v. memories.

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I woke with a start, my body lurching upright and pushing me into my feet. I stood quickly, vertigo containing me. Nothing came to mind to tell me where I was. And then I remembered: WICKED, the Maze, Thomas, Newt. I hadn't lost my memories. I smiled with joy as I stared at the bracelet still in my hand.
But then slowly, everything started vanishing. Minho, I can't remember him. I remember someone funny, and Asian. But he had no name and I don't know what he looks like. I remember a girl, with dark brown hair. But I don't know who she is. WICKED: I don't know what it stands for. Thomas. He's my brother, brown hair, brown eyes, nice, sweet, annoying. Brother, brown hair and eyes, nice, sweet. Who was I talking about?
Newt. He's blonde, my best friend, the boy I love, he gave me this bracelet. He's sweet and kind and I love him more than anything. Blonde, kind, sweet, love, Newt. Blonde, kind, sweet, love, what was his name again? I can't remember. I stare down at the object in my hand and tilt my head to the side. I slide the bracelet into my pocket just before the drugs kick in and I go unconscious.

I woke up quickly, lurching forward and feeling nauseous. I get to my hands and knees, crawling around the small room. The feeling that I'm moving upward consumes me and I panic. "Hello!" I scream loudly. "Someone help me!" The small room came to a stop, causing me to stumble and fall over. I saw one crate in the corner of the room and dug through it, finding a backpack full of rope, a knife, water bottles, medical supplies, and a month's worth of packaged food. Also in the crate, was a black jacket, I pulled it over my shoulders and onto my body.
A large creaking sounded above me as the ceiling of the room began to break apart, sunlight flooding the room. I instinctively put a hand up to shield my eyes. I jumped up, grabbing onto the metal walls and swung myself up and out of the elevator. I stuff the rest of the stuff into my bag and looked around. I was surrounded by large stone walls, but what really caught my eye, was the opening in the west wall. I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
So I did the first thing that came to my mind.
I ran.
I ran to the opening and didn't look back.

Newt's Perspective:

"God dang it." Minho said as we watched the screen in front of us. We'd been watching since she'd been put in the Box. Clarke had left today for the Maze and her memories had been taken from her.
Now, she was running into the Maze. The one place she wasn't safe. She was already being reckless. I would've smiled if she wasn't the one person I cared about more than anything and if she hadn't just ran into the Maze infested with Grievers. "Girl's already being shucking stupid." Minho mumbled and I glared at him.
"What do you think is going through her head?" I asked. "Do you think she remembers her name? You know Teresa, you sent her in there." I turned on her. She looked at the ground in shame but then met my eyes.
"I didn't have a choice, Newt. We have to help people. I know that it's cruel, and I liked her as much as you guys did but we had to do something." She countered, which made my anger rise.
"No you don't! I love her so much, Teresa! She's the only one in this place that ever understood! She knows what it's like! We've been friends since our first month at WICKED. That's how long we've known each other. And now she's gonna die, because all anyone cares about is that stupid cure! Guess what, there is no cure! It's all a lie. We're experiments to them Teresa, don't you get it yet?! We don't matter. We're all a piece in their game. I don't even expect you to care, you don't know us. You didn't have to put up with her debates and sarcasm. You didn't give her a shoulder to cry on when things got hard for her. Which, by the way, was never because she was the strongest one here. You know what made us good friends? We loved it. We loved putting up with it and we loved her. I love her Teresa! And not in the way the rest of you do!" And with that, I left the room with Minho, and Thomas, not looking back. Teresa had just thrown her life away and I was not okay with that.

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