My cousins?

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I wake up by the pool and look up to see Toby. I smile slightly as I look at his sleeping face.

"Toby, wake up," I say quietly, shaking him.

"What...?" he says, yawning.

"We have to go back. Slender's going to be so mad at me..." I say.

"W-Well, I can j-just tell him that I-I came home a-and took you with m-me," he says.

I smile. "You'd do that? Thanks, Toby," I say, hugging him.

"C-Come on, let's g-go," he says.

I stand up and we both walk back to the mansion. It's still dark, and the moon's gone.

I open the door and we both walk in. Luckily, everyone's asleep.

"Go wake up everyone, I'll make some prank breakfast," I whisper to Toby. He nods and walks off.

I pull out eggs and hot sauce, along with ketchup. I make eggs for everyone and they come down and sit down with Toby.

I finish up the eggs and put hot sauce on everyone's eggs but mine and Toby. I set down everyone's plates and eat mine quickly, and Toby eats his just as fast.

Ben is the first to take a bite. His entire face goes red and he runs to the sink and pours water into his mouth. I start to laugh, along with everyone.

Jeff and EJ takes a bite next, and they both run into the bathroom. I hear the water and shower turn on and I laugh harder.

Child, did you put hot sauce in the eggs? asks Slender suspiciously.

"M-Maybe," I gasp.

Everyone else takes a bite, and I fall out of my chair as they all run around with their faces red... even Slender.

"I can't... believe... that worked..." I say, rolling on the floor.

"Yaela, run!" says Toby as Jeff charges for me. I gasp and get up, running into the woods.

"I'm going to get you for this!" yells Jeff.

"Only if you can catch me!" I shout back.

Jeff finally catches me and puts his knife against my throat. "Go to sleep!" he says.

"Nooooo!" I say, throwing my hands up in surrender. "Uncle, uncle! Nooooo!"

"Yaela?" I hear a girl say, and me and Jeff freeze.

"S-Shimmer?" I stammer, turning. Sure enough, there's my cousin, Shimmer. Shine stands next to her. "W-What are you doing here?"

"Yaela, what are you doing here?" she asks.

"Yaela who are these people," says Jeff.

"Why don't we go to the mansion," I suggest. I grab Shimmer and Shine's hands and pull them back with me.

When we get inside, Ben calls, "Jeff you catch her?"

"Guys, you might wanna come here," says Jeff.

When EJ comes downstairs, not wearing his mask because of the hot sauce, Shimmer starts to freak out. Shine doesn't say anything because she can't see far, she has to wear special contact lenses, but she isn't wearing any right now.

"Shimmer! Calm down!" I say, shaking her shoulders. "Shimmer, EJ's not a monster, ok?! Just calm down! Just freaking calm down already!"

"But his skin is gray!" she says, shaking me.

I bite my lip and glance at EJ. "Yes, his skin is gray," I admit, "but he isn't a monster, alright?! He has no affliction with Iaera, okay?"

Is the Moon bright? (creepypasta story)Where stories live. Discover now