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It was 8 o' clock in the night when I was aimlessly roaming in my colony when there was a power cut and everything turned pitch black. I was in an isolated part of the colony and everything around me was dark. It scared me but still I walked along trying to reach the market near me at the fastest possible.

However, my vision cleared and I saw something that I'd never seen in the past years of my life. The first thing that caught my attention were the trees. They looked awfully beautiful. I looked up a bit higher and saw the sky. It was in shades of purple grey and black. The night time added the black color, the grey might be because of the clouds and purple? I had no time in figuring out from where did the tinge of purple peeked out from the clouds. The light of the moon contrasted with the sky making the outlines of the tree come out more.

The trees in front of me looked black, the flowers camouflaged in it. Only the trunk and the fine branches at the end of the tree give shape to the silhouette formed in front of me. The contrast of silhouettes with the sky made it an extraordinary astonishing sight. Craning my neck I glanced at the building beside me. Standing a few feet far from it, it looked like the building was the beanstalk from the story ' Jack and the beanstalk'. From my sight of vision it looked like it was touching the sky which left me in wonder that how can an illusion be that beautiful.

Not realizing my feet slowed down , every step ahead was taken at a very slow pace , letting the scenery in front of me sink in, making me remember every part of it very clearly. The lights came back suddenly snapping me out of my daze. Normally a person would have been happy that the lights came back they could switch on their A/c's or don't trip over in the dark but I was beyond anything but happy.

The fact that I could not enjoy that beauty anymore clenched my heart but I took a step ahead realizing that everything is inevitable and this was just a sight which I may not come across ever again. Even if I do, it won't be the same fascination and astonishment in me that I felt for the first time. It was in that moment I realized beauty is everywhere you just need to have the heart to see it. Then with the memory of it still fresh in my mind I walked towards the market leaving the place that before I'd not wanted to be at.

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