- i'm a freshman in high school and i hate it here. so far i'm not enjoying my time and i've realized that i suck at trigonometry which isn't really saying much because come on, who really needs it? but whatever. i've also realized that when a cute popular boy in your biology class looks in your direction once, it doesn't mean he's finally noticing you. take notes, children. HOWEVER!!! school was cancelled the week he finally started looking at me so a girl can dream.
- i used to want to get into yale... and the dream is 💀. i want to study journalism there but acceptance rate is low so i don't expect much and instead have my sights set on UNC. i confess, the only reason i even consider UNC a top choice is because a) my favorite restaurant is on campus and b) ig their journalism school is good and all that. the bottom line is i want 🌯 burritos while i'm in college.
- my favorite disney character/movie is peter pan, which you all probably know from my profile picture. he's been my animated crush since i was four and to this day i really want to fall in love with a goofy dude with red, fluffy hair and a voice that sounds just like peter. alas, the perfect man does not exist. ):
- my childhood best friend and i used to want to be fashion designers together. we loved project runway, so we bought a bunch of sketchbooks and drew outfits in them. neither of us know how to sew lmao but we're still best friends and she's a dancer now. we go on vacation together every year.
- i have three sisters (as of now) and one half-sibling on the way because my stepmom is pregnant. we found out the other day. my oldest sister is technically only my stepsister and she hates us so we don't really refer to her as family but i still call her my sister when people ask. the oldest is kailene (she's like 20-something), then my sister peyton (17), then me (15), then my youngest sister mcfarland (1.5). we call her farley for short which is just child abuse but her middle name is elizabeth so she always has that going for her.
- everyone at my school thinks that i'm a closeted lesbian because i wear boho clothing and cuff my jeans. also, i guess they think that everyone that hangs out with my friends is lgbt in some way. all of my friends are members of the lgbt community, but i'm not lol. anyways yes, people think i'm lesbian because of my clothes and apparently i give off an aura.
- i have a best friend named oliver and he's been there for me since fourth grade. he's basically my brother and i would do anything for him. if you ever see me refer to my "brother" in a comment, i'm 100% talking about ollie. i love that bitch.
- i've been diagnosed with OCD, which takes up a lot of my time. i figured i would just share one of my compulsions just for "fun". the worst is probably what i refer to as phone tapping. when i'm reading, and i accidentally tap the screen, i have to do the same on the other hand and then repeat until it adds up to 7, 17, or 37 total taps. having an odd number is hard because i always have to do one tap with both fingers at the same time and if i feel like i'm the least bit off, i have to close the app, shut down my phone completely, turn it on again and start over.
- last year i had a serious issue with what my parents think might have been depression. it most likely was, but i hate self-diagnosis and i haven't been to see my doctor in a long time to talk about it with him, so i will not be referring to it as such. anyways, during that time i went through some really bad things that i still have trouble with now. i picked up a lot of really bad habits. self-harm was one of them, and i was clean for eight months before a relapse a few weeks ago when i found out my grandma might be sick. i stopped eating for a while too but a few of my friends were able to get me on the right track (my guy bsf threw pop tarts at me in the hall and told me to eat lmao). i thought a lot about suicide but my parents helped me and now i'm doing a lot better. (:
- okay this one is funny. anyone that's been following me for a while knows about this but i am VERYYYY accident-prone. my sister's friend once shot me in the face with an air-soft rifle and barely missed my eye. i was about an inch away from being blind in my right eye. i snapped my ankle at a trampoline park and now i'm not allowed to go back (by order of the law... the law being my parents). and when i was in fourth grade i got a pencil stuck in my knee. here's photographic proof because i love showing people this picture.
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4) Tell a Joke and Tag People.
as we've established, i'm not good at the tagging thing because all of my friends have already been tagged. . . BUT I WILL BE TAGGING RANDOM PEOPLE SO SORRY IN ADVANCE
and i'm also no good at the joke thing so enjoy this picture of ashton irwin as a cursed cat meme instead.
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5) Post a Spoiler for Your Book.
do people even read my shit? alright whatever.
ummm let's see. . .
well i don't plan that far ahead which is why they're 🗑 trash BUT i can give you alerts of new books that i'm working on.
fan fictions i am hoping to write sometime in the near future:
- red queen ( ocxoc ) - outer banks ( john b and maybe jj ) - scorch trials ( thomas this time ) - teen wolf ( isaac ) - ORIGINAL STORY BY ME ( co-written by oliver because he wanted to help but all he really care up with were the names )