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"Shut the fuck up, Ryan." Tyler hissed as we hid in the alleyway behind the dumpster.

"Well maybe don't step on my fucking foot." Ryan argued.

"Both of you knock it off," I interrupted, "we could get arrested if we're caught."

They shut up and we waited a little longer. We've done this over a million times but it's still nerve-racking. The lights to the studio shut off and after a minute or so, the owners car drove into the road and out of sight. "It's clear." I insisted.

I climbed onto the dumpster and opened the thin, horizontal window that lead into the dance studio. It has a broken latch and doesn't close properly so I can just put my fingers under it and push it up. I slid through and landed on the ground. I looked up and Ryan was next. I moved out of the way as he dropped into the now empty room, leaving an echo to dance around it. He moved and Tyler did the same.

Tyler took a deep breath and let out a happy sigh, "I love the smell of this place."

"Close the blinds so I can turn on the lights." I ordered.

"What's gotten into you?" Ryan asked and him and Tyler went to the windows and reached up to make sure the blinds were in the way of sight.

"I'm tired of having to sneak around." I whined.

"Did you get into another fight with Mrs. Ogal?" Tyler asked.

"Of course I did." I complained, "She runs an apartment building for freaks but hate all of them and treats them like shit."

"Lucas!" Ryan yelled at me after he got the last blind.

I went to him and hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry. I'm just...tired of is all."

He hugged back, "I know you are, but I hate that word." The lights came on and I looked at Ryan.

His hood outlined his pale face. His russet brown eyes were tired and a bit scared, but also relaxed and understanding. A small portion of his dark, brown hair poked out of the top of his grey hood. His beard was short and wild, but it made his look his age of 28. Ryan wasn't the tallest guys, he was 5"8.

"You can take that off now." I said as I took his hood off his head, reveling his brown hair and grey bunny ears.

He let go and said, "It's super fucking hot." He took off the whole hoodie and went over to the door that had the hooks and rested his coat on one of them. He little puffy tail was wiggling around and his ears perked up because they were stuck under his hoodie since this morning.

Everyone calls us freaks but the proper term is "abnormals."

I know what you're thinking and no, not all the abnormals are hybrids. In fact, only 1% of the population of abnormals are hybrids.

I looked over at Tyler and he put the hood of his dark blue jacket down and messed with his medium brown hair. His somewhat tan skin was released when he unzipped his jacket and put took it to where Ryan was.

Tyler was 25 and looked normal, but his ears weren't. Tyler was a handsome, tall guy. He stands at 6"5 and has stubble and strong features. However, can hear animals speak actual words. He's always pointed it out when he was little and that's when he was labeled a freak too. Everyone knows he's telling to truth too because has sat down and had a conversation with zoo animals and random dogs and cats before.

He came to me and said, "I didn't bring my phone."

I sighed and slumped over, "I guess I can just practice my stops."

He hugged me and I looked up at his sapphire eyes. He was upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He pulled away and sat down against the wall, "Someone made fun Ryan and I again."

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