Part 5

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Delirious pov

" Yeah let's go we need some supplies for a get together we are having in two days." I tell Teddy as we leave the house and get in the car. We get in the car and make our way to the store. " So what did Granny ask you?" I'm a little curious I only heard the last few parts of the conversation. "Nothing she was just looking out for you, so I was interrogated." she tells me with a slight laugh " She asks like my mother." I say " That's good means she cares about your well being." Teddy tells me " I know" I tell her when we get to the store we go threw and pick up everything I need for when Evan comes over. When I look over to Teddy I can see she has her eyebrows scrunching together. "What's wrong?" I ask in a whisper just in case we are being followed and that's why she is making that face. "Oh it's nothing." she says as she looks at the food and shakes her head fixing her face into a relaxed one. If she use to go out with Evan I'm sure she remembered his favorite foods, the idea that she still knows what he likes kind of pisses me off. "Why don't we get to know each other more." I tell her "What?" she ask with a confused look " I want to know everything about MY Teddy Bear." I tell her moving closer to her as we wait in line. " Alright why don't we wait till we get home, here may not be the best place to have this kind of talk."she tells me "Ah right but I can ask normal questions out here right?" I tell her "Yes but I'm not too sure what's normal for you." she says grabbing my arm and moving me to her. When I felt some wind go past my head, and in her other hand she put on my shoulder now has a dagger in it. "Let's hurry up and get out of here I'm not sure who threw that, and there are too many kids running around. " she tells me. we pay and grab Bruno and get to the car, put our stuff in and go. " Well that was a little close." I tell her "When we get home have the guys scan the property, I'll meet you in your room- no be in my room just incase. After I check the house and surrounding areas" she tells me " Alright, don't take to long I want to start our game." I tell her pulling her to me. She is as stiff as a board, I wish she would trust me already. She did let a tear fall though she must be letting her guard down around me not knowing she is doing it. Now if I can have her stop trying to kill Evan and have her start to trust me more, I'll be set. " We are here!" I hear her almost squeak that out, that's cute I wish she would call it home. " Now go where I told you to go and wait till I go get you."she tells me "Yes ma'am" I tell her saluting, did she just roll her eyes at me? I think to myself. When I get in the house I walk over to her room and when I walk in Granny is there. "Hey what are you doing in here?" she asks me and I explain what happened at the store " Can't take you anywhere can we? Did you get everything for when Evan comes over?" she asks me " How did you know Evan was coming over?" I ask her "Better question are you trying to get her to stop killing him or have them get back together?" she asks " Have her try and stop killing him, he messed up." I tell her " So you do love her too." she says " Did she say she liked me?!" I say a little excited "No but I know she will never love Evan again,and I told her she can start over with you. You two should do something normal, get to know each other better. You know where you are not someone's target and she has to save you." she tells me leaving the room.

