A game...

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I wake up and do my morning routine, which involved making breakfast and waking everyone up - I love that part, especially their faces - and then I just sit in the living room, gaming with Ben.

I beat him barely, and I hum happily.

"I'm bored," announces Ben. He tosses the controller onto the couch besides him.

"Benjamin, do not throw things where people can trip to sit on them," I say immediately. Ben picks up the controller and sets it on the armrest.

"You know, if your guys are bored, I have a game," says Jeff.

"What?" asks Masky, who was watching out game but is now slouched on the couch.

"Seven minutes in heaven," says Jeff with a grin.

"No!" says Toby immediately, looking up from where he was poking Masky. "We are not playing that!"

"What's seven minutes in heaven?" I ask, confused.

"Well Yaela, it's when people have a cup or something, more likely a hat, and each person puts one item into the bag, and you pass it around. The person with the hat takes out one item and those two people go into a closet where they can do anything for seven minutes," says EJ, walking into the room.

"Anything? Even sexually?" I say, startled.

EJ nods.

"Oh my stars no!" I say, standing up. "I don't wanna play that kind of game!"

We all argue and eventually we all give in to Jeff and sit down in a circle in the living room. Everyone puts something in and the hat is passed around. I get it first.

Why do I have to be first. Oh my stars why. I reach in and pull out a scalpel. I eye it and then look up at EJ, who's standing next to a closet. Great...

Jeff laughs and pulls me over to the closet and pushes me in. "Rules are rules!"

EJ walks in and closes the door. I sit in the back awkwardly. "Sooo... what you wanna do?" I ask.

"I dunno," he says, shrugging. "Jeff always thinks its funny to do these kinds of games. Might as well indulge him."

I sigh. "Ah, great. Well, how long we got?"

EJ glances at his phone. "About six minutes. What you wanna do?"

"Well, we could always amuse them," I say, smirking. EJ looks at me weirdly. I sigh. "Not really. Just make noises, you know?"

EJ laughs softly. "I get it. Okay, so where you wanna start?"

"Start banging on the walls," I say, and we bang on the walls. I tap on EJ's shoulder after a few and whisper in his ear to start making moaning noises. He nods and we start to make the noises.

I'm about to die from holding back laughter when the door open and it shows me and EJ calmly playing gold fish.

I look up at all their faces and burst out laughing, as does EJ. "Holy sun... you guys should see your faces..." I say, trying to get up and failing.

A hand appears and I grab it, pulling myself up. I see Toby and I go over and sit down in the circle, and so does EJ.

Jeff goes next and he gets Masky. Haha... wait a second... I glance around. Oh their all here.

Sometime while me and EJ were in the closet Sally, Hoodie and LJ had come and joined. Haha, this is cool.

Next is Hoodie, skipping over Sally because she's only a little girl. Hoodie gets Masky. "Why me again?" asks Masky.

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