ii. doctors.

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Newt, Minho, Alby and I were all sitting together in a circle. We'd all been moved into the same bunker recently and Newt and I had become close friends with Alby and Minho.
"Oh, no fair. You're too good at this." Minho whined as I won another game of Speed. I laughed at him and put the playing cards back in the deck and sat on the bed with Newt.
Someone walked into the bunker and called a bunch of kids out, including Minho and Alby. They looked at us nervously and I smiled reassuringly.
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" I asked Newt, nudging him with my arm.
"That day a couple years ago." He sighed and I rolled my eyes. I hate it when he does this.
"We talked about this. You have to stop worrying about that. It's not a big deal, I don't blame you." I exclaimed.
"I know. I just, can't get it out of my head. Sorry."
"It's okay. Just don't say anything about it anymore. It's annoying." I laughed. He chuckled and everything seemed to melt away. Newt and I were pretty much best friends, if there was one person in this place I'd want to escape with, it's him. Yeah, I miss Thomas and all that. But I haven't seen him in years. I've thought it about if before, but it doesn't seem like a good idea. Minho talks about it all the time, coming up with scenarios of how to execute a plan, but we all just call him crazy.
I heard the door open and snapped my gaze up to see another doctor at the door. It was our doctor. Newt and I had begun sharing one a year ago. "Newt and Clarke, come on." We got up and followed her out of the room and down the hall to a big elevator.
"Where are we going?" I asked quietly, sharing a glance with Newt.
"You'll see." Dr. Williams said. Last time someone said those words to us was the day we met Randall. We hadn't seemed him since, but I had no doubt he still worked somewhere in WICKED. I looked at Newt nervously and he put a hand on my shoulder to calm me.
The doctor went on to explain the reason why we were here, telling us that we were going to undergo a surgery to put something in our heads for them to monitor our killzone patterns. That's a funny way of saying that they are going to be able to mess with our brains. I didn't like this at all.
We walked down a long, dimly lit hallway. We arrived in front of a wooden door and we stepped inside the room.
"Clarke will be going first. All you have to do is lay in the bed and let us give you the sedatives okay?" Dr. Williams glanced at me over her shoulder and I nodded; lying. I wasn't doing this. These people are crazy, what kind of idiots want to put chips in people's heads so they can map their brains. This definitely goes deeper and I don't want to find out how.
Newt relaxed when he found out I was going first and I sat down on the bed, waiting for my moment.
"Newt, you can stay or you can leave for a few minutes." She said to him. He pulled a stool up to the bed and sat beside me, a reassuring smile on his face. The doctor turned her back and I chose this moment to make the dumbest mistake: I ran.
I ran out of the room and down the hallway we came from, not hearing anyone going after me. Not even Newt, he probably covered for me. I did however, hear Minho's voice and I ran to it, seeing him struggling with some nurses and doctors. I ran over and helped him get out of their grip and I grabbed his hand, pulling him down the hallway with me and towards the elevator.
By this point, everyone was after us. We got to the elevator and I stopped to press the button while Minho tried to open the door to the stairs, it wouldn't budge. That's just great, now we were cornered. The nurses caught Minho first, grabbing his arms and pulling him back to his room as Dr. Williams came running down. I ran to them, trying to pull Minho away. "Let him go!" I pleaded, but they ignored me. I saw another boy walking down the hall and he stopped in the room Newt and I had gone into, I hadn't seen his face though. "Please. Let him go." I said again.
"Clarke. Don't let them do it, it hurts. They're liars, it hurts so bad. Run!" Minho told me from over his shoulder. I turned around, only to bump into someone and fall into the wall, my head hitting the cement. I groaned and slid to the ground, holding my head. I saw Minho get dragged back into his room and my doctor making her way towards me, holding a syringe in her hand. I sat up and stood, stumbling a bit.
"Are you coming? Or am I gonna have to use this?" She said, gesturing to the syringe. I rolled my eyes and walked back to our room, my hand still on my sore head.
When I got back, I saw that Newt had already had his surgery and was now resting on the bed behind a curtain. I glanced at the boy on the other bed before getting into mine quietly. He looked at me and I smiled brightly, running over to him and tackling him in a hug. It was Thomas.
"Clarke?" He whispered.
"Yeah. Thomas?" I felt him nod and wrap his arms tighter around me. "I missed you so much. You have no idea." I was pulled away from him and went over to my bed, the syringe inserted in my neck. I laid back and pulled the covers over my body.
"Thomas," was the last thing I heard before the world was swallowed into an immense darkness.

Later on, I woke up back in the huge room with all of the boys. I was still the only girl and it kind of sucked, but I was okay with it for now. Newt was sitting on his bed right beside mine. We'd pushed them closer together months ago, it made us feel safer when we were closer together in some way. I sat up and he smiled at me.
"Hey Newt," I said, trying not to wake anyone else.
"Hey," he whispered. "How you feeling?"
"I'm okay. What's been going on?"
"Minho and Alby and I decided to get these new kids to come to our next meeting. Thomas and Teresa. What do you think of the idea?"
"I love it!" I smiled at the thought of having another girl in the meeting. I also smirked at the thought of seeing my brother again. I hadn't seen him enough. Laying down in bed, I let my eyes close and my memories of the day replay.

One month later, we were all at the lookout over Group B with Thomas and Teresa. Newt wanted them to see his sister and I knew how hurt he was when he saw her. I was standing next to him, my hand on his shoulder as he talked to Thomas.
"See that one? With the blonde hair?" He said and Thomas nodded. "That's Lizzie. They're making her call herself Sonya. That's not even her real name. She doesn't remember it and I can't remember mine, but I remember hers. And Clarke's." I had totally forgotten that he remembered my old name. I had no idea what it was, Clarke was planted in my memories as if my parents had called me that my whole life. A part of me wanted to ask what it was but now wasn't the time. "It's just sick. I want her to remember and I want Clarke to as well. But these people, they're monsters." He looked away from the room where his sister slept and I put a hand on his shoulder. I could hear Teresa whispering to Alby when I hugged Newt.
"What's with them?"
"They've been through lots together." Alby responded. "They were the last holdouts for names and they paid the price. Or Clarke did at least, Newt watched and that's how they got him to take his. Says that's the one time he's seen Clarke cry. It's sad really, but now they're really good friends. They have this connection that none of us have. It's pretty cool." I pulled away from him and glared at Alby. "Oh shuck I think she heard me." He laughed to Teresa. I laughed at them and then Minho had an idea.
"Let's go outside."
"What?" Thomas and Teresa asked.
"Don't worry. It's safe. We've done it before, we just haven't gone on the ground. But we climb out there all the time." And with that, I started walking to the spot where we would climb to leave this place. This could go one of two ways. Really good or really bad.

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