Part 9

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Teddy's pov

I walk into the dining room as Moo and terroriser help me bring the food. They sit down and everyone starts grabbing food,but I notice delirious has this grin on his face as he looks at me. Evan just shakes his head at him. I wonder what he told him, nothing good for me if he is giving me that look. We finish the food and there is nothing left. "Well so much for leftovers" I say. "That was great food." everyone says " Good I'm glad you liked it." I say as I sigh I think I overdid it to. I pry myself off the chair and start clearing the table when Delirious get up to and starts helping. Evan, moo and terroriser are still in a food coma to move just yet. When I put some of the dishes in the sink I feel delirious put a hand on my shoulder and turn me to face him. "What is it Daddy?" I ask him but he just picks me up and puts me on the counter and kisses me. I don't mind,but what's with this. "Alright what's going on?" I ask him when he pulls away from me. "Nothing" he says kissing at my neck with a smirk. "Oh yes there is you have had that look on your face the whole time we eat." I tell him "I just learned something new about you today, I'm happy." he tells me "You're glad I can cook?" I laugh at him "Well yes that. What else?" he says putting me back down. "Okay." I tell him but not really buying it.I clean the dishes and pans and grab the brownies and take them out to the dining room. "Anyone have room for dessert?" I ask "If I undo my pants I will." Moo and Terroriser say. "I'm ready for it!" Evan says popping up back to life. I laugh and cut it into pieces and them all a piece and go get some glasses of milk for us all. I cut 2 more pieces out and go to take it to bruno and Granny. "I'll be right back." I tell them "I still want a piece when I get back!" I tell them "No promises!" Evan yells I knock on the door "hello Teddy." "Hey Granny I brought you two a treat." I tell her handing her the brownies. "Thank you dear..." she tells me "Is everything okay?" I ask her. "Yes we are fine, did you do all the cooking by yourself?" she asks "Yes I did and I cleaned up the kitchen for you." I tell her "Who taught you how to cook?" she asks "Oh my mother, my father, and my grandmothers." I tell her "You did a wonderful job I'll have to get the Recipes from you." she tells me."I'd love to but I actually don't know the measurements I was taught how to measure things by eye will have to just cook together one day with you." I tell her "Great!" she tells me smiling and I leave to go back to the dining room. When I get back there is a small piece of the brownie left it's better than nothing I think to myself. I pop a corner piece in my mouth but I see delirious staring at it. I lean down and offer him part of it. And he looks so pleased and he takes a bite of it. And kisses me. "Alright I'm going to go change and I'll be on patrol for the rest of the night. Okay you boys have fun."I tell him as I take the brownie dish and go to wash it. When I'm done I go to my room and put on some black clothes, so I blend into the night better. I open the door to my room when I see Moo and Terroriser are standing at my door. "Hey boy's what are you doing here?" I ask them "We need to move around a bit so we are going to go around with you." Terroriser tells me I laugh "We all ate a lot." I tell him and they follow me around the property for a while just talk back and forth for a while. I check in with the other guards and ask if they have seen anything, they tell me no. It's a quiet night out here I think to myself. After about two hours Moo and Terroriser go back to the house. I check around the house when I go past delirious's room the door opens and its del "Hey what are you-" I'm cut off by his lips that I kiss back. " I saw you coming in the house and waited for you." he tells me I laugh "I'm still on watch for 5 more hours." I tell him pushing him back in the room "My Teddy tho" he whines holding my waist "And My Daddy." I grab his ass and push him the rest of the way into the room. "You can sleep in my room" I whisper to him and a grin is on his face as I close the door. I finish checking around the house,and go back outside I stop and take a break after another two hours in the garden and I can see the light off in dels room but I can see the t.v flashing. They must be watching a movie, I think to myself, sitting down on a bench for a few minutes. Then make my way to the woods near the house, it seems quite enough. When I start to walk back in the direction of the house I feel something hard hit my back. I roll forward, and face who is behind me. Three people covering their face and I see the fuck who hit me he is holding a bat, quite weapon. "Well hello little lady. What are you doing out here by yourself." the man with the bat asks. I crack my neck I never sensed them this is going to be fun I think to myself. "Really they only sent three of you? And who would you be here for?" I ask standing up "We don't need to answer you." one of the men with a knife answers me "Well seeing as your friend hit me with a bat I kind of think you do!" I say raising my voice a little. "If you know what's good for you, you will stay quite" the other one with a metal pipe says