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I woke up from pain running all over my body. I found myself lying on the ground near a door. I stood up as I looked at my surroundings which looked awfully unfamiliar. I rushed outside and the gate was luckily opened. I saw a door in the end of the hallway. The hallway was a very short passage. From the looks of this place it looked like a warehouse which wasn't used much. My hand went to the door knob and pushed it open

The creaking sound of the door made my insides churn. I had an eerie feeling inside me. My consciousness told me not to go in there, not to open the door but as everyone says curiosity killed the cat. I went in and the sight scared me to the square of infinity. I saw almost 20-30 bodies hanging upside down. Their clothes had dry blood on them. Their faces? You couldn't even recognise them. The sight was horrifying. The smell of the blood in the room was sickening. I could have puked right there.

My heart ached who could have killed them so brutally? My gaze went to the wall behind them and the wall had something written on it which will haunt me forever. It said 'All Because Of You Clark'. I said the words and tears welled up in my eyes. Did I? Am I? Am I the reason all these people are dead? I gulped. So it wasn't all just a dream it actually happened.

I looked down at my wrist and saw the red marks from the last night. It still pained. I was wrong indeed, they did torture me. I closed my eyes and played back the night in my head. Even though it pains to remember the night again but I had to. Last night I was tied up in a chair in a warehouse. There was only one light above my head which flickered every few seconds. I was being whipped with a horsewhip when I came to consciousness.

'Look who came out of their dreamland' said the person who was lashing out at me. I groaned but it was too weak. I don't remember for how long I have been trapped here.

'Say yes to the deal and everything will be fine' Said that person again. I couldn't see his face but his voice sounded familiar. Deal? I slowly started to remember. I had people behind me some begging me, some threatening me and some bribing me to give the formula to them. I knew I had done a huge mistake by making the formula. I decided to keep it hidden but words flew faster than we know. It was all around the news that Dr Dan Clark had came up with a formula that could either destroy mankind or give a new strong mankind.

I knew everything won't be fine as the person said. It will shatter the world no good will come out of it.

'Say it Clark Say it just say yes and you will be flooded with money, fame and luxury' The voice said again and I couldn't agree to what I heard. If I said yes it will only cause death, rampage and destruction. I glared at the person and shook my head and I again felt a wave of pain rush through my body. I yelled but it was of no use. They laughed at my pain and it angered me.

'Never in my wildest dream I had say what you want me to say I will never give you what you want from me' I replied with all the energy was left in me. I'd stay determined on my decision. They can't make me change it

'Fine Clark if that's what you want you stay stick to your no and lives will be lost because of you' The man yelled at me and I flinched. Lives will be lost? My eyes widened in fear. I looked at him with a look that said to explain.

'Yes Clark we have hostages in this place who will suffer now because you denied the deal' I could see the smirk forming on the man's face. How could they be so brutal?

Suddenly I heard screams of men and women shouting yelling begging to stop to someone come for their rescue. Their pleads were making me want to cry. I could feel their pain. It felt like the ropes around me burned my skin. I moved my hands and my body trying to get out of the grip but it was of no use. It pained more. The rope around my neck and wrists was leaving red marks.

'Inject him. Very bad Clark now they have to die because of you' The guy said and before I could react I felt a syringe on the crook of my neck. They injected me! The last thing I could say before blacking out was 'NO!'.

I opened my eyes and saw these bodies again. So many innocents lost their life because of one formula. That formula if injected turns the person into a very dangerous creature. It turns the person into a huge scorpion which has the ability of a bacteria to survive in any temperature, ability of regeneration ability of asexually reproducing. A part of me said saving mankind was better than this but how can I ever get over the guilt that I was the reason behind so many deaths?

I fall to the ground. My head was aching with all of the pain that I was given, emotionally and physically. I was even weak from starvation and dehydration. I was the only one who knew where the formula was. It was written in a book which no one can find even if they spend all their life searching for it.

The moment I experimented it on the computer I knew that I had discovered a curse to the mankind so the liquid was never made. I had erased everything that could have been a way to reach it. It's better if it stays that way. If I don't exist then soon they will stop searching for it.

That's when I decided to correct what I have done. I saw a knife lying on the ground a bit far from me. With the little strength that was left in me I extended my hand to reach it. The knife had blood on it. Innocent blood. Closing my eyes I muttered 'It's for the best' and then I cut my vein. It started to bleed but it was nothing as compared to the pain the people felt who are now dead because of me. I started to see black dots in front of me. A lot of blood has been flowed out. I know my time had came near. These are my last breathes and with a sigh I closed my eyes letting the darkness engulf me forever.

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