Journal Entries

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3rd POV

Toby sneaks into Yaela's room, and he finds her laying down on a journal. Curious, he puts her in her bed and takes the journal. He opens it to find its actually a diary.

Entry 1

I've just run from home. I'm so scared... I don't wanna go back! Mother's already planning on sending me to the warfront, when I told her that I don't want it! Why does she want to make me fight? For me to 'win' this war when I don't want to fight it?! I'm not going to go back!


Yaela, princess of the Moon and Shadows

Toby looks at Yaela, then looks at the next entry.

Entry 2

I've stopped the night in a forest. I never realized how pretty it is down here... I suppose I should ration the pages, because its the only journal that I use.


Yaela, protector of the animals

Toby flips a few pages, which are smeared, and ends up on a clear page.

Entry 18

The deer told me that hunters had been hunting deer into extinction in the area. As a protector of animals, I should help them. I'm going to kill them if they hurt one more deer!


Yaela, protector of the animals

Toby flips the page. Tears stain the edges of the page.

Entry 19

I confronted the hunters... They were horrible! I hate humans, they don't understand nature! Even Auntie, who's anger keeps the planet warm, and sometimes is hotter, understands! Humans should stop, leave this planet! I'm going to go to the next forest to sleep, I hope nothing harms me.


Yaela, keeper of the Old Ways

Toby looks at the signature with some confusion. Old ways? He shakes his head and reads on.

Entry 20

I... I killed... I killed innocents... I killed innocent children! Just like those horrible humans, their children are innocent, and I killed them! I should kill myself... I don't deserve to live anymore! I swore to myself that I wouldn't kill innocents, and I did!



Toby stares at the entry. Yaela killed people and was sorry about it? But, its fine... Toby starts to flip pages, and comes upon the last entry, the only clear one left.

Entry 56

The owl told me that this place wasn't safe for children, like me. I hope it isn't true... I'll only be in the forest for a little while, then I'll leave. I just need rest... I traveled so far today... Maybe I'll just sit here and rest... I'm falling asleep, I should stop now.



Yaela stirs on the bed.

Yaela's POV 

I yawn, waking up. I sit up to find Toby sitting with my journal in his hands. I quickly get up and snatch it away from him.

"What were you doing in my room?" I snap.

"I-I was just..." he says, trailing off.

I look down at it and notice that he didn't read most of the entries. I sigh in relief and glare at him. "Get out, Toby."

"But-" he starts.

"Toby! Get out of my staring room before I kick you out!" I say. He gets out quickly and I shut the door.

I rest my head against the wall, then I open my eyes and move to the mirror. I stand for three seconds before the mirror shifts, showing my true self.

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