Part 12: All Good Things

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(A/N: So this is gonna be the last chapter. As much as I've loved writing this, as my title goes, all good things must end. I'm super grateful for everyone who read this story, and please read the other stuff I've posted and share/vote/comment on this one :))

~~~Your POV~~~

    I stood in the beach house bedroom, nervous as hell. Sam grabbed my arms, holding me still. I looked at her, biting my lip.

    "(Y/n), it's going to be ok. You know that once you walk down that aisle, Josh will be standing there, waiting for you."

    I bit my lip again, then sighed. "It's not that, Sam. I was at the doctor the other day to get checked from my surgeries. I'm pregnant." I saw her eyes light up. "I'm happy, but I don't know if this is going to be too much at once for Josh. I don't want to start our marriage on a bad foot."

    Sam laughed. "Are you kidding? What better way to start your life together than by starting a family! And I get to be an auntie!" She gathered me in a big hug.

    I shuffled my feet, digging my flip-flop into the carpet. "I guess. I think I'll wait until after the ceremony, though." I let Sam adjust my headpiece around my (H/c)(H/s) hair and followed her out of the room and to the deck of the beach house.

    Emily, Jessica and Ashley had already made their processions with Matt, Mike and Chris, who was Josh's best man. Sam began hers and I took a deep breath, looking through the small gathering of people sitting in the chairs we'd set up on the beach. At the end of the aisle, as Sam had said, was Josh, looking at me and only me. I began walking through the warm sand toward my future.

    When I made it to Josh, his smile made my heart melt. He took my hands and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "You look absolutely beautiful. But I can't wait to take that off of you later." My face flushed and I nudged him away so that we could get married first. When the pastor began talking, the rest of the evening went by like a blur. I was so blissfully happy, I even forgot my concern about sharing the news of my pregnancy with Josh. My lack of alcohol consumption had caught his attention for a moment, but I'd casually stated that I'd wanted to enjoy the night without influence and he seemed to let it go.

    He'd insisted on carrying me bridal style into the bedroom, which caused incessant giggles from me. He set me down carefully and pulled me quickly into a sweet kiss. "Well, beautiful wife...what now?"

    I giggled again at the sound of him calling me wife. It was music to my ears. "I don't know, sexy-ass husband, what now?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me tight to him, making me squeak a little. "I like that..." I pushed away slightly for a moment. "But first, there's something I need to tell you."

    His face crumpled with concern. "What is it? Are you alright? You should be healed by now, right?" He moved close to me again, touching my side gently, and I rested my arms on his shoulders.

    I bit my lip and smiled nervously. "Well, I know we're only just now husband and wife...but it seems like it won't be just the two of us for long..."

    After a moment of thought, his eyes widened with realization. "You mean...?"

    "Uh huh. I just found out the other day. About three months along. You're going to be a daddy, Josh."

    I thought he may have momentarily realized what he was doing when he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up in the air, twirling around and making me yell at him to stop. He put me back down and placed a hand on my abdomen. "I don't know what to say, (Y/n). This must be the best day of my life." His words brought a tear to my eye and he gave me a tight hug.

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