Chapter 4: Sex and Candy

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(A/N: Yep...more smuts...but then it gets fluffy.  I really hope you guys are enjoying this and please comment/vote/share.  I'm amazed that anyone even reads this but I'm ecstatic about it!
Also, I'm trying to make a regular posting schedule but I'm also working simultaneously on my Hawkeye story and a group of one-shots for various fandoms so...yeah...yay multitasking!)

~~~Your POV~~~

Josh grabbed my ass and flipped us so that I was straddling him.  I squeaked a little at the sudden movement then laughed.  "Shit, Josh, you're gonna throw me off the bed!"  He laughed and kissed me again and I pressed my body down so that I was grinding against him.  I noticed him getting a little uncomfortable.  He grabbed my hips to stop my movement.

"I'm still not ready to accept your apology, (Y/n)."  He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them and his boxers down to free his cock from its prison. "There's one way to make it up to me."  Josh's hand rested on my cheek as he looked into my eyes. "Suck me, beautiful."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.  "Seriously?  You're going to make an American Pie reference right now?"  I decided to tease him a little more by rubbing my bare belly against his crotch.  His face turned beet red and he whimpered a little. 

~~~Josh's POV~~~

(Y/n) wrapped her soft fingers around me slowly and rubbed the base of my shaft with her thumb. She was driving me insane...but decided she'd keep teasing me. She started placing gentle kisses on my chest, slowly moving down my abs and along the line where my hips and legs met.  "(Y/n)'re seriously going to tease me like this?"  She looked up at me with an evil smirk and nodded.  I couldn't help but whimper as she flicked the tip of my cock with her tongue.  "Is this what I get for what I did last night?"  She mumbled a 'mmhmm' as she quickly took the length of me into her mouth.  The only response I could manage was a gasp, then a moan.  I ran my fingers through her soft (H/c) hair as I pushed myself deeper in her throat.  "Fuuuuck yes...don't stop, (Y/n)...". Just as I was about to blow up, she pulled away and stood up.  "You are seriously going to kill me, woman."

She stood up and finished removing her pants and panties with a laugh.  "Oh, have no idea what I'm going to do to you."  She crawled back up my body to straddle me again.  "I'm pretty sure I've more than made up for my little...transgression, right?"  I barely managed a nod as she positioned her warmth onto my aching cock and slid me into her.  I tried to grab her hips and flip us over so that I could take control, but (Y/n) grabbed my hands and held them over my head as she rode me even harder.  "Uh uh uh, Joshie..." I'd let her win this time, but only because she looked so beautiful moving on top of me.  She leaned over and kissed me hard, greedily, as I felt her first release.  I let out a moan as her mouth latched onto my neck and left marks along my collarbone.

Just as I could feel her about to come again, I managed to escape (Y/n)'s grip and sit up enough to wrap one arm around her waist and the other around her neck.  I started thrusting up into her as I sucked on her neck, leaving my own marks on her.  "Come with me, (Y/n)...right..." I couldn't even finish my sentence as we both shook.  I kissed her hard as we rode out the release together.  "You are fucking amazing..."  She just smiled as we laid down for a nap.

I woke up to the sound of the others running down the hall.  Quietly getting out of the bed, I walked out of my bedroom and closed the door, so as not to wake (Y/n) up.  "Seriously guys, trying to nap here..."

They were all in the living room, watching some weird chick flick.  Chris turned around and laughed.  "Hey, Cochise."

"Hey, bro, you guys sound like a herd of wild elephants."

"And you guys sound like a couple of wild monkeys in there, so we're even."  Chris put his arm around Ashley and they kept watching their movie.

The rest of the weekend went by too quickly.  Movies, board games, nights spent with (Y/n)...the kind of weekend we should have had if Beth and Hannah had been here.

~~~Valentine's Day (about two weeks later), Your POV~~~

It was not what I'd expected from Josh.  He didn't come off as the flowers and hearts type for sure. But there he was, at my door with a bouquet of roses and dressed in a blue button-down shirt and dress slacks.  I'd found the perfect blue dress and matching shoes to wear for our date, although he refused to tell me where we were going. 

"C'mon, Josh, please tell me!"  I gave my best puppy dog eyes and pouty face, but he just wouldn't crack. 

"Nope.  That's the surprise part."  He drove through LA, passing all of the fancy places in Beverly Hills before parking the car on the hill near the Hollywood sign.  He opened my door and held out his hand for me to leave the car.  "My lovely lady..."  Leading me up and around the back of the sign, he motioned to a blanket he'd laid on the grass, laden with a picnic and candles.  We sat down and he poured us glasses of water from a bottle he'd packed, hardly losing eye contact.  "I wanted something...different.  Plus, I'd rather have you to myself than in a crowded restaurant."

I looked around, taking in the beautiful twilight scenery.  "It's perfect, Josh.  It's nice to know you can plan things that aren't super creepy," I stated with a wink.

"Cute.  Like you, (Y/n)."  He scooted close to me and kissed my cheek gently, moving down to my neck and placing gentle pecks on my sensitive skin.  "I have something for you."

"I'm sure I could figure it out," I laughed as he teased my ear with a gentle bite.

"As tempting as that thought is, I'm going to hold that part off until later."  Josh reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.  "Don't worry...I'm not proposing...yet.  But I hope you like it."

I opened the small box and saw a beautiful silver locket and chain.  The front had a lovely filigree design and on the bac k were our initials.  He'd put pictures of the two of us on the inside.  He took it out of the box and held it up to put on my neck.  I held up my hair for him to fasten it and he planted a gentle kiss above the clasp.  Turning to him, I kissed him softly.  "It's perfect.  Thank you, Josh."  I got a little smirk on my face and reached into my jacket pocket.  "I've got something for you too."

Josh took the small wrapped package from my hand and looked at me.  "You didn't have to, (Y/n)."  He opened it to find a horror card game.

"It's not jewelry or anything fancy, but it looked like fun and I figured it'd be something to do next time we get the crew together.  You'd probably kick everyone's ass since you're the horror prince, though."  I laughed and he kissed my cheek.

"It's great.  Gives me an excuse to have a game night, right?"

Once we finished our food and packed up, we headed back to Josh's place to continue our Valentine's night together, watching movies...or at least trying to watch them...

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