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"Hey, Alexi wake up!"

I did rise up. It was Canary tapping my shoulder; My two buddies Harakov and Sokolov were also asleep.

"We there yet?" I asked

"Yes. You arrived at the perfect time, Alexi."

As my eyes adjusted to the night. I saw Alexander the great. I was ashamed of my display. I quickly woke them up. We jumped out of the carriage and saluted him.

We near the border to the Green zone not far from the Colony.

"Carry on boys," Alexander said and showed us the way to the formation. Since we were the last we were behind the rows of men.

"Listen up people!" Killer Queen shouted "Everyone Attention!"

As she said attention we all stood up straight, our feet were apart and the ranks fell quiet.

"The Renegades are transporting supplies we are here to raze it all to the ground crippling their ability to fight!" Alexander explained, "This will allow us to seize vital land allowing us to sow the seeds for the future of this nation!"

"Attention! Everyone Cheer!" Killer Queen roared



We all shouted in unison.

"We will attempt to wade through the river and attempt a surprise attack from the rear. We will pick the shortest distance to our ambush spot in case anyone tries to tail us we will make a mad dash across the enemy lines!"

"Almost all of you will be mounted on horse-back and we will only bring one sardine can (Technical) with us. We strike when the moon is covered by the clouds." Alexander thought "The remaining men will cover our retreat with Machine guns."

Harakov raised his hand and said "Sir! Permission to speak sir!"

"Speak!" Killer Queen said

"Sir! Will there be reinforcements to aid us in battle?"

"Unfortunately we cannot afford to do so," Alexander said He is being transparent to all of us I kinda see why his men trust him so much.

"Yeah! Because they are yellows (cowards)!" Sokolov taunted

The men in the ranks broke formality and started laughing. A smile darted across Alexander's face.

"Also the one who will man the tin can will be...Alexi Orlov."


Was I going to man the gun mounted behind the pickup truck?

"Don't worry I will be your driver," Canary reassured me.

"Everyone get ready because we are leaving!" He said.

The carriage was abandoned but they took the extra horses. And the weapons that were made during the trade was given to the rookies.

We traveled through the river. We marched against the current. The wind and stream silenced the sound of our equipment.

Damn Alexander even used the environment to his advantage.

They used a makeshift raft to carry the Pickup truck it was pulled by men and horses same goes with our motorcycles.

Then finally we approached the enemy where they least expected it.

Suddenly Killer Queen signaled to us that there is an enemy soldier.

She wore a cape in battle and she pulled out her weapon. It was a black rifle it looked like a Kalashnikov but very different the magazine was crooked. Is it broken? The weapon also had a suppressor attached.

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