Part 11

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This maybe a little emotional of a chapter I'm not sure. Just fyi have fun!

Teddy's pov

I have Grannys meds, and I'm now handcuffed being pushed into the back seat of a car. Then our host gets in the back of the car with us. "Well now why don't we have a chat." the man tells me I look at granny she shakes her head no "I'm trying to be nice here." he says "what's your name? You know mine"I tell him "Oh yes my name is Anthony. I work in the import business." he tells me. Huh that was easy, he has loose lips when he talks about himself I think to myself "Now I know your name is Teddy, but that's not your real name right? And what are you to Delirious? " he asks "My name is Teddy.I just work for the guy, as a bodyguard." I tell him I'm not giving him any good info, that he don't already know. "So your just a hired bodyguard? Nothing special?" he asks crossing his arms "I'm a damn good one if it took 20 of your men this time to get into the house with us gone." I tell him, throwing the handcuffs at him. "Well, well, are you loyal to him or do you go to the highest bidder?"he asks as he looks at the cuffs. The car stops I'm guessing at our destination, the windows are blacked out I can't see outside. "Well?" He asks me again. "I work for who ever is the highest bidder I can tolerate." I tell him raising my brow to him. "Ah so I'm not up to a good start am I?" he asks as he gets out of the car. "Get better cuffs." I hear him tell someone outside of the car.I smirk at Granny she is smiling she must have heard it too. "Lets go, old women first." he says I get out first. "I thought I said the old women." he tells me "One. She has a name. Two. I'm protecting her from you lot." I tell him as she gets out after me. "I don't care how good you think you are, but there is more of us then you." he tells me "Oh good I'd love to see what Delirious is going to do to you when he finds out she is hurt.You do remember the deal right?"I remind him "What in the hell is going on here!"I hear another man yell as he comes out of the building. "What does it look like? I taking care of our problem." he tells the man "We had it fixed Vanoss was going to give us our men back!" he yells at him. "But not hand over the man who killed our people!" Anthony yells back "That was on you!" the man yells and anthony looks furious. "Get them in there! And get her in better cuffs!"he yells at the guards they push me up the steps. So Anthony is the one the other half of the group blames they don't blame Delirious, I think to myself. When we get into the room or cell they are going to keeping us in. when someone grabs my hands and puts some nice cuffs on me to bad I can get out of these too, I think to myself as they leave us. "Teddy you are a good bullshiter." Granny tells me "Why thank you." I tell her as I slip out of the handcuffs I was just put in and take hers off of her. "Thank you Teddy."she tells me as she yawns "Your welcome Granny." I look around the cell there is one bed and a chair. "Go rest on the bed Granny I'll be up for a while longer." I tell her she nods and goes and lays down. I can see a window high up there are some beams, when I go by the door it looks like nobody's around right now. I jump up to one of the beams, and take a look out the window. We are a good distance from delirious and Evan,I think to myself. When the cell door opens. "What the fuck are you doing up there?!" A guard asks me.I jump down "Quiet or you will wake her up." I whisper to him as I walk up to him. "What were you trying to do?" he asks me raising his voice. "Quiet, I was just looking around." I tell him when 3 more guards come in. "You work for that nut that killed our people right?" one of the new guards ask "Yes I do. But from what I just heard your man started it." I tell him.I admit it's not a smart thing to be provoking people right now, but I wanted to know what they knew. The one I'm closest to punches me in the gut. "You punch like a bitch."I tell him it only hurt a bit but I know I need to look damaged tomorrow.If delirious called Evan and told him what happened I'm guessing sometime tomorrow we are going to need Daddy to be Delirious. More punches come flying at me I just let them hit me. When someone walks by it's the old man Anthony was yelling with "What the fuck are you 4 doing?!" he yells "Sorry sir! It's just that she said it was anthony's fault that the others died! " the one guard was telling him "She is right! If he had not done what he did they would still be here!You 4 know these two can not be harmed right or we don't get the other men back right!? " he says as he looks at me and I have bruises on me face and a busted lip. "We did not know that." they say as they let go of my arms. "But you did" he says as he looks at me I stand up normal "Yeah I did." I tell him grinning "You four might of just fucked up this thing up. You need to use your heads didn't you think it was a little odd she never fought back?She is a bodyguard for that guy she is tough! Go get some ice and some