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I got nervous as Sunday rolled around. I couldn't show it though because today was the day I was going to be able to join the circus...and go on a date with John, but right now: circus!

I walked out of the dressing room in my familiar black leotard and hurried out to the stage to sit with everyone, seeing Evan and Ryan already setting up. I went to Scotty and sat next to him.

"I'm scared." Scotty said.

"Of?" I asked.

"What if he freezes again and isn't able to join?" He turned to me, "Craig won't let him be in the circus for much longer if he doesn't pass."

I glanced at Ryan before turning to him, "I think he'll be fine. As long as he doesn't think about it."

"He's going to look over there though." He explained, "You're high up, so it's easy for you to say he can ignore it, but Ryan's on the ground and he has to be face to face with the dogs."

I inhaled and realized he was right. I looked at the two and saw Evan flirting again. "I think Evan can distract him." I smirked. I gave Scotty a I'll-be-right-back look while he gave me a What-are-you-doing one in return. I got up, headed to the two, and called, "Evan."

He turned and I motioned for him to step aside from his set up to talk to me for a minute and he did so. "Yes?" He asked as he got to me.

"I think I know how to get Ryan to not freak out over the dogs and hillbillies." I whispered.

He smiled and gasped, "How?"



I nodded, "Distract him. Do what you need to do. Put flowers in his face or continuously turn him around or keep him in the boxes a little longer; whatever, just make sure he doesn't look."

"But the barking-"

"Ear plugs." I said.

He glanced behind him and Ryan was making sure his vest was straight. Craig started talking to him and Jon wasn't very far from him. Evan looked back at me and nodded, "I think I can do that."

I smiled and we shared a nod before I went to sit back down as he went to his assistant. He wrapped his arm around him and laid his head on his chest as he listened to Craig as well.

I sat next to Scotty and he still seemed confused. Instead of answering his unasked question, I turned and smiled at him.

"Okay," Craig clapped, "are we all here and ready?"

We all nodded as he checked around. I looked at the magician and bunny and Evan looked like he was explaining that Ryan needed to put in bigger ear plugs so he could hear less. Ryan didn't really seem to like the idea.

Craig turned to the two as he backed to his seat along with John and said, "Start whenever you're ready."

The two looked at Craig and turned away from us. Ryan eventually gave in and put the larger ear plugs in and they went around the table and stood there in a presentable manner.

"Ready." Evan said.

"Introducing, Hoodini and Ohm." Craig announced and started the timer.

The two started their performance and it was confusing. Ryan kept looked at Evan, trying to read his lips but would get confused. He often went and grabbed the wrong things along with nervously glancing over at Jon, making him stumble over things. About three minutes in, Craig stopped them.

"That was awful." He said truthfully, "What the hell is happening?"

Ryan took out the ear plugs and turned to Evan, "I told you this wouldn't work."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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