Part 3

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Hello! Wecome back! Starting were we left off!


Delirious pov

"Vanoss, Bruno is on his way right now with the fuck who tried to take me out." I tell him " Alright, who caught him?" he asks " My Teddy Bear caught him who else." I tell him laughing "She actually protected you?" he asks surprised "She says it was just her instinct. But I think she might like me." I say a little proud "Don't get ahead of yourself there buddy you know the rules. You can't date your baby if you all break up she will kill you and make it look like an accident, and that's no joke." He tells me "Yeah Yeah I know, she already has the okay to kill me. *Knock, Knock* "Come in Teddy Bear." I already know it's her we have cameras threw out the house. She enters the room and can see I'm on the phone and just stands there waiting. " Alright Vanoss" she glared for a second at the phone. "Let me know what you find out about our friend." I tell him " Yeah and watch your back till we find out who tried and off you." he tells me " Yeah I'll have Teddy Bear with me ALL day. Keep moo and terror next to you, just in case they try and come after you too."I tell him, but Teddy looks like she wants to say something. "What is it Teddy?" I ask her " If you want to protect that schmuck Moo and Nogla would be better. Terroriser can't see that well right now." she tells me " Are you concerned-" she cuts me off "If anyone is taking that bitch down it's going to be me."she says quickly. " You hear that Vanoss?" I tell him, she moves over to the window and is looking outside. "How does she know about Nogla?" he asks she must have heard it and just smirks, not giving an answer. "No clue but its not a bad idea, I'll talk to you later." I tell him hanging up. "Come here Teddy Bear, I have the blueprint for the house and the yard for you to memorize." I tell her calling her over to the table. She walks over and studies it for a few minutes.

Teddys pov

I study the layout soon I have it memorized. "Done." I tell him. "Good lets go and walk around till the food gets here so if I can see if you really remembered everything." he tells me I nod and follow him out of his office. After awhile of Delirious playing "lead me here", I guess he was impressed with how well I did and patted my head. I sigh I'm getting tired of this. I go to say something when Delirious pulls me by the hand and tells me to follow him outside.I'm sure I have daggers for eyes on him because as we pass staff as he leads me outside they freeze in place when they see us. "Teddy Bear" I hear him call to me snapping me out the fantasy I was having of killing him. I look around and we are in a garden full of flowers. I can see the sun and mountains from here.I know where I am! I'm not that far from home! I think to myself. I must be beaming. When I look over to Delirious he is just standing there looking at with some dumb expression. "You know your beautiful when you smile." he tells me I wipe the smile off my face. he look at me puzzled. "You don't know the rules of having a Baby do you?" I ask him. " Of course you don't not like I would really listen to them anyway." I tell him. "What are the rules? Tell me anyway even if you don't follow them". He asks me "one. Baby's only have one master. We broke that, when you became my master. Two babies will kill any threat to there masters be he friend or foe, masters well being are top priority. Three Babies are a tool do not treat them like a pet or friend. Do not be friendly with your master.Remember you are a tool. Four Babies will remove themselves from a situation if they are endangering their masters." I tell him.

Dels pov

What kind of nut rules are those I thought I was the crazy one. "How can you live with someone for as long as you're supposed to be with me and not be friendly?" I ask " Do you care for your toaster like you do a person?" she asks me "well no but-"she interrupts me " Same thing I'm just a tool if you think of me as a person it will put you at risk or if I die you will not want another one.You guys do go threw a lot of us." she tells me, she sounds a little angry. "You know what you signed up for." I tell her not realizing what I just said and she has the most fucking evil look on her face. It almost scares me. "I did not mean-" she runs fast up to me and grabs my knife from my pocket opens it and throws it in the bushes. "Fuck!" I hear from inside the bush. next thing I knew she pulls a man up by his neck holding him up, strangling him. "Do you know him?"the way she asked sent a shiver down my spin " N-no" I'm a little nervous. "Then we don't need him right?" I can see her grip tightening around the man's throat. "Don't, we need to know who sent him." I tell her walking up to her "Give me a room and I'll have him tell me in 5 minutes." she says as the man tries to get out of her grip. "Put him down before he dies."I tell her still getting closer. "I'm not going to kill him" she brings him down a bit to her face "I'm just going to have him pass out from lack of air." she is smiling. "Teddy let him go or no pizza." she looks at me and kind of debates with the idea to herself. "Whatever you say Daddy." and she drops him, and pulls the knife out of his arm. The man is gasping for air as bodyguards come and pick him up and take him away. She wipes the blood off on the grass and hands me my knife I can see her twitching a bit. One of the maids comes up to us and says the food is here, it's the older women, we call her Granny. "Thank you." Teddy tells her with a smile. "Let's go eat Delirious." she tells me as she walks off "Boss... you okay?" I hear Bruno ask. "Maybe I'm the one who is in love with her." I say to myself. Bruno acts like he did not hear anything. I walk into the house and go to the dinning room where I see her already eating. I take a seat across from her not sure if she is still angry at me. "Hey Teddy Bear?" I speak and she looks up to me "What is it Delirious?" she goes back to eating. "I'm sorry for what I said, I know your here for a different reason." I tell her "It's fine."she says but judging by her tone I'm guessing it's not.

