protect you

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I kinda wanted to do a Highschool!Timmy imagine so here it is.

        School had never been a great experience. I don't think a lot of people, if any actually enjoyed school. For me it was 7 hours of complete and utter hell. I had never been popular nor had a huge friend group. But I did have Timothée. We had been dating for about a year and he was my rock. The only thing that kept me mildly sane while roaming the halls.
"How was your weekend without me?" Timmy questioned and I laughed
"Boring per usual. What were you even doing?" I ask him
"I was going to auditions" he replied and I nodded. Timmy had always been a good actor. His talent was unbelievable at a highschool level. I envied that he knew what he wanted to do with life. I was completely lost.
"You should try acting sometime." He presses and I look at him in confusion.
"Timmy half the time I can barely audibly talk to people in school. Put me infront of professionals and I don't even know what would come out of my mouth." He laughs knowing I'm right.
"We're seniors though. Don't you have any idea what you want to do?" He asks and I shake my head no.
"You'll figure it out." He shrugs and I sigh. Walking up to my locker, I see the all the football players around it.
"What the hell?" I whisper to Timmy and he looks at me and shrugs.
"Excuse me" I say walking up to my locker and they move slightly. Just enough for me to get into my locker.
"You don't talk much, what's your deal?" One of them asks and I look up surprised.
"Shy, I guess" I say quietly grabbing my stuff and shutting my locker.
"That's kinda weird" He laughs and I look at Timmy.
"Okay that's enough, let's go Y/N" he grabs my things and carries them for me.
"That was weird" I acknowledge and he shrugs.
"They are jerks don't mind them." He reached down and grabs my hand. Walking to first hour with our hands intertwined, I can't help but wonder what had just happened at my locker.
           Arriving in AP Calc, me and Timmy sit next to each other and I groan at the idea of having to be in this class for an hour.
"I hate math." I complain and he laughs
"You're good at it though." He says and I scoff.
"I'm decent, the only reason I'm in AP is to try to get some college credit." Timmy rolls his eyes and the bell rings signaling the beginning of class. After and our long lecture and falling asleep many times, the hour is finally over. The bell rings and we walk out of class. I had to go a different way so I said bye to Timmy and headed down my hall.
"Hey weird girl" I hear and ignore it, not really thinking it's meant for me.
"Don't ignore me!" I feel someone tug on my shoulder and I turn. My gaze meeting with the same boy from earlier. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
"Cat got your tongue?" The guy laughs and I turn to walk away.
"Hey don't turn away from me!" Grabbing my arm he turns me causing me to stumble back.
"What the hell dude!" I hear from behind the guy. Turning around the guy meets eyes with Timmy.
"What's your deal man? Leave me be!" He says and Timmy is fuming.
"How about you keep your hands of Y/N, and fuck off." Timmy says getting in his face.
"Ah Y/N. That's the mutes name." The guys laughs and I can tell Timmy is pissed. Quickly getting up I walk to his side
"If not worth it, come on" I say grabbing his arm and he complies giving up and turning.
"You're just gonna let your bitch tell you what to do?" The guy says and Timmy turns his head
"My what?" He asks simply
"Your bitc-" the guy is cut off by Timmy's fist colliding with his face. I gasped and tried to pull him back.
"Stop! I'm serious" I raise my voice and he turns to me. I can tell he wanted to hit him more but he gives up knowing it won't end well.
"Wow tough man gonna protect his bitch!" The guy yells and know I turn around.
"Fuck off asshat" I kick his ankle and he hunches over grabbing it. I turn back around and grab Timmy's hand. Looking down at me proudly we walk away.
"You know we are gonna get suspended." I state and he shrugs.
"Anything to protect you."

y'all I hate this but I spent time writing it so I might as well post.
I'll probably redo it at some point.

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