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I wasn't very social after my many mistakes. I didn't blame anyone but myself, but I was still pissed off. Focusing on something while people are yelling is so difficult. Music blocks that. That's why it so hard for me to have a rhythm and focus on what I'm doing.

I ate in silence while everyone around me talked about different things. Tyler got up from his spot and someone took it.

"Hey." They said. I turned and met the guy who swallowed fire. "I'm Anthony." He spoke kindly.

"Hi." I simply said in the nicest tone I could fake at the moment.

"I know you're upset." He said, "I was too when I first joined, but don't blame yourself. You'll get music when you actually preform and you won't have to worry about people throwing shit or yelling at you."

I looked up at him, "Can you read minds too?"

He laughed and I studied him. He was around 5"10 and had a pinker tone of skin. He had amber eyes and short auburn hair that lead to his beard. His smile was sweet and genuine and his laughter made me smile and forget what I was upset about. He's the fire eater and breather.

He looked back at me when he calmed down and said, "I fucking wish." He paused for a second and continued, "You're just acting like I did when I was going through training. I just wanted to tell you what I wish someone told me."

I looked at him and smiled. It was nice to know I'm not the only one who was bad at focusing. "Thank you." I said.

"Plus, no matter how bad you do at training, you're never going to be as bad as Luke." Anthony said and pointed across the room.

Luke was about 6"1 without added the length of his 8 inch horns that were a few inches above his ears. He had pure red skin, jet black hair, and a small black beard at the end of his chin. I haven't talked to him face to face yet so I couldn't tell you what his eye color was, but he had a scar over his right eye in the shape of an X. He could and probably has been mistaken for the devil himself. He's the swordsman and dare devil.

I looked back at Anthony, "What did he do?"

Anthony laughed, "He started throwing knives at us."

I started laughing because he was laughing. "Thats not supposed to be funny." I laughed harder.

He wheezed and went, "It's only funny because as he was doing it," he laughed a little harder, "Craig was yelling, 'This isn't how you're supposed to handle it!' as he trampled everyone."

"Are you talking about me?" Luke asked and I looked up to see him making his way over to us.

I couldn't stop laughing though because the thought of Craig pushing people and screaming was so funny.

Luke sat on the armrest next to my and I looked up at his onyx brown eyes and kindhearted smile. "It wasn't my best day." He admitted. He had the same accent as Jonathon.

"No, it wasn't." Anthony wheezed making us laugh.

"Didn't you breathe fire at everyone?" Luke asked.

Anthony settled down and pointed at him, "Thats not as deathly as what you did."

"Yes it is!" Luke exclaimed, "If anything, it was even more deadly!"

I was laughing so hard, my stomach was hurting. "Neither of those are okay." I laughed.

They started laughing and I looked at Anthony and he stopped all of a sudden. "Did your eyes...?" He pointed back and forth at each of them and I smiled and blinked. He backed up a bit but smiled, "Thats so cool."

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