i cant do this

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I'm writing a diff one we're timmy gets jealous of you but the concept is different.
so if you want that version it should be out in a couple days IG

It had been a long night of partying. I was completely worn out, but Timmy on the other hand wasn't. Out on the dance floor, I watched as a drunken Timmy jumped around. He wasn't a good dancer, that was safe to say. Walking out up to him from my seat, I could tell he was out of it.
"Hey Timmy, I think we should go. It's getting late" I says and he laughs
"Don't be a buzzkill, I'm having a good time" He slurred and I rolled my eyes.
"Seriously, I think we should go." I look at him and he just shakes his head.
"You can go home, I'm staying here" I groan as he faces away from me. Walking back to my previous spot at the bar, I ordered a water and got comfortable.
It had been almost an hour of waiting and I was pissed. All the while Timmy was out dancing with other girls. I was mad that he would rather be out dancing with other girls than being with me. Finally having enough of it, I walked up to him and pulled him away from the girl he was with.
"Timmy, we are going." I say pulling him away.
"Get your hands off me." He pulls away and I am fuming.
"Let's go home." I press sternly and he scoffs.
"Go home by yourself." I raise my eyebrows.
"Go fuck yourself." I turn around heading towards the exit. I feel the wind hit me as I walk out into the New York air. Calling for a cab as I try to calm myself down.
I had been home for a while and Timmy still hadn't come home. Looking at the clock it said 2am. I groan and head up to my room. Going to the dresser, I start emptying my stuff out. If he wanted to treat me like that then I wasn't staying. I grabbed all of my clothes and stuffed them in a overnight bag. Trying to retrieve everything that was mine, I heard the door open. I knew it was Timmy because I could hear him stumbling in.
"Y/N? You home." He yells and I don't respond. Continuing to pack, I can feel him coming up the stairs to our room.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asks with an angry tone.
"I can't do this Timothée" I state and he scoffs.
"Are you really still upset that I wanted to party?" He questions and I don't respond.
"You are being a bitch" he slurs and I rolled my eyes. I hated this side of him.
"I'm sleeping at a friends, I'll come and get my stuff tomorrow." I walk away not making eye contact.
"Are you serious right now" He yells after me.
"Yep" I reply back and he follows me.
"Sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the couch" He softens up.
"Fine" I stare blankly and he leaves it at that.
I pass Timmy on the couch as I walk up to my room. He didn't say anything but I could tell he wanted to.
"Goodnight" I tell him
"Goodnight love" he hums and I take a deep breath walking up the stairs.
            My eyes shot open as I heard a big crash downstairs. Looking at the clock it had only been a few hours. Running down stairs, I see Timmy on the floor.
"Oh my gosh Timmy" I yell and run up to him.
"I'm fine, I just fell" he says and I'm relieved.
"What the hell did you do" I ask as he shrugs.
"I wanted to come up and lay with you." He says quietly and I take a deep breath. Just when I'm about to respond he cuts me off.
"Sorry I was being such a dick. You don't deserve to get treated like that. I can see why you don't want to be with me" He doesn't look me in the eyes. He was ashamed of himself.
"Timmy let's just talk about this in the morning." I sigh getting up and helping him.
"Y/n" he says his eyes meeting mine
"Timothée" I respond.
"I love you" he coos and my heart melts.
"Can I lay with you, please" he begs and I nod.
Walking up to the room, I lay down in bed and Timmy lays next to me. Laying on my back, I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and nuzzle his face into my neck. I ease into his touch and fall back asleep.
           The bright morning sun creeps into my room. I take a deep breath opening my eyes. I look over to see that Timmy is no longer in the bed. Getting up, I walk down stairs and see him in the kitchen.
"what are you doing?" I ask and he turns towards me
"Oh you are up" he walks away from the stove and comes to hug me.
"Timmy" I begin and he shakes his head.
"I know that you want to talk about everything but let me say something" I nod for him to go on.
"You are amazing. I'm sorry that I was such a dick. I don't want us to separate. I'm so in love with you and it would break me. You didn't deserve all the shit that went down. And I just hope you know that whatever you want to do I am willing. I just want you to be happy." He finishes and I can feel the tears brimming my eyes.
"You were horrible to me. I hate when you get like that." I say and he nods sadly
"But I love you. And I'm willing to work this out." I tell him and he smiles.
"Thank you for letting me try to fix this." He whispers and I pull him in for a hug. Nuzzling my face into his neck, I feel him ease into my touch wrapping his arms tight around my waist.
"I want to make it up to you today, I made some breakfast. Maybe we can start there and see where it goes?" He asks and I nod.

It's literally snowing where I live and I'm mad
I hate Michigan so much, someone pls kill me

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