gaze"he tells them as they scurry out of the cell. "As for you sit in the chair please." he asks me and I nod and comply. "Seems like you have manners." I tell him wiping my lip and sitting down Granny pops up and walks over to me. "Are you okay Teddy?" she asks looking at my face. "I'm fine sorry for waking you. You can go back to sleep now" I tell her. "You are just like him." she tells me as she goes and lays down but not before giving the old guy a once over look. "You have manners too it seems" he tells me "To those that deserve it." I tell him he sighs as he looks at my face. "Will we get them back with you looking like this?" he asks me "Yes, you don't seem like the bad one but your not incharge?" I ask him "I am in charge my son is the big headed idiot." he tells me as the guards come back with what he asked for. "We have never had problems with Vanoss till that idiot got greedy and tried screwing him over." he tells me as he cleans my cut "I can do that it's okay." I tell him "No this is on us for not watching you properly." he tells me "What Anthony did and told delirious is why he snapped. Even I know never bad mouth Vanoss in front of Delirious when they are as close as those two are." he tells me as he finishes cleaning my lip. "Sir no offense but, let me tell you something if he fucks this up tomorrow, I'm not even sure how you can patch up this business or how Vanoss is going to take this having people bust into his number 2 guys house and take two of his people when he was already trying to make a deal with you. What would you of done?" I tell him he sighs "This might not end well at all, but he needs to learn how we do things. He needs a good beating maybe delirious can do it and not kill him." he tells me, as he goes to leaves with the guards "I know. I'll do what I can but no promises." I tell him, he nods to me and closes the door, I can hear it lock. I might as well sleep while I can, I don't know how this is going to go tomorrow but I need to rest. As I sit back in the chair I thought back to the old days of sleeping in a chair. The cell kind of reminds me of it too. "I'm going soft if I miss a bed." I mumble to myself "Or the person you use to share the bed with." I hear Granny tell me. "Good night Granny." I tell her she giggles "Good night Teddy." The next morning. I wake up to the sound of the lock unlocking. When I look it's Anthony walking in with two others. "Good morning! Wow they messed your face up didn't they" he says walking up to me going to grab my face when I swat his hand away. "Don't touch me." I tell him "I'm just concerned, about you." he tells me grinning god his grin makes my skin crawl. "What do you want I'm sure it's not time yet.So are we being feed?" I ask him "Yes you are, I brought you some food."he says as two guards bring in two trays on table trays. Granny gets up and checks her blood, as I check out the food. "Don't worry we won't be poisoning you, I might want to buy you from Delirious." he tells me smiling at me. I hand Granny the tray I checked its fine. I lip to her I'm sorry for what I'm about to say she nods,and takes the food. "That's fine with me, I don't care to much for him or Vanoss." I tell him. He gets a shine in his eye. "Oh really? I thought you were working for them because you liked them." he tells me "No I work for the highest bidder remember and I tolerate them. I can't stand Vanoss let alone be in the same room with him." I tell him a couple days ago that would have been true I think to myself "You don't care for delirious?" he asks "Should I? Look where I am locked up and babysitting."I tell him with attitude he seems to like how I'm talking about them like I hate them. "Then work for me when this is over." he tells me.I turn my head to the side looking at him like I don't trust him "Give me your answer when delirious gets here I want to see the look on his face when you come work for me." he tells as he leaves. I go up to the door no one is around. I walk back up to granny and my food,it's laced with a sleeping drug. So I don't touch it. She looks at me "You can hit me now." I tell her. "Why would I hit you?!" she asks in a panic "for what I said about delirious." I tell her "You said it cause you have a plan right?" she asks "Yes" I tell her. " That's good enough for me, and why are you not eating?" she asks "There is a sleeping drug in this. They want me drowsy when delirious gets here, so I can't fight most likely"I tell her. "Wonderful is there anything that's not laced on yours?" she asks "Maybe the bread."I tell her shaking my head it's in a bag but that don't mean shit you can reseal a bag I think to myself. "Just try it you will need your energy to help delirious." she tells me. I open the bread and try it I don't taste anything, so I eat that. About 30 minutes later they come and take the trays "Why did you only eat the bread?" one guard asks "I don't like to eat food that has been laced with a sleeping drug." I tell him he huffs and leaves. Me and Granny were left alone till about 3. When guards came and picked us up, and lead us to