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Why the hell did he say yes? Who the fuck says yes to three inexperienced strangers? Well, apparently Craig does.

After Tyler asked, Craig smiled, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front of the group as we walked back to the tents.

Now we're behind the stage, watching all the performers run out, do their portion of the show, then run back in for someone else to have their turn.

Craig would stand on the sideline and go to the middle to introduce the next person, but he never walked back in. One guy ran back into the tent and Craig went to the middle of the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He yelled, "Please give a big round of applause for Hoodini!"

I turned and Hoodini wasn't walking out onto the stage. He's going to miss his cue. I looked back just as Craig got out of the way and center stage was empty. I glanced at Tyler and Ryan and they did the same to me and both their faces matched my confusion.

Without warning, a blaze of fire appeared out of nowhere and everyone sent a gasp to its way. It disappeared as soon as soon as it appeared and Hoodini now stood in its place, smiling and in a show stopping pose. The audience clapped and cheered as Hoodini took off his cape. He set it on the ground and grabbed the middle of it and pulled it up to revel a small table, full of props for his skit.

Hoodini stopped and threw the cape to the side. His smile never went away as he said, "I'd like to introduce to all of you, my new assistant."

He took the hula hoop that rested on the single leg of the table and put it on the ground. He then lifted it up and Ryan, in black pants that fit him a little too perfectly and a white dress shirt and black vest, stood there, ears and tail in all their glory.

I shot my head to where Ryan was standing, next to Tyler, and saw Tyler also looking and no Ryan.

"He was here like two seconds ago!" I whisper-screamed, "and wearing," I stopped and looked out, "well not that."

Hoodini put the hoop back against the table leg and threw his arm around Ryan. The audience roared with excitement and Ryan's ear went back in fear.

"It's too loud for him." Tyler said, "He needs his earplugs."

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Well they were in his hoodie." Tyler explained, "I'm not sure where they are now."

Because of Ryan's bunny ears, he can hear a lot more things at a much higher volume. He already packed some earplugs becuase he knew people would be cheering loudly, but because of all the craziness, he hasn't put them in yet.

We looked back and Hoodini was preparing for the act. He grabbed this weird rectangle thing and set it on the ground and lifted it up and it became a large box that kind of looked like a filing cabinet. He knocked on it and it was metal. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a rose. He went over to Ryan and gave it to him. The audience awed and Hoodini led him to the box.

Because I was backstage and sneakily peaking through the curtains, I couldn't see what he was doing. All I know is that it was something that kept the audience on the edge of their seat.

After a few more magic tricks with the box, Hoodini led Ryan out of it and took him to the other side of the table and went back to the box and kicked it. Suddenly, the metal turned to cardboard as the box just collapsed on itself and landed flat on the ground.

"How's he doing?" Someone said behind me, making me jump. I turned and met kind eyes that noticed they scared me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No it's fine." I said. I examined him and he was fit as well, had honey brown eyes, and curly dark drown hair. He wore a suit similar to Ryan's but with a red vest. His skin was a bit ore on the paler side, but it made his other features pop out more. He was about six foot or so.

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