walking closer to me. " Oh you are so under prepared for this fight." I tell him grabbing the pipe from him and hit him in the chest with it. "GOD Fucking damn it!" he tries to keep his voice down. "Now you die." the one with the bat tells me. " In your dreams."I tell him with a grin growing on my face. The one with the bat takes a swing at me I dodge it and the one with knife lunges at my arm cutting me just a bit, I snap his hand back having him drop the knife and kicking him in the stomach. The one with the bat takes another swing at me but going for my legs, I jump up and over him. The one I knocked down with the pipe kicks at my feet I swing one of my legs out and kick him in the face. Knocking him out cold. "Now for you two." I say as they circle me. The one with the bat swings at my head I duck and the one with the knife swings at my face cutting my cheek. I grab the guy with the bat in his hands, arm and have the bat hit the guy with the knife in the head. "Ow!" he yells I grab the knife and throw it at a tree a good distance away. And kick him in the chest launching myself at the guy with the bat I take the bat and throw it and sit on him and start punching him in the face.when I hear the other guy scurry over to the bat. I spin my head around and run up to him. He lets out a scream the minute he sees me running at him alarming the guards to us.He swings the bat at me "Teddy!" I hear and freeze and he hits me in the back. "Take him down!" its Del I think to myself. I sit on my knees and just wait. The other two are picked up as well and taken somewhere else. Evan is telling Moo and Terroriser to put them with the other ones I took in. "Teddy?" delirious calls out to me walking up slowly "I'm...I'm fine Daddy." I tell him trying to calm myself down. He walks the rest of the way over to me and picks me up and he sees the blood on my arm and face. He makes an angry face but says nothing and takes me into the house. Evan,Moo and Terroriser follow behind us. Del puts me down on my bed. Moo has a med kit with him I did not notice before. Del starts to wipe the blood off my face and put a band-aid over the cut it's not deep. And he goes to undo my shirt when I stop him. "I need to check your back" he tells me a little forcefull "And you can, but they need to get out." I tell him looking behind him pointing at Moo,Terroriser and Evan "Oh! Right get outside you perverts." he tells them. "Says the man who was going to strip his girlfriend in front of his friends without realizing it." Evan says leaving "shut up!" del tells him shutting the door I laugh "Ah that hurt." I tell him as I start to unbutton my shirt when he stops my hands "What is it Daddy?" I ask him "Let me do it." he says not looking at me I move my hands. He unbuttons the rest of my shirt and sits behind me. He patches up my arm. "How does my back look?"I ask him. He places his hand on my skin and I finch a bit "Sorry did that hurt?" he ask moving his hand "No! It's fine your hand was cold ." I tell him "Oh sorry." he laughs he places his head on my back " I'm sorry." He tells me "What are you sorry for?" I turn and look at him "Your hurt because they were after me."he tells me dropping his head "This is not your fault." I tell him "You helped me." I tell him he looks at me confused "When you called out to me out there I was already losing it I was going to kill that kid." I tell him and I put my hands on his face making him look at me "But When I heard you call to me that brought me back to my senses." I tell him. "Let's go out tomorrow away from here please?" he asks me putting his face into my neck "You asking me out finally?"I ask him "I'm already your boyfriend." he tells me "Our relationship is a crazy one right?" I tell him "Just like us." he tells me kissing me "YOU both are nut!" we hear from outside the door it's the three talking in unison. "DO YOU THREE MIND!" Delirious gets up to open the door and I scurry to the bathroom with a new shirt to put on. "Did you just open the door with your girl running to the bathroom trying to cover herself?"Evan says to delirious "Oh shit. Sorry Teddy!" Delirious yells to me. I walk out of the bathroom, "It's fine." I tell him "I still got two more hours of my shift I'll be back later." I tell him walking to the door only to be picked up by Delirious "No your not."he tells me throwing me over his shoulder. "We will be taking the rest of your shift." Moo says pointing to him and Terroriser. "Delirious this is my job, I'm going to get hurt. And I'm sure they were the only ones they sent." I tell him "Your job is to let me love you, and not die." he tells me smacking my ass. "Thanks, night" delirious tells them then shuts the door, turning off the lights, he puts me down on the bed gently, and pulls me to him and I nestle into his arms and chest and I can feel him rub my back. "You never did tell me how my backed looked." I tell him though I looked when I was in the bathroom. "It looks beautiful, perfect "X" on your back." he tells me,I laugh "Hey you never answered me either." he tells me "Oh guess I didn't. But yes let's go out tomorrow." I tell him. "Great." he tells me and kisses my forehead, and I kiss his chest. We drift softly to sleep after that.

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