First Day

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I woke up just as the birds chirped, and I smile and open the window, letting in the first rays of the sun. Yes, I know that it's risky to let the sun shine on me, but it's only a ship. As long as I'm careful, I can remain hidden and no one will find me ever...

I walk over to the door and open it, walking downstairs without a sound. The house is entirely silent, and I smile slightly.

I walk into another room adjacent to the living room and it's the kitchen. I start to open drawers and cabinets trying to find the right cooking gear and food.

Finally, I find the pans, and I tug out three. One for pancakes, one for eggs, and another for bacon. I set them down on the stove and pull out the food that I need to make the breakfast.

I heat the stove and set the bacon and eggs down, then, using my quick speed and agility, I start to make breakfast.

I'm flipping the last pancake, about 10 minutes later, when I hear someone come downstairs. I turn, still flipping the pancake, to see Slender walk in. I feel the surprised air around him.

What are you doing Yaela? he asks.

"Don't be so surprised. I'm just cooking breakfast. I do know how to cook breakfast, despite being around ten. And I am not going to burn myself," I add when I sense his tentacles move toward me. "I'm about finished anyway. You wanna wake everyone up or will I?"

Slender goes over and sits down at the table, chuckling to himself. Go ahead a try child, I doubt you will be able to wake them up, he says.

I smirk. "I have my ways, Slender," I say. I turn off the stove and set the pots and pans into the sink. "Just you watch."

I walk upstairs with my quiet gait and then I open the first door I see, which happens to be Jeff's room. I creepy up to his bed and climb over him, but give him enough space that he won't know I'm here.

He rolls over and grumbles in his sleep, holding a knife. I smile slightly and move fast, grabbing his wrists in one hand and laying on him in a position that allows me to hold him down with little to no force.

He wakes up instantly, attempting to stab me but failing. "What the hell?" he growls. I notice that he's wearing a mask that is almost invisible, and I chuckle.

"Have a bad dream?" I tease.

"What the- Yaela! What are you doing in my room?" he asks.

"I'm just waking you up," I say innocently.

"Well get off me," he says.

"No. You would just stab me. I think I'll take those knives," I say, moving quickly and taking his knives before he can use them.

He growls and stalks out of the room. I follow him until we're downstairs, then I toss his knives over the floor.

I go back upstairs and walk into EJ's room, where it's pitch black. I let my eyes adjust for a second and then I move over to him. I take his scalpel and pin him down, and just like Jeff he instantly wakes up.

"What you doing?" he asks, not doing anything.

"Waking you up," I say simply. I inspect him face and get up, handing him but his scalpel. "Well, your not like Jeff, so here. Go downstairs and sit at the table, and make sure everyone else is."

EJ nods and walks downstairs.

I slowly wake everyone else up until it's just LJ. Yes, I know what he likes to be called. I hear everyone else call him that so I'm gunna do that too.

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