have to think long for her challenge.  "Ok.  I dare you to order me a pizza."

Josh laughed, then grabbed his phone.  "Extra green pepper, right?"  He stepped away and called the local pizza shop.  After a moment, he hung up.  "Twenty minutes.  Seems like you've wasted your turn, Sam.  But you pick now."

After everyone had been truthed, dared, and embarrassed, Josh decided we were going to watch movies.  He put his dad's newest gore-fest into the DVD player and pulled me onto the couch to snuggle with him.

I didn't realize I'd passed out until I felt Josh move from underneath me, pick me up gently and carry me to his room.  I woke up the next morning with my back to him, his arm holding me tight to him.

He must have felt me stirring, because I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck.  I snuggled up against him as he left gentle kisses on the back of my neck and shoulder.  "Tapped out early, (Y/n)?"  He elicited a purr from me as he nuzzled my ear, giving it a gentle bite.  "Are you well-rested now?"

I rolled to my back, meeting his hazel eyes with mine.  "Yes, but I'm ready for some breakfast, my little horndog.  We can have a little fun later."  I kissed his nose and slid out of bed, changing into a pair of blue yoga pants and a grey tank top.  "Pancakes?"

Josh rolled out of bed and snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around me again.  "Sure, baby...with some sausage?"  He made it abundantly clear what he meant as he pressed himself against my back and started kissing my neck again.

I reached up to grab his head as he continued his ministrations on me, whimpering a bit.  " food."

We made our way to the kitchen and I started grabbing ingredients for breakfast.  I started mixing the pancake batter while Josh grabbed the pans and plates from the cupboard.  Yet again, he started snaking his arm around my waist as I scooped the first few dollops into the pan.  "Joshua Washington, if you don't knock it off..."

He spun me around to face him, that devilish grin on his face.  "If I don't knock it off what, (Y/n)?"  I reached behind me and grabbed the spoon I'd been mixing the batter with, then promptly slathered the mixture down his nose.  His eyes went wide before he ran his thumb down his face and wiped it along my cheek.  He then ran his tongue up my face, cleaning the sweet batter off.  I laughed at the feeling of him licking my face like a puppy.  He then brushed his lips on mine, giving me a taste of raw pancake.  I smelled something funny and pulled away from the kiss before I burned our breakfast.  I flipped the pancakes carefully, trying hard to not be distracted by Josh's persistent attempts at distracting me.

"Dammit, Josh, I'm hungry, I need breakfast.  Just let me have something to eat and you can have whatever you like!"  He tickled my sides and I almost doubled over laughing, which isn't a good idea around a stove.  "PLEASE STOP!!!!!"  He finally relented and let me finish making breakfast.  We ate in near silence, half in anticipation, half amusement, until we had the dishes cleaned up.

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