ix. rules.

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The Slammer door swung open, making me jump to my feet quickly, coming face to face with a smiling Newt.
"Hey," he said softly.
"Hi," I whispered as he held out a hand to me, pulling me up once I took it. "What's going on?"
"The council had another Gathering and we decided that you should become a true Glader. So I've come to give you the tour." He explained, pulling me through the Glade before letting go of my hand, us walking side by side. "So, the Glade, not very interesting but I'm gonna talk about it anyway. That over there," he pointed to the metal box in the ground that I remember coming up in. "Is the Box, brings up the Greenies, which are the newbies, but you knew that." I laughed and nodded.
"Slanted building is the Homestead, we keep adding to it, one day it's sure to fall apart. That's where some boys sleep, mostly keepers. The rest of them sleep outside." Then he pointed to a small hut. "Medjack hut, the doctor's work there. You'll figure out what the jobs are later on. Over there are the showers. And then, that's the place where Frypan cooks. He calls it his 'kitchen' but it's actually just a small hut."
I laughed at his small attempts at humor, remembering how we used to joke around with each other, I played with my bracelet in my hands, twist the beads in my fingers.
"Alby will kill me if I don't tell you the rules. One, everyone does their part, which is mainly self explanatory. Two, never harm another Glader, you may need to work on that one. Three, don't leave the Glade, unless you're a Runner." He stated.
"Why?" I asked, confused.
"You'll get stuck out there for the night," he replied bluntly, me raising an eyebrow.
"So? I've survived every night out there, for two years, I'd be fine." I shrugged.
"Yeah, but I don't want you to do that, okay?" He asked, his hand on my shoulder. "I just got you back."
"Newt, you never lost me, I've always been here for you." I assured, him rolling his eyes.
"You know what I meant, I just don't want you to leave again."
"If I went out there, I'd come back. I wouldn't leave you like that, you should know that. I'd always come back. Plus, I should be a Runner, I've run every inch of that Maze, and I've mapped all of it too. I could help get everyone out of here."
"Or you could get yourself killed by some Grievers, its too dangerous, Clarke." He snapped.
"But-" I started.
"No. We can't risk it. Now come on, it's time for dinner." I rolled my eyes as he walked away, reluctantly following after him to the small hut where Frypan served food. I grabbed a plate, standing next to Newt in line and waited, Frypan putting food on my plate moments later. I sat at a table with Newt and Minho, engaging in small conversation about random things. When I started eating, I couldn't believe how great Frypan was at cooking, he must've been a chef before all this. I laughed at my thoughts, as if he actually did something like that before this. We were probably all just stuck with the people that put us here.
The question is, why are we here.
And I know, if I want to find out, I have to get into the Maze again.
I will get into the Maze again.

AN: this is like, four months later than I meant to be updating this, but other stories took over and we had EOGs and stuff. So I have more time now that it is summer, and hopefully I will update more, if I can get over my writers block that is.

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