Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10:

(Maisley's POV)

The next morning I help Zoe, Aud, Kel, and Lin drag their suitcases into my house. We bought so much stuff from shopping the other day, we didn't even need to drive to eachothers' houses.

“I'm uber excited!” Lindsay says energetically.

“Tommorow is our flight to California!” Audrey does a little dance, while packing her shorts.

I grab my school bag and empty it out in the bin, replacing my supplies with the tickets, passes, and my wallet, plus the note.

“ What time are we leaving?” Kelli asks.

“Well, the flight is at 7:00AM, and we won't get there until..maybe 1:30PM..” Zoe thinks.

“ Were leaving at 5:00AM.” I state.

“That early?” Kelli complains.

“We better get breakfast!” Audrey exclaims, while packing candy in her bag.

“You don't need that!” Lindsay complains, taking the bag of Skittles.

“Yes I do!” Aud laughs, grabbing it.

“NO, I want them!” Lin and Audrey tug back and forth, until the bag burst open.

“TASTE THE RAINBOW!” Kelli yells, as the candy flies across the living room.

“I'll clean it up.” Zoe smiles softly.

“Thanks hun.” I smile back, shooting a glare at the two candy lovers.

“Zoe finished packing, already?” Kelli peers at her suitcase.

I look over and she already had her outfits nice and folded, with her accessories in a golden box.

“Nice.” I say to her, as she sweeps pass me.

“Thanks!” I glance at Kel's suitcase; her clothes thrown in, but somehow the suitcase zips, Audrey's is the same, except she has some bags of chips tucked in the sides. Lindsay's is the most sufficient; she has plastic containers that have every outfit for that day, neatly labeled and aligned.

I haven't even got a pair of underwear in mine.

After around four hours, we finished packing. I drag the suitcases down the hall, placing them next to the stairwell. Kelli's is plaid, Zoe's is solid black, Audrey's has flowers, Lindsay's is red, and mine has a bunch of stickers on it. Interesting bunch we are. I walk into the kitchen preparing food for dinner.

“What do you guys want?” I ask, as they sit at the dinner table, scrolling through tumblr, twitter, and Instagram.




“Something healthy.” Lindsay finishes without looking up.

“Stirfry vegetables with chicken lo-mein it is.” I say, taking out the ingredients.

“Thanks mummy.” The four of them joke.

I place the food, plates, and utensils on the table, and let them to it.

“GAH.” Audrey chokes, while looking at her phone.

“What?” I say, chewing on tofu. She turns the screen to me:

[ Louis Tomlinson's secret crush. A red head? Maybe Ed? ]

“Oh Sugarscape..” Zoe giggles to herself.

“See?” Audrey swallows her food, “He likes you.”

“ I'll believe it when I meet him.”

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