inside a warehouse close by. Where we meet up with Anthony "Well he is on his way here for you,he never asked about you just the old women." he tells me "Is that supposed to hurt my feelings he has known her longer then me." I tell him. "No just put in perspective of what he thinks of you. From what I heard you saved him 4 times? And he cares so little If someone who worked that hard for me they would be my top priority." he tells me as he circles me. so he was behind the incident at the store I think to myself. "Are you sure you just not trying to make it look like you would be the better boss?" I tell him "Maybe but I leave that up to you " he tells me, his words are like poison, he must be part snake.I think to myself.At that moment the warehouse doors open, and a truck drives in. Delirious jumps out of the truck, and opens the back of the truck. "Give me Granny, and then I'll start sending your guys over."he tells Anthony "See what I mean?" Anthony tells me loud enough for delirious to hear. "Go on Granny, your more important to him." he tells her, and Granny walks over to Delirious and stands behind him. "Now let my men go." Anthony tells him,and Delirious let's most of the men go to Anthony, and they flinch when they see me as they walk out of the building. "Now give me Teddy." Delirious demands. Anthony grabs my face, "I don't think I'll give you back this one, she might want to work for me with the lack of respect she has been shown, and hey she hates your boss as much as I do." he tells him like I thought a loud mouth. I pull me face out of his hand. "Go on tell him your answer." he tells me pushing me to Delirious he is to damn confident for his own good. I straighten myself out and walk up to delirious nonchalantly,and punch him in the stomach and he goes down but I'm holding him up a bit and I reach behind him and grab the knife he has behind him,as the remaining guys run to their boss. "Well damn if that ain't an I quit!" I can hear Anthony says behind me "I missed you Daddy." I whisper to him as I stand up. "You could have held back that punch a bit more." he whispers to me smiling as I wink at him. "Now." Anthony says as he pulls his gun out and points it to Delirious "You can die." he cocks the gun I kick him sending anthony flying "Granny get in the truck and drive!" Delirious yells at her,as Granny does what she is told. Delirious pulls his gun out and starts firing at the guards coming in.I'm fighting the ones coming in behind Delirious. *click*click* " Shit I'm out!" delirious yells as we get surrounded. I feel my hair get pulled back. "Hey what do you think your doing?!" Delirious yells at whoever has my hair. "Oh no this is going to be my moment." It's Anthony who has me by my hair. Some of his boys come behind him handcuffing me behind my back. He takes the knife from me. "Now that I have her. You come with me."He tells Delirious. "Don't you dare delirious."I tell him "Quiet you!" he says pulling my head up putting the knife to my throat. "Why is her face bruised?" delirious ask "She tried getting away from us." Anthony tells him "Well that's a load of crap." Delirious tells him. "She knew I would come for her." Delirious looks him in the eyes and laughs "Well hello Daddy." I tell him "Hello lovely. What were you doing touching MY Teddy Bear?" he asks Anthony when Delirious runs up to a few of the guards behind him. Knocking there guns from them and knocking them out. "Well I'm waiting for an answer?" delirious asks him twitching. "She bad mouthed me my men were teaching her manners." I feel the blade push down more on my throat. "Don't do that." Delirious tells him.As Delirious turns into a blurr and knocks out another handful of guards. "I think I'll just kill her and die knowing I took something special from you." Anthony tells him Delirious eyes sink "You kill me not her." he tells him. "Come here then!" Anthony says pointing the knife at Delirious. I'm a problem here Delirious can't go all out he is getting surrounded again as Anthony walk up closer to delirious. I can't get my hands out of the cuffs. I pull my hair out of Anthonys grip a bit and stand in front of him in front of Delirious having him slit my throat, and go down. I can see the look of shock on Delirious's face taken over with anger,and with that I hear Evan come in and the rest come running into the warehouse.Delirious lunges at Anthony, I can't tell what's happening behind me.I can't move but I see Nogla and Lui run behind me. Moo and Terroriser are rounding up the rest of the guards. When I see Evan come into view. He is trying to talk to me but It's getting harder to hear him.I can feel him holding my neck trying to stop the bleeding. But I know it's not going to work. "I for..give you Evan.." I tell him I'm not even sure if he can hear me or make out my words when I see Delirious come up to me. He is covered in blood. I smile at him he is talking to me too but I can't hear him. "" I hope he heard me.


whoooooie! that was a chapter hope to see you in the next one! 

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