Chapter 12-Yoongi's House

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Yoongi POV

"Why do you care..." she ran

I chased after her. Though she was quite easy to chase cause she was slow due to her struggling

"Ohhh Yoongi Bear~" Jeni blocked my way and that gave y/n the opportunity of getting away from me


I sighed and looked at Jeni annoyed. He saw that i look annoyed and pouted. I was disgusted,does this girl really think shes pretty

After 1 year of being with her, I finally olened my eyes and saw the raw mask Jeni finally showed as she bullies y/n

At first,she was an angel

But then,she is also a demonic slut

"What? " i asked coldly she gasped and pretended to be offended

"Whats wrong Oppa? Why are you so mad at me"she asked pouting and acting cute. Which i do not find cute at all, and just knowing who she truly was only made me mote disgusted at her

Wheres the shame?


From the corner of my eye. I saw Taehyung shooting daggers at me. I sighed and pushed her away and continued my running and stopped at the exit lookin around

Dang it. I lost her

I sighed and just went to the school's patking lot,holding my backpack with one hand on my shoulder to my car. I. Drove away to the doark road with fain street lights as I turn on the car radio

After i drived for a while. My eyes landed to a familiar figure struggling to walk by the side walk. I squinted my eyes and drove at her direction at a decent length looking like im stalking her. And i knew it. It was Y/N

I watched her from afar. I sounded like a creepy stalker but thats not the point

She was struggling to walk and that made me feel vulnerable and soft in the inside as I watch her struggle

While walking she got slower and slower. She then kneeled looking down holding her head. I was worried so i speeded up and drove to her. I stopped my car to see her already fainted

I frowned and carried her gently. Bridal style. I got to my car and gently placed her on the back seat and before i went to the drivers seat and stared at her. She was beautiful and looked very fragile

How could i leave someone as innocent as her?

I guess i was blinded by Jeni. Why did i like Jeni?

I put a strand of hair behind her ear and put on a sad smile and went to the drivers seat and drove off to my house

=Time skip brought to you by Jungkooks abs=😵😵😵❤️❤️❤️

After a few minutes we finally made it at my house

Nothing big. Just a simple comfortable home

I parked my car in our garage and got out of the car. I ran to the back seat and opened the door seeing a sleeping y/n. Arent i suppose to be the sleepy one?

I chuckled at my thoughts. And gently carried her bridal style. I went to the door then had a sudden realization


My keys are in my pockets and im carrying sleeping y/n

I sighed as I gently and carefully on the gound on a sitting position by my house walls, she felt so vulnerable that from one more touch,she could break

I hurriedly searched my pockets for the keys


I hurriedly opened it and put the keys back in my pocket and gently carried her back in my arms

I got in and closed the doirs with my foot and took off my shoes with also my foot

I ran up the stairs to my room since she was getting heavier and heavier than before. I gently placed her on the floor again and opened the door


And as i opened the door. I accudently hit her head


Yet the sleeping Y/N hasnt awoken


Welp. I guess it will be a long way before she wakes up. I sighed and carried her again gently

I closed the door with my foot and gently placed her on the bed

"OH GEEZ FINALLY"I Sighed and groaned and lie down on the space next to her

I debated on wether should i chang her clothes or not since it looked uncomfortable

I sat up and looked at her for a second and made a decision whilst my cheeks turn red as I stare at her

"Too lazy to even try" i shrugged and went to get a towel to take a shower

=Time skip brought to you by your hoe, Jhoe=

Your POV


Was the first thing that went to my mind as i opened my eyes whilst I felt a pain in my head

I looked around to be met by an unfamiliar room and quickly sat up to look through my surroundings

Where the hell am i

I got on my feet and quickly hissed in pain and fell on the floor. I endured it and looked around

I walked by a study table full of pictures and notes. Ballpens and papers messed up

But there was one picture that caught my eye. I rummage through the mess covering it and my eyes widened as i see the picture

Its a picture of me and yoongi. Which means...

A door opened as Yoongi shows up,his eyes widened as he quickly ran to me and covered the table with his body as he noticed me looking at the contents there

"Whats the first thing you did as you woke up? " he asked and i raised a brow

"I open my eyes dont i? " i said and he sighed

But i didnt notice till now that theres only a towel hanging around his waist and one thing caught my eye

His abs

Imagine he has abs here 😂😁
Anyways this was kinda bad and im sorry. Lol
Anyways bai
Atleast i updates 😁😂


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