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"Mom," I spoke out and looked at her as we walked, "why does no one like me?"

"I like you." She giggled as she looked at me with her baby blue eyes, filled with passion, wonder, love, and hope.

I laughed, but soon stopped. "I mean...why are we picked on all the time?" I asked.

She sighed and turned back to what we were doing. "It's because we're different, Lovebug." She whispered, "It's normal to be closed minded, that's why the good people are the ones who are different."

I looked around at all the normals and noticed something. "But they like each other."

"Because they like people like them." She said, looking at me once more, "Good people like all people, unless there's a reason not to and that reason shouldn't be based on looks."

I thought about it for a second and said, "Is it okay for me to not like people who don't like me?"

We stopped in front of my dad's work as she says, "Depends. Why would someone not like my little Lucas?"

"Because of my eyes." I answered almost immediately.

"Good people would love your eyes." She smiled that safe, heartwarming smile, making me smile as well.

She held my hand as we waited for him to walk out. Tons of different people walked out and headed in different directions while some who looked normal went to cars.

I've never been in a car. It looks fun, but complicated. Why are there mirrors and lights? Why is there a wheel on the inside? I've heard some even play music before!

"Hey." I heard the tired voice of my dad say. I turned to him kissing my mom.

"Ewww." I whined and they laughed.

My dad looked at me with his red eyes full of tiredness and worry. He didn't look scary with his red eyes; they reminded me of that red candy that's in the shop Mom and I always pass on the way here. I always ask if we could go in one day and Mom would always reply, "Maybe one day."

I've never had candy either. I only know what it is because of movies. It's looks delicious!

"How was school?" He asked me as he got on the other side of me, grabbing my other hand as we walked back home.

"Boring." I said, "I don't think Mrs. Carrie knows what she's doing."

"That's not nice, Lucas." My mom said.

"I didn't mean it in a mean way." I clarified, "She just teaches us something and then tries to teach us something completely different the next day."

"Like what?" Dad asked.

"She gave us a word list and said it was our spelling list, but none of us knew any of the words so she took it back and today she gave us the same list and said it was our vocabulary list, but still didn't give us our spelling list for the week!" I exclaimed.

"That's crazy!" Dad agreed.

"I know!" I said and he chuckled. I looked around and saw that place that I've always wanted to go to.

It had lights and posters for movies on the side and ever week it was something different. There were many doors that lead into it and I always wanted to go. I think it's called a theater.

I gasped when I saw the movie I've been waiting to see ever since I saw the previews. "Can we go watch 'How to Train Your Dragon'? Please!" I asked my parents.

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