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fluffy as hell ;))
I watched Bride Wars last night and it got me in the mood.
            The day of your wedding was supposed to be most magical day of your life. You feel like a princess and everything is perfect. Nobody seems to talk about how immensely nerve wracking it is. Standing in my dressing room, I nervously paced.
"Y/N everything is gonna be perfect" my maid of honor tried to calm me as my head seemed as if it was spinning.
"What if he decides he doesn't want to marry me?" I ask and she laughs.
"He won't, you guys love each other." she holds my shoulders and I take a big breath and try to calm my nerves.
"I bet he is just as stressed as you are" she comforts and I nod.
Timmy's POV
           I paced around as all of my grooms men were saying reassuring words.
"Guys, What is about to happen" I ask and they laugh
"Dude you are getting married." One of them says.
"Well no shit!" I sit down and put my elbows on my knees.
"I really want to see her" I tell them and they all say no.
"That's bad luck dude" one yells and I breathe deeply.
"Write her a letter on a napkin or something" one suggests and I nod getting up and grabbing a pen.

Your POV
         Once I was calm and in my dress I looked in the mirror. It was perfect. It had fit me in all the right places. I couldn't wait for Timmy to see it. My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. My maid of honor going up to the door and peeking making sure it wasn't Timmy. If anybody would break the main rule of a wedding, it would be him. I look as she opens the door and one of his grooms men walks in the room.
"Hey" I say walking up to him.
"Timothée is having a major freak out in there" He laughs and I giggle.
"I'm freaking out too, so I can imagine how he feels." I tell him and he nods in agreement.
"He wrote you this letter. He wanted to come see you but we all told him he can't." He explained and I eagerly reach for the note.
"Thank you so much" I smile and he turns to walk out.
"You look beautiful, Timothée is a lucky guy." He turns and smiles as he walks out.
Once he is out of the room, I rush to read the note like a giddy 12 year old girl. Laughing at the fact it's written on a napkin, I open it and begin reading.

            To my beloved Y/N.
I've never been so anxious in my life. And I can assume you are feeling the same. I would kill to see you right now, but I know how superstitious you are and I don't want to curse bad luck on our marriage. I just wanted to tell you that from the first day I met you, I knew that something amazing would come out of me and you. My love has grown for you everyday since then and I can't wait for you to officially be my wife. I want you to be mine forever. I can't wait till we finally build a family. I'm gonna end this letter now because if I don't I might start crying. I love you more than anything in the entire world. You are gonna be the most beautiful bride to ever exist.
                                 With all my love, Timmy

Tears blurred my eye sight as I tried to hold them back.
"I love him so much" I whisper and my maid of honor comes up besides me.
"It almost time" she says and I nod. All of the rest of my bridesmaids come in the room.
"Y/N, you look so gorgeous"
"What a bridal beauty"
"You are gonna look amazing"
"You are so pretty"
Compliments filled my senses as all of my best friends surrounded me. Getting into one big group hug, we all giggled and my nerves were gone. I was ready.
"Y/N, it's time" I nodded smiling. Getting into our line, I stood next to my (person of choice).
(A/N- I know some people don't/ aren't able to walk with their fathers. I don't want anyone to be left out)
"You look so beautiful" he/she whispered me to and I hugged them.
The wedding music started playing and I watched as my friends walked down the aisle. My nerves has started up again as it neared my turn. Watching my maid of honor go I started getting ready eyed. It was my turn. I watched as all the people stood as I came into view. Looking forward everyone was smiling, but all I could see was Timmy. He looked so handsome. He was smiling at me as he wiped tears from his eyes. I smiled at him. Time stood still in that moment. Everything was perfect. As we approached the end of the aisle, I watched as (person of choice) handed me off to Timmy. Taking my hand, I was brought up next to him.
"You look so beautiful" he whispered
"You look incredibly handsome." I responded and he smiled at me as the ceremony began.
*skip to the vows*
"We will now say the vows, Y/N you are first"
I take a deep breath as my hands start to shake. Timmy holds them tighter and gives me a reassuring look.
"Timmy, you are the love of my life. Never have I ever met someone as kind and caring as you are. As the days go by our love grows and I can't help but imagine our future together. Know I don't know what the future will hold. I don't know what's gonna happen, maybe kids, a big house fit for a family. All I know is that no matter what I imagine for myself, you are always by my side. So maybe I don't know what the future holds. But what I do know is that everything is gonna be just fine as long as you are standing next to me" I stare into his eyes the entire time. I can see the tears forming as he sniffles. My own tears are streaming down my face. Letting go my of hand, he wipes them away. The people around us 'aww' and me and him giggle.
"Timothée, it is your turn" the minister says. He nods and takes a deep breath. My breath is caught in my throat as I watch Timmy.
"Wow Y/N, look at us. We have come so far. I remember the day we met so vividly. I know it's cliche but I truly had never seen a more beautiful person than you. To this day I still have yet to meet someone who's beauty outshines yours. I fell in love with everything about you. The way you snort when you laugh to much, the way you always laugh at your own jokes, sometimes so much that you can't even finish the joke. You are the most caring, loving, and loyal person. I don't know what made you choose me, but I'm glad you did. We are gonna do amazing things together. I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life next to you. I hope I never have to. I'm truly the luckiest man alive to be able to call you mine. And I have never been more sure of anything then I am of you and I." He finishes and I'm a sobbing mess.
"I love you" I mouth and he smiles mouthing an 'I love you too' back.
"Now for the rings." Our rings are brought up to us.
Timmy reaches out and grabs my hand
"With this ring, I thee wed Y/N L/N" I smile and grab his hand
"With this ring, I thee wed Timothée Chalamet" staring into eachother eyes we both are gleaming. Taking a deep breath I hear the minister say
"I know pronounce you husband and wife"
Timmy quickly grabs my face and I put my hand on his. Our lips colliding as cheers ring. I pulled him in close and smiled into the kiss. Pulling back, I held him close as we both smiled. I turn to my family and smile as they all cheer. Timmy grabs my hand holding it tight. We walk back down the aisle as everyone claps. When we reach the doors we walk out finally alone. I pull in close and I can feel his heart beating fast.
"I love you so much" I say
"And I'm so incredibly in love with you" he tells me. "Maybe we can start on that whole future later. I kinda have been wanting some little Timmy's running around" he smirks and I laugh hitting his shoulder.
"Yeah, we better head back in for pictures" I say and he nods.
"I meant what I said in there. I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with you." He tells me
"I can't wait to spend it with you"

I had my first day of school back from break and honestly I'm dead.

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