Teddys pov

Over my dead body is it fine,but I'm not telling him that. I'm too close to seeing my family to fuck this up. Just a little longer than I can be free of everything. I'm sticking to my plan. See your family, see that they are okay then you end yourself. They don't need to see what I have turned into. I'm not hungry anymore. I put the food down, and look back over to delirious. Who looks a little down. "What is it Daddy?" I ask him he looks up at me a little happier that I called him by his other name. "Teddy Bear. I want to watch a movie before Vanoss send us on a mission what movie you want to watch?"he asks like I thought he is an idiot. "Whatever you want Daddy. I have not seen any movies for 3 years." I tell him. He looked a little down at what I said "It's fine let's watch whatever your favorite movies are." I tell him shooting him a small smile. "Okay! I'll go set up my room!" he sound excited and leaves. "Why did I just do that?!" I talk to myself the old woman steps forward I almost forgot I followed her here. "He looked down, you made him happy." she says with a smile "That should not matter to me if he is happy or not." I tell her " Love moves in mysterious ways." she tells me " Oh no I don't love him." I tell her "Not yet but it is forming." she pats my head and leaves I don't mind when she does it. "I need to kill it with fire, I don't plan on living that long." I say as Bruno walks over "Boss is waiting for you."he tells me. I get up and start walking to Delirious's room. "What did you mean when you said you don't plan to live that long." Bruno ask. "Exactly what it sounds like." I tell him walking into delirious's room and shutting it before Bruno can get in. "Hey Teddy Bear! I have the friday the 13 movies we having a marathon!" he sounds like a little kid. "Okay daddy." he pops the movie in and lays down on the bed. I'm standing by the bed no way in hell I'm laying down with him.

Dels pov

I see Teddy Bear just standing by the bed watching the movie I reach up and pull her down on to the bed she has this look of terror in her eyes. "There ain't that better?" she is on her back on one side of the bed I fix her pillow and lay down on my side of the bed and continue to watch the movie. *Teddys pov *internal screaming* back to del* I'm watching her in the corner of my eye and I can see her trying to relax. I turn my attention back to the tv when I think I have been staring too long. Eventually I can feel her relax on the bed. That movie ends and I send a text to Bruno to bring us some drinks and snacks. While I put in the next movie. By the time I'm done there is a knock on the door before Teddy could get up from the bed I pushed her back down and answered the door. Bruno hand me the stuff and points to his phone.I nod and close the door. I put the snacks in between us and sit up a bit and put my phone on silent. "Boss you need to do something for her if you like her. She was talking to herself in the dining room and she said she don't plan to live long you know anything about it?" I read the message to myself, and slip the phone back in my pocket. I know she has a death wish already,but if she loves me would she still want to die? If she sees her family will she give up on killing Evan and just kill herself? Would she wait till after she kills Evan? I can't have her killing Evan he is my best friend and boss.

Teddy pov

I can see delirious read a message but I can't read it. So I go back to watching the movie and eat some snacks that are in between us. I can see him getting more and more nervous.The more time that went by I can see him starting to fidgit I move the tray that's between us. And get closer to him, "Daddy you okay?" I ask him. he did not even move. I pull him closer to me so I'm hugging him. "Daddy are you okay?" I ask him he seemed to snap out of it and squeezed me back "Are you okay now? What was wrong?" I ask him. " I got to far in deep thought and was panicking." He tells me. why do I care? Why am I doing this? I ask myself "you love him." I hear the old lady in my head. I shake my head no it's not okay to like him. "Hey Teddy Bear? I hear from him. "Yes?" I answer him. " What's your real name?"he asks me. He wants to know my name? Or is it a trick question? I think to myself " Teddy Bear."I tell him. " No that's what I called you because of your tattoo, but you had a name before that. What was it?" he asks again putting his face under my chin. "That person is gone now the name don't matter. What matters is that I'm Teddy Bear now, and with you." I tell him now yelling at myself for what I just said because now he is holding me tighter. "Then promise me something." He asks me "what is it?"I ask "Don't die.I don't think I could handle it." he tells me which makes my chest tighten. "I'll try my best not to."I tell him. With that he curls up next to me relaxed and places his head on my stomach.


Hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

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