The Boy

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My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump came to my throat. It was him. All I ever wished for was a normal life in the countryside. I shifted in this villa five months back. The first few days were quite normal. I was setting up my room the kitchen the guest room. Cleaning of the corners and everything. Everything was going all right when one morning it happened, something that I didn't see coming my way.

I was getting ready in front of the mirror when I saw a boy standing behind me with his back faced to me. My eyes widened in shock, fear raced down my spine. I turned around and saw no one. I turned towards the mirror and he disappeared. It's probably my imagination. I got ready and went out for work locking my home.

It was all normal after that but still I felt another presence in the house which sometimes feared me. One normal day I came back from work unlocked my door and the sight in front of me frightened me. Everything was lying here and there nothing on its place. I am sure there wasn't any robbery cause my house was locked. I saw a glimpse of a ... someone? Walking on the first floor and I ran to check who it was. Probably they broke a window or something?

The windows of the ground floor were alright so it's stupid if they break the windows of the first floor. All the windows in the first floor were alright. Then how did that guy enter in my house and where is he? I felt a presence behind me. Gulping, I turned around and that feeling, that presence was gone. From my peripheral vision I saw a boy running. I turned towards my left and again to my displeasure there was no one. Am I going crazy? Is there actually someone or is it just a fragment of my imagination?

Every day after that day started to become weird. I felt like there was someone watching me eating, sleeping, and working. I never saw the boy again but today he stood in front of me with a smirk plastered on his face. Saying that the boy looked scary would be an understatement. He had blood on the sides of his face and his mouth. A huge scar went from his left eye to the right cheek. The boy was tall, taller than a normal human being. His eyes were pitch black.

I screamed and ran back towards the front door. I tried opening it but it was of no use. I was sweating hard. I heard screeching sound of a chair being dragged and I turned around. A chair came flying my way and I jumped down getting out of its way. Tears started to form in my eyes. The chair smashed in the door and broke into pieces, the door still unharmed.

I tried to open the window but the handle came out. I picked the vase kept beside me and smashed it on the window. The vase broke into pieces but the window was unaffected. I heard a humourless laugh and I looked up. The boy was standing against the railing. Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

'Who are you?' I shouted at him and in fraction of a second he was gone. My legs were froze to that spot I couldn't move. I looked around the house and he was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly I heard a sound of someone writing and I turned my head towards the source from where it was coming. On the floor near the staircase something was written

'Owner' Wait what?

And then it all came rushing to me. I had heard people talk that the owner of this house was killed brutally by some people who wanted this piece of land. However they could never take the land as after sometime they were also killed. Some drowned in the lake some burned in the fire some committed suicide or as it looked like. There was one thing common in all the deaths they all had a scar running down their face just like the one on the boy's face. Karma was knocking there door for killing an innocent for their greed.

But now I know it was just not the karma the boy came back to do all this, to avenge his death. He came back he never died it's his ghost doing all this. I stepped back in fear and tripped making me fall on my butt. I don't understand one thing why does he wants to hurt me? I never did any harm to him his existence was unknown to me till this time then why?

I heard another sound of someone writing and I turned around. On the window which I tried to broke the next message from the boy was written. It said

'Your father one of them You the last child must be dead'

My eyes widened in fear and shock. My father? But he's dead he... Joining the dots of the incidents I gasped. My father was one of them indeed who killed the boy. Even he had the scar on his face and he was burned down alive. I heard my mother talk about it when she was explaining my aunt about how my father died. I never saw him but I eavesdropped and came to know.

How could my father do that? How could he stoop down to this level? How could he be so greedy? As much as it hurts to say but he deserved the death for his horrendous deed.

I again felt a presence behind me again. I heard a whisper in my ear

'Time's up'

With that said I felt a knife pierce my back. I yelled in pain trying to take the knife out. I felt a force on my shoulder that made me unwillingly turn around. I screamed cause the boy was standing just centimetres away from me. I felt something hit my head and I started to see black dots. Blood was rushing from my back and it was paining as heck. An excruciating pain ran in my head making me scream in agony . I fell on the ground and I let out another cry of pain as a knife went through my face probably making the scar. Soon I felt myself slip into complete darkness that lasts forever.

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