Teddys pov

I finish checking the grounds and check the house last place to check is Delirious's office. So did not plan it to be the last place to look so I could use the computer. I tell myself I check out the office first make sure no one is coming and look up the festival, it's happening in 3 days. Gives me time to plan how to get us there. As I clean any trace I used the computer and leave I'm left with my thoughts. I know delirious is having Evan come over probably try to get me to stop trying to kill him. Fat chance of that but- my thoughts were interrupted when granny came out of my room. "Oh Teddy! You scared me." she said "Sorry just got done checking everywhere we should be good but be careful."I tell her "I will. He is waiting for you, and I told him to take you on a normal date." she whispered that last part to me before she left me just standing outside my own door. Well that will work in my favor I tell myself. When I walk into my room Delirious has made himself comfy on my bed "We are fine for right now but I'm having Bruno go over the car for a tracker and I stepped up security for the perimeter, And I sent the dagger to him." I report to him. "Good girl, come sit here." he pats a spot on the bed where I would be sitting in his lap. "Not happening." I say sitting on the opposite side of the bed. " But you slept with me yesterday." he says " I slept Next to you and that's not happening tonight I'm on duty tonight with what happened at the store." I tell him "So I can have you be MY Teddy Bear pillow any other day?" he says moving closer to me " No last night was a fluke and I was too tired to care to move." I tell him " So I just got to get you really tired?" he says with a smile "oh shush." I shake my head " So what do you want to know?" I ask him "Everything." he tells me I don't plan to tell him much just what he asks maybe. " And I want you to want to know about me." he adds on I smile "I read your file on you. There was no photo on you though." I tell him "Anything good in there?" he asks " Just how well your missions go, knife accuracy, gun accuracy, you know your stats nothing to personal." I tell him "huh he listened to me and did not put what I ask him not to." he says " Of course he listened to you." that came out a little meaner than I intended. He moved closer to me. " Will killing him fix anything? You love him right.?" he asked "I wasted my sanity in a cell for months waiting for him. I don't love him, just like how he no longer loves me after what he turned me into." I tell him he looks a little happy at the fact that I said I don't love Evan. " Killing him may not solve anything but that's what has kept me alive this long." I tell him " You promised me you would not kill yourself." he says leaning over to me. " I never said I would not kill myself I just will try and stay alive but that does not mean I can't die by someone else's hand." I tell him "Now what about you? I don't have any personal info on you though I'm sure Granny has some good stories on you." I tell him he looks a little disappointed with the fact that I have not given up on killing myself. "God please don't ask her any of those." he says throwing his head back. "So why Delirious?" I ask him "Delirious is the me when I snap, you fought with him." he tells me " Ah had not had a good fight like that for a while, it was fun." I tell him. " I don't like to use him very often, but I really wanted you. " he says wrapping his leg around me finally getting me in his lap. "He is just another part of you." I tell him looking at him " I know and I think he liked you too,but I can't control him which is why I'm on this vacation." he says resting his head on my shoulder. "I'll fight him anytime,and make sure you come out in one piece." I tell him he wrapped his hand around my waist holding me tighter. " That means you need to be with me my whole life." he says smiling " until you- " Boss!" Bruno came flying in and saw how we looked and looked at the ceiling "Sorry! But we can't find Granny." he says I slip boots on and take more throwing knives with me. "Bruno stay with him." I throw him a Rifle I had under the bed. "I'll go find her." I tell him " No I'm going too!" he protest. "If they are after you I'm not giving them you on a silver platter." I tell him. "I'm coming. Or you sleep with me every night." He tells me. " You want to do this NOW?!" I tell him wide eyed "Then I guessing I'm coming right?" he says grinning this guy I swear. I think to myself "FINE! Bruno lets go." I tell him handing delirious one of my throwing knives. "Where was the last place you guys saw her at?" I ask. "She was in the garden." Bruno says. When we get to the garden I can see her tracks and tell the other two to stay where they are so I can map out the tracks. "Does she have low blood sugar?" I ask them "Yeah she does why?" they ask "It's just one set of tracks but they look like she was having trouble walking. The tracks wobble away from the house and to the woods" I point. " Why would she go that way?" delirious ask "When your blood sugar gets really low you can become disoriented and can pass out." I tell them as we run over to the woods. "There she is!" I hear delirious yells. she is on the ground she has hit her head on a nearby root sticking out of the ground. I pick her up and tell Bruno to get a med kit and her blood tester. I get her to her room and try waking her up. "Granny. Granny can you hear me can you open your eyes for me?" I ask her I just get a grunt. "Come on Granny I need you to wake up a bit!" Bruno walks in with the med kit and tester. I test her blood while I send Del to go get me orange juice for her. " Way to low." I finish fixing the cut on her head no stitches needed thank god. Del comes back in with the juice, I prop her head up " Wake up a little more Granny." this time I get a word out of her. "What?" "You need to drink this!" I say a little load she opens her mouth. I give her a little at a time after some time she has had a glass and I sent del to get another one. After that last one she has woken up a lot more. I test her blood again its going back up. I go and look to see what I can feed her to really bring it the rest of the way up "where did she hide the cookies?"I ask myself out loud "She hides them in the cracker box" delirious says behind me. "Oh smart lady." I say pulling the cookies out "Why don't you give them to her?" I say handing them to him. "Why?" he asks confused "Because I know how worried you are about her Daddy." I say smiling and walking back into the room. I sit at the little table, and wait for him to come in and him handing her some cookies. " Thank you Johnathen." she says in a tired tone. So his real name is Johnathan it suits him I think to myself " You need to take better care of yourself your not as young as you use to be." Delirious tells her "I'm in better shape then you are." she tells him I smile at them going back and forth. " I want to thank you too Teddy. Bruno was telling me you fixed me up." she says turning her head to me "It was nothing." I tell her smiling "How did you know what to do for my blood sugar? I'm guessing the wound care is just training." she asked my smile went away " Yes and no" I tell her. "I use to take care of someone with low blood sugar and wound care is something I picked up from the same person." I told her "Who?" Delirious asked but I just stood up and started to walk to the door "Let her rest after she is done eating I'll be in the shower." I say leaving.


See you